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Alexian Brothers

Avalon Hills

California Baptist University

Cambridge Eating Disorder Center

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Castlewood Treatment

Center For Discovery

Del Amo Behavioral Health System of Southern California

Eating Disorder Center of  Denver

Fairwinds Treatment Center

Insight Psychological

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McCallum Place

New Dawn Eating Disorder

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Opal:Food+Body Wisdom

Puente de Vida


Reconnect with Food at
Inner Door Center

Rogers Memorial

Seaside Palm Beach


February 3, 2015
Certification News You Can Use
February 3, 2015

Welcome to the February edition of "Certification News You Can Use", a monthly newsletter about certification published on the first Tuesday of each month. Each newsletter will highlight important updates regarding certification and recognize all new certified IAEDP members for each month. As the Certification Director, I appreciate the dedication and passion of all those who are pursuing advanced skills and recognition by applying for iaedp's Certification designations.



Updated Online Core Courses

Last week, you received information on the updated certification requirements for 2015, which includes an update on all of the Core Courses, Core Course Exams and final Certification Exam for applicants seeking the Traditional route for iaedp Certification. The Online Institute and Core Courses have been temporarily under construction; however, the website is now updated, the new Required Reading List is available, and the updated instructions are ready for you upon purchase. The only component still under construction are the Core Course Exams, which are due to be released by the end of this week. So if you are ready to get started, go to www.iaedp.com under Online Institute, click on Core Course #1 link and follow the instructions. Contact Pat Gabbard, at pat@iaedp.com, for any questions.  


If you are already in process towards certification and nearing completion of your core courses, don't worry! The changes will not affect you and a grace period will be offered, just like last year, to honor current standards. But if you are new to the process and ready to start, these changes are important and will be required for most applications submitted in 2015.



CERTIFICATION BREAKFAST, for all those attending the 2015 iaedp Symposium in Phoenix and interested in certification. Meet the Certification Committee for a Q&A session as you enjoy breakfast on Friday, March 20, at 8:00-8:55am. (See program received at registration for room location)


The "Everything You Need to Know about Certfication" Webinar, updated to reflect the latest changes, is scheduled for the following:


Members of the NEW iaedp SO CAL INLAND EMPIRE Chapter, rescheduled for February/March, date TBD.


Who will be next? Contact Tammy Beasley, Director of Certification, at tammy@iaedp.com to schedule your Chapter.



CORRECTION from January's newsletter: Elizabeth Gene Burnett, PsyD, CEDS is located in GEORGIA, not Nebraska!


CONGRATULATIONS to the following three IAEDP members approved for certification during the month of January:



Krinski, Cecile, PsyD, LMHC, CAP, SAP, ICADC, CHT




Pirkle, Suzanne, RD



Sykes, Jeannie, PhD, RD


For questions regarding the Certification process itself, please contact Tammy at tammy@iaedp.com. Look for the "Certification News You Can Use" Newsletter in your mailbox on the first Tuesday of every month.

Tammy Beasley, RDN, CEDRD, LD, CSSD
Director of Certification


Become a Fellow of iaedp (F.iaedp)

You deserve to be recognized and validated as an experienced clinician and iaedp is committed to helping our members! The Board of Directors and Awards Committee created the Fellow of iaedp (F.iaedp), a new category of elevated membership status available to highly committed and accomplished professionals.


For consideration for elevated membership status as a Fellow of iaedp, candidates' collective contributions over time will be evaluated. Guidelines identify but are not exclusive to iaedp members of seven continuous years or more who have been in practice for a minimum of 15 years, are preferably Certified Eating Disorder Specialists and have demonstrated accomplishment and participation in the field through activities such as teaching, presentations, training, research, writing and innovative community projects. Each honoree will receive a special certificate of recognition and Fellow Members may include "F. iaedp" with his or her credentials. Award nominations and Fellow of iaedp applications are encouraged from members through forms provided online.  More information here  



iaedp | iaedpmembers@earthlink.net | http://iaedp.com
P.O. Box 1295
Pekin, IL 61555