ENTSOG1 1. EASEE-gas signs co-operation agreement with ENTSOG  
A co-operation agreement between EASEE-gas (European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas) and ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas) was signed on 11 June in Brussels, Belgium, by Rudy Van Beurden (Chairman of EASEE-gas) and Stephan Kamphues (President of ENTSOG). The agreement provides a clear and more efficient framework for both parties to work together on the development of the EDIG@S messages for data exchange.

2. New CBP on the harmonisation of the nomination and matching process for double-sided and single-sided nominations CBP2

Developed by EASEE-gas Business Process Working Group, this CBP concerns gas business transactions across connection points. It provides recommendations for the part of the process which relates specifically to (re-)nominations involving shippers on one hand, and system operators on the other hand. This CBP mirrors the minimum requirements in line with the European Network Codes, in the areas referred to in Article 8(6) of the Regulation (EC) 715/20091.

The EASEE-gas meetings in Vienna were attended by over 50 people, representing the different companies that are members of the association. The event started with a social gathering at the Mozarthaus at the heart of Vienna, on Wednesday 18 March. The GMoM took place the following day and it was followed by other internal meetings of the different Working Groups of the association, the Board and the Executive Committee. The GMoM included presentations by the chairs of the 4 Working Groups on the activities carried out last year by each Working Group. The Work Plan for 2015 was presented and approved as well as the 2014 annual accounts and the 2015 budget. New members to the Board and Executive Committee of the association were also elected by the membership in Vienna. Rudy Van Beurden (representing Fluxys) was endorsed for a second mandate as chair of the Board of Directors.
See event photos and press release here

Since a couple of months now, EASEE-gas has a company page on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social network. The EASEE-gas page will be used as another platform to raise visibility to the association and to communicate about EASEE-gas activities and achievements. 
EASEE-gas encourages you to follow this page on LinkedIn and to share the page with your personal and professional networks. The page is accessible to everyone, regardless of being a member of the association.
To follow the page, you can click here or click on the LinkedIn icon available at the top right hand side of EASEE-gas's homepage.

5. Marin Zwetkow appointed new chairman of the BPWGmarin5

After a couple months without chairman, the Business Process Working Group is now being led by Marin Zwetkow. Marin was officially appointed to this position during the ExCom meeting in Groningen on 21 May 2015. Marin Zwetkow is responsible for Business Communication within Gas Connect Austria GmbH. He has been a member of the Business Process Working Group since September 2014. Following his appointment, Marin stated: "I am very delighted having the opportunity to be a chairman of the Business Process Working Group and I am already looking forward to working together with the group members on the upcoming tasks."
The Board of EASEE-gas welcomes Marin Zwetkow to this position and wishes all the best for his mandate.

6. Implementation of Network Codes and the necessary EDIG@S-messages edigas7

In Q4 of this year several Network Codes are entering into force. The Message Workflow & Design Working Group of EASEE-gas has prepared the necessary changes in the EDIG@S-messages. The messages themselves and the Message Implementation Guidelines (MIG) can be found on the EDIG@S website http://www.edigas.org.

Raquel Ponte Costa 
142 Avenue Jules Bordet, 1140 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 761 16 33
Fax: +32 2 761 16 99
Email: easee-gas@kelleneurope.com