iaedp Update
Quick Links
Organizational Members

Alexian Brothers

Avalon Hills

California Baptist University

Cambridge Eating Disorder Center

Casa Palmera

Castlewood Treatment

Center For Discovery

Del Amo Behavioral Health System of Southern California

Eating Disorder Center of Denver

Fairwinds Treatment Center

Insight Psychological

Kartini Clinic

McCallum Place

New Dawn Eating Disorder
Recovery Center

Opal:Food+Body Wisdom


Reconnect with Food at
Inner Door Center

Rogers Memorial

Seaside Palm Beach


Veritas Collaborative
Early bird registration is still open!!  Take advantage of the savings now!

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Join us in Phoenix as we will celebrate iaedp's 30th Anniversary of serving
the needs of the eating disorders treatment professional community!

iaedp Symposium 2015 Transformers:
Clinicians as Agents of Change
Symposium 2015 Promotion
Symposium 2015 Promotion

More Reasons to Attend Symposium 2015

Anita Johnston
Anita Johnston"Why I attend iaedp Symposiums! "

Ovidio Bermudez MD
Ovidio Bermudez MD "Why Attend iaedp Symposiums"
Emmett R Bishop
Emmett R Bishop Jr MD
" Why iaedp"
Roy Erlichman This group is passionate about Eating Disorders
Roy Erlichman This group is passionate about Eating Disorders

Imagine Me Beyond What You See Deadline Approaching! 


There's still time to submit your artwork for the 2015 Imagine Me Beyond What You See Body Image Mannequin Art Competition!  Deadline is December 15th!   


For submission rules click here or contact blanche@iaedp.com.  Winner and finalists announced at Annual Symposium!   

iaedp Symposium 2015 Keynote Speakers


Eating Disorders: The Family as the Client
Keynote Address:  Friday, March 20, 9am

Claudia Black PhD
Claudia Black's seminal work with children impacted by substance abuse in the late 1970s created the foundation for the adult child movement. Today Claudia  is a renowned author and trainer internationally recognized for her pioneering and contemporary work with family systems and addictive disorders. She serves as a Senior Fellow and Addiction and Trauma Program Specialist at The Meadows Treatment Center in Arizona. She sits on the Advisory Board for the National Association of Children of Alcoholics, and the Advisory Council of the Moyer Foundation.


Dr. Black has been a keynote speaker on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada. Her workshops have been presented to an extraordinarily wide array of audiences including military academies, prison systems, medical schools, and extensive mental health and addiction programs. Claudia has extensive multi-cultural experiences working with agencies and audiences in Japan, Brazil, Australia, Scotland, Iceland, Germany, England and Canada. Many of her books and videos have been translated and published abroad.


Claudia is the author of It Will Never Happen To Me, Changing Course, My Dad Loves Me, My Dad Has A Disease, Repeat After Me, Relapse Toolkit, A Hole in the Sidewalk, Depression Strategies, Straight Talk, Family Strategies, Anger Strategies, Deceived: Facing Sexual Betrayal, Lies and Secrets, The Truth Begins With You, and her most recent book Intimate Treason. 


Positive Psychotherapy 

Keynote Address:  Saturday, March 21, 9 am, followed by an afternoon workshop from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm also on Sat, Mar 21. 


Dan Tomasulo, PhD

Dan holds a PhD in psychology, an MFA in writing, and is the first licensed psychologist and psycho-dramatist to graduate from the Master of Applied Positive Psychology program from the University of Pennsylvania in 2012. In addition to teaching at NJCU he is an assistant instructor for Martin Seligman, The Father of Positive Psychology, at UPenn for the MAPP program.


He writes for Psychology Today as an expert on group therapy (The Healing Crowd) and authors the daily column, Ask the Therapist, for PsychCentral.com as well as their Proof Positive blog on practical applications of positive psychology. Recently honored by Sharecare* as

one of the top ten online influencers on the topic of depression he joined the staff of ANSWERS.com as their expert on depression.


He is also the creator of Interactive-Behavioral Therapy and the Dare to be Happy experiential workshops and is an Associate Professor of Psychology at New Jersey City University where he created the first Positive Psychology course to become a permanent full-term offering in the state. He is co-author of Healing Trauma: The Power of Group Treatment for People with Intellectual Disabilities, the American Psychological Association's first book on the subject, and the first psychologist to win the statewide Healthcare Provider of the Year award from the ARC of New Jersey.


Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist's Memoir is his latest book by Graywolf, and his plays Sticks, Stones and the R word, and Negatively Oriented Therapy won the 2010 and 2012 International play competition for RETHINK Theater Challenge, both premiered in Auckland, New Zealand.



Elusive Answers:  Difficult Cases that Pose Clinical and Ethical Challenges...answering the question of "what to do when?" Keynote Panel Address:  Sunday, March 22, 9 am


Don't miss this panel discussion based on actual case studies that promises to be interesting and informative from the multidisciplinary viewpoints of experienced professionals who work in therapeutic settings with difficult patients. 



Bryan Gusdal, MA Director (Panel Moderator)

Jennifer Gaudiani MD, CEDS

Edward Tyson MD, CEDS

Amy Boyers PhD, CEDS

Karen Beerbower MS, RD, LD, CEDRD




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December 4, 2014
iaedp is proud to announce the 2015 Symposium presentation line up! 

The schedule will be released soon, but we could not wait to share the presentation information with you! 

As in past years, we will be offering two pre-conference sessions the Wednesday (March 18) prior to the official kick-off of the symposium as well as the pre-certification courses required for

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Workshop presentations will include:

Business Mind - Clinical Heart: Bridge Therapeutic Training with Financial Wisdom
Are you uncomfortable asking clients for money? Do you find yourself involved in clients' financial dilemmas thus apologizing for treatment rates? In this informative, interactive workshop, you will gain knowledge of how company's profitability is tied to your income, along with the importance of your contribution to company's bottom line.

Utilizing Embodied Themes to Uncover the Therapeutic Issues Underlying Eating Disorders
Embodying therapeutic themes by processing from the experience of the material that emerges can provide clinical depth that words alone cannot reach. Participants will explore how to incorporate embodied "soundbites" into their own therapeutic work. Teaching methods will be didactic and experiential, and conducted in both large and small groups.

We Have to Talk: Difficult Conversations that Further Recovery
Difficult conversations are a necessary part of treatment. This presentation explores difficult topics that arise in the treatment of eating disorders. Through sharing stories of successes and fumbles experienced by ourselves and our colleagues, we seek to help providers tackle these awkward moments with confidence, humility and therapeutic efficacy.

How to Run a Successful Eating Disorder Private Practice
Think beyond the traditional solo private practice and dream big to create a unique group practice to foster long term success, for your business so you can continue to help clients with recovery. Learn how to develop a program to allow for client success in the outpatient setting.

Bringing Men to the Table: Reaching & Training Male Loved Ones to Support Treatment & Recovery
Evidence indicates that competent involvement of clients' male loved ones (MLOs) improves outcomes and increases treatment efficiency. However, MLOs remain under-utilized or untapped natural resources for professionals. Professionals and programs will get evidence-based strategies to reduce barriers to healthy MLO involvement in treatment--including barriers unintentionally erected by professionals themselves.

Reframing Recovery: A New Model for the Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder
The Reframing Recovery Model trains clinicians in a new & effective mode of treatment for Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Our model utilizes a multi-disciplinary team approach, merging behavioral interventions with psychodynamic techniques. Clinicians will have a roadmap for treating BED from the earliest step, Recognition, through the final Recovery phase.

Effective Aftercare for Bariatric Patients: The Importance of Nutritional and Psychological Counseling following Weight Loss Surgery
Bariatric surgery requires comprehensive aftercare to optimize outcomes. Therapists and dietitians need to implement best practices with weight loss surgery patients in order to prevent relapse with eating disorder behaviors and other complications. Non-compliance, self-sabotage, body image, nutritional deficiencies, weight re-gain, addiction transfer, and post-operative eating disorders will be addressed.

Minding the Mind. Training the Brain: How Therapists and Dietitians Can Bring Neuroscience and Mindfulness Research in the Practice Setting.
There is much to gain from research on brain and mind interface. This presentation explores neuroscience research, the gut-brain axis, and how research supports the use of mindfulness/body awareness. Clear meaningful techniques will be provided to guide the therapist and dietitian in teaching clients to utilize these discoveries towards recovery.

Body Positive Psychotherapy
I will share how I use creative art and the five competencies of the Be Body Positive Model as a powerful resource to help clients shift their focus away from efforts to modify their bodies and towards joyful, sustainable self-care.

The Bold & The Beneficent: Integrity of Care for Young People with Eating Disorders and Its Intersection with Obesity
Weight bias and weight stigma are catalysts for serious and persistent negative consequences such as poor self-esteem,increased anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Significant data has shown that demoralization about size leads to poor nutrition and fitness choices. You can prevent weight bias and stigma in our schools, communities, and families.

The Therapeutic Lynchpin: Managing The Relational And Emotional World Of The Eating Disordered, Self-Injurying, Traumatized Client
The emotional world of the eating disordered, traumatized client poses particular challenges to professionals. This challenge is experienced directly through the therapeutic relationship. This workshop presents a model of treatment that provides a guide for organizing the therapeutic relationship which assists the client to manage difficult emotional experiences.

Utilizing Exposure Therapy for Anorexia in an Outpatient Setting: How Treatment for OCD informs and Integrates with ED Treatment
3 hour presentation will inform how to utilize Exposure Therapy in the treatment Anorexia in an outpatient setting. The presentation will describe theory, research, and case presentations to illustrate the implementation of relevant concepts in practice and compare and contrast their use in OCD.

Two Bodies in the Room: Using authentic connection and self-awareness for effective treatment of Binge Eating Disorder
Therapists are using their own bodies as a treatment tool whether they are aware or not. Seasoned clinicians will explore use of their bodies while striving to remain authentic in the therapeutic relationship, cope with client discourse regarding therapist weight and size, sustain self-care, and address personal body image satisfaction.

Practitioner's Guide to Understanding Weight Loss Drugs
Binge eaters differ from overeaters because they do not have control over their behavior. It is not simply overindulging, or an addiction problem, but binge eaters are compelled to overeat. This presentation will explore many of the "weight loss" medications that are on the market, most of which are ineffective.

Evidence-based Nutrition Practice for Eating Disorders: Promoting the Capacity to Recover
Improvement in nutritional status is cornerstone in the treatment of any eating disorder. This presentation will review the rationale for inclusion of nutrition therapy in the treatment process, provide insight into evidence-based nutrition care and suggest direction for needed future research to further define and improve nutrition intervention for ED.

Creative Experiential Techniques To Tell The Story Of Trauma
Emotions are the barometer of credibility and authenticity. Some have locked a whole set of emotions into a closet, to be forgotten by themselves, which often form a mob of feelings demanding attention. Psychodrama is a useful tool in the healing of emotions and finding new possibilities beyond the trauma.

A Fine Line: The Intersection of mental health and medical treatment of eating disorders
Perhaps no illness is more indicative of the need for dual medical and mental health treatment than eating disorders. The potential for true physiologic problems with emotional overlay makes diagnosis and treatment particularly challenging. Physical symptoms may be true manifestations of physical illness, psychosomatic symptoms or other associated mental illness.

The Web of Experiential Avoidance
Role of experiential avoidance(EA) as the number one maintaining factor for eating disorders. EA is the reluctance or unwillingness to remain in contact with mental events, such as thoughts and feelings,and taking measures to alter the form or frequency of those events or the contexts that give rise to them.

Binge Eating Disorder: Practical Strategies for Patient Assessment and Treatment
This presentation will address the diagnostic criteria of Binge Eating Disorder, medical considerations, factors contributing to its development, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Several case studies will be presented. Night Eating Syndrome will also be discussed.

Eating Disorders in Middle-Aged Women
This presentation will discuss the phenomenon of eating disorders among women who are 25 and older. It will review the prevalence rates, clinical presentation, co-morbidities and contributing factors in the development of the eating disorder. Challenges regarding seeking help and treatment options will also be discussed.

Metaphors, Creative Hopelessness, and the Hexaflex: Using ACT to Address the Illusion of Control in Eating Disorders
Those with eating disorders speak about the constant need for and desires to control their external world and internal experiences. Statements such as "My eating disorders helps me control everything" are not uncommon. This presentation will introduce how and why ACT can address the illusion of control in eating disorders.

From A Pea To A Pumpkin: A Prenatal Psychotherapy Group For Women With Eating Disorders
Pregnancy is a unique experience for each woman. This presentation will address the conscious and unconscious expectations of pregnancy and motherhood paying specific attention to women who struggle or have dealt with an eating disorder. The significance and curative effects of talking about one's pregnancy experience will be the focus.

Incorporating Body-Based Strategies to Shift Away from ED Behaviors: New Applications of Mindfulness from the Bottom-Up
Eating disorder behaviors serve physiologic, psychological, and emotional purpose, affecting cognitive processes and emotional regulation, causing metabolic and physical injury. This workshop builds on mindfulness meditations and exploration of embodied cognitions to introduce body based substitute strategies, engaging the client from the "bottom-up".

Hope Brokers: Clinicians as Agents of Change in Eating Disorder Recovery
Hope has been identified as an influential variable in recovery for many mental health disorders, including eating disorders. Clinicians can convey hope through the therapeutic relationship and build hope through therapeutic interventions. This workshop will provide participants with evidence-based and practical techniques for instilling hope in treatment of eating disorders.

Novel adaptations of FBT: Involving families at all levels of care
This presentation will provide an overview of FBT across levels of care, including how to preserve the role of parents within a treatment team of professionals on an inpatient medical unit, residential treatment center, and a partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient setting. A number of innovative interventions will be discussed.

Trends, Truths and Travesties: The Real Scoop on Food Allergies and Intolerances
Inaccurate food allergy myths blur the understanding of the critical differences between food allergies and intolerances. We review evidence based approaches to diagnosing and managing food allergies/intolerances, and how to best approach an eating disorder patient who reports food aversions or previously diagnosed food allergies that need to be re-explored.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: 101
Eating disordered clients often articulate feelings in terms of bodily sensations including, "fat, bloated, and weighed down." Therapists who intervene using only cognitive and emotional methods miss actual physical sensations. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy invites the body into treatment. This workshop provides SP basics and experiential exercises for immediate use with clients. 
Early bird registration is still open!!  Take advantage of the savings now!

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Exhibit booths are going fast!!
Don't miss your chance to reach the iaedp Symposium crowd!

Click here for the exhibitor packet or contact Blanche Williams at blanche@iaedp.com

Sponsorship opportunities are also still available!  Contact Blanche for information today!!

Don't wait to reserve a hotel room!

Click here to make your hotel reservations - make them early to take advantage of the discounted rate!  Reservations must be made by February 24, 2015, but don't wait!  The hotel blocks fill up fast!

New at iaedp this year!! 
We are offering a Spanish tract of workshops!  These workshops will be presented throughout the symposium and include the following topics:

500 Casos De Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria Atendidos En Tratamiento Residencial:  Diagn�stico y Abordaje Terap�utico Multidisciplinario

Complicaciones m�dicas de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria: un repaso para profesionales no m�dicos

P�rdida de la Autoridad Parental en los Trastornos de Conducta Alimentaria

Cirug�a Bari�trica y su Relaci�n con los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria

El biling�ismo y la negociaci�n de m�ltiples identidades culturales en la psicoterapia para Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria

"Una persona en la peor situaci�n"...y hacia la soluci�n

La Telara�a de la Evitaci�n Experiencial: El Caso de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria

Lo Que Todo Profesional Debe Saber y Poder Discutir con Familias sobre los TCA en Ninos y Adolescentes

Become a Fellow of iaedp (F.iaedp)

You deserve to be recognized and validated as an experienced clinician and iaedp is committed to helping our members! The Board of Directors and Awards Committee created the Fellow of iaedp (F.iaedp), a new category of elevated membership status available to highly committed and accomplished professionals.


For consideration for elevated membership status as a Fellow of iaedp, candidates' collective contributions over time will be evaluated. Guidelines identify but are not exclusive to iaedp members of seven continuous years or more who have been in practice for a minimum of 15 years, are preferably Certified Eating Disorder Specialists and have demonstrated accomplishment and participation in the field through activities such as teaching, presentations, training, research, writing and innovative community projects. Each honoree will receive a special certificate of recognition and Fellow Members may include "F. iaedp" with his or her credentials. Award nominations and Fellow of iaedp applications are encouraged from members through forms provided online.  More information here    

iaedp | iaedpmembers@earthlink.net | http://iaedp.com
P.O. Box 1295
Pekin, IL 61555