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Alexian Brothers

Avalon Hills

California Baptist University

Cambridge Eating Disorder Center

Casa Palmera

Castlewood Treatment

Center For Discovery

Del Amo Behavioral Health System of Southern California

Eating Disorder Center of  Denver

Fairwinds Treatment Center

Insight Psychological

Kartini Clinic

McCallum Place

New Dawn Eating Disorder

Recovery Center

Opal:Food+Body Wisdom

Puente de Vida


Reconnect with Food at
Inner Door Center

Rogers Memorial

Seaside Palm Beach


January 27, 2015
Certification News You Can Use:
Hot Off the Press!
January 27, 2015

Every January, the Certification Committee provides an overview of the latest iaedp Certification Updates designed to maintain the high standards of quality and education for both the Traditional and Equivalency options. The website has been updated to reflect these changes on both the Certification and Quick Links pages. NOTE: If you are currently in process and will complete your Certification application by March 31, 2015, the new updates do not apply to you during this grace period. However, these new updated forms and guidelines must be used by all other candidates.   As the Certification Director, I appreciate the dedication of the Certification Committee to ensure that the Certification process maintains up-to-date guidelines for the entire multi-disciplinary treatment team; therefore, these changes have been made with the utmost care and attention to detail, proposed to and approved by the iaedp Board of Directors.



  •  Supervision Requirement for Traditional Certification: 2500 supervised patient care hours, of which 500 can be accrued during your internship, and the remaining 2000 accrued post-licensure. No longer require the additional two years of post-licensure practice in addition to a set total of approved supervised patient care hours. However, 75% of your post-licensure patient care hours still must be supervised by an experienced clinician from the same discipline, who meets the Approved Supervisor requirements.
  • Transcripts are NO LONGER REQUIRED for the Certification or Approved Supervisor applications, as long as you have an active license to practice independently within your state requirements and provide a copy with your application.  
  • Marketing templates for you to use to announce your new Certification or Approved Supervisor status are now available on the website.
  • All forms for the Traditional, Equivalency, and Approved Supervisor applications have been updated with more concise and explanatory descriptions for each step, including the mailing process. Note: updated forms have Jan2015 date. Take time to review the forms on the website www.iaedp.com, under Certification or QuickLinks.



The NEWLY UPDATED on-line Core Courses, Reading List, and Certification Exam found on the Online Institute webpage are CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION through no later than February 6, 2015 in order to update the corresponding exams and the final Certification exam on our testing site, based on the new updated Core Course reading list.  NOTE: If you are already in process with a core course(s), the Committee will accept it towards your Traditional Certification process. However, if you are beginning the process or have more than two core courses remaining to complete, it is recommended that you take the updated version as soon as it is available.

Reminder: The pre-symposium core course workshops available March 18-19 at the iaedp Symposium in Phoenix will include education based on the updated reading list and is an excellent, time-efficient, cost-effective alternative for completing your core course requirements for Traditional certification.


For questions regarding the Certification process itself, contact Tammy at tammy@iaedp.com. For questions regarding membership, certificates, or the online core courses or exams, contact Pat at pat@iaedp.com. Look for the "Certification News You Can Use" Newsletter in your mailbox on the first Tuesday of every month for more information and a list of the newly approved Certified iaedp members!

Tammy Beasley, RDN, CEDRD, LD, CSSD
Director of Certification


Become a Fellow of iaedp (F.iaedp)

You deserve to be recognized and validated as an experienced clinician and iaedp is committed to helping our members! The Board of Directors and Awards Committee created the Fellow of iaedp (F.iaedp), a new category of elevated membership status available to highly committed and accomplished professionals.


For consideration for elevated membership status as a Fellow of iaedp, candidates' collective contributions over time will be evaluated. Guidelines identify but are not exclusive to iaedp members of seven continuous years or more who have been in practice for a minimum of 15 years, are preferably Certified Eating Disorder Specialists and have demonstrated accomplishment and participation in the field through activities such as teaching, presentations, training, research, writing and innovative community projects. Each honoree will receive a special certificate of recognition and Fellow Members may include "F. iaedp" with his or her credentials. Award nominations and Fellow of iaedp applications are encouraged from members through forms provided online.  More information here  



iaedp | iaedpmembers@earthlink.net | http://iaedp.com
P.O. Box 1295
Pekin, IL 61555