Helping each other live the Gospel at home & around the world

International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities (IO-MLC) 

Region of North America, Asia, Australia, and Ireland

Let us Pray
Friday Magnificat
Via Latina
Question of the month: 
Can mixed age communities thrive? 

The Family of Mary is made up of men and women, in various states of life, ages, nationalities, professions, and economic levels. Chaminade said that we should have "union without confusion." So, we have vowed religious, married and single people, geographic and even virtual communities. We vary from nation to nation and within nations. Sometimes this variety is life-giving but sometimes it is confusing.

As I observe many of the communities in the USA and our region, I notice that most seem to attract people of similar age.
  • 20-40 year olds, mostly single

  • Families with children at home

  • 50-70 year olds (If they are parents their children have mostly left home.)

On one level this is natural and makes sense since people feel more comfortable with those who have common interests. Bonding is easier. 
I remember when I was in my 20s and looking for community I thought the existing local community of 60 year olds felt irrelevant to me. 

Now that I am in my 60s, I would love to include the new ideas of young adults but my own Anawim Community has aged with me and we are in that 50-70 year old category. It's hard to attract those who are younger.

Is this inevitable? Will older MLCs eventually die out? Is there a way to invite younger people that works? Have any of you been part of a community that spans a broader age range? How has it worked? Is it something that we should seek or is it fine to go with the flow? Your ideas? Vogt, Susan w mug


Susan Vogt

Regional Rep. for N. America, Asia, Australia, Ireland


MLNNA logo
The Marianist Lay Network of North America (MLNNA) includes the USA, Canada, and Haiti. Mike Wasno is the chair of this Network. Since the USA is the largest contingent of MLNNA, and since we have highlighted Canada and Haiti in other Gifts & Tasks, this time we are featuring the USA.
Mike Wasno
The Marianist Lay Network of North America (MLNNA) leadership team has been meeting monthly by conference call and the transition to a new team and the new strategic plan is complete. The USA encompasses about 92 MLCs and includes about 1,500 Lay Marianists. When combined with the other North American countries of Canada and Haiti the organizational logistics are complicated, however, we are making progress and starting to work on projects that will make MLNNA relevant to its members.


One of the top priorities of MLNNA is to describe more fully what it means to be a Lay Marianist in North America and to assess how to better integrate the various formation programs that already exist. I have asked Matt Dunn, Head of Spirituality, to take the lead on this project. This is not a simple process and it will involve a lot of listening and dialogue with individuals who have already made a lay commitment. We will also be in discussions with the SM and FMI to get their insights.

All of the forms of Lay Marianist identity should be in harmony with the Lay Marianist identity worldwide. Thus we will also include the International Organization (IO:CLM/MLC) in this process - providing them with what we learn from our members and listening to their counsel as they gather information from similar projects in other countries. This will ensure that we are in alignment with what is happening around the world.

It's a big task with a lot of moving parts! Stay tuned.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy,




Pope Francis Visits the Philippines


Pope Francis made an apostolic visit of five days to the Philippines starting on January 15, 2015. Most of his time was to be spent in Manila and the Manila MLC hoped to see the Holy Father in person. While MLC Davao is far away from Manila, all of us were glad to see Pope Francis on the television. We were overwhelmed by the visit of the Holy Father.

The main purpose of Pope Francis trip was to be with the victims of the Super Typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban (Eastern Visayas region of the Philippines). On January 17, despite the level #2 storm, Pope Francis still went to Tacloban and presided at Holy Mass with the victims of Typhoon Yolanda. He told Yolanda survivors that he had to be with them, which brought tears to the crowd. His stay in Tacloban was eventually cut short because of the approaching storm.


We felt the love of Christ Jesus through Pope Francis. Thank you Pope Francis for the love and care for the Filipino people most especially the poor, the Filipino youth, and the survivors of Yolanda typhoon.                                                                                                                                                             Gratefully,
                                                              Johneleen L. Garonita        

Haiti Celebrates Founders Dayl

Saul Damestoir

National Responsible, Saul Damestoir, has been traveling around Haiti to visit the various CLMs and listen to their needs. One of the meetings was with Agnes Dumas and Louis Jocelyn from the Port-au-Prince area in which they discussed their desire to unite the CLMs and spread the movement.


As a result of his travels, the CLMs of Haiti held a Founder's Day Celebration and meeting on Sunday, January 18. More on Haiti in an upcoming Gifts & Tasks including photos of Founders Day.



prayinghands 2
  • For all those suffering illnesses, especially Felix Arqueros, President of IO:CLM/MLC who will be undergoing surgery for detached retinas in both eyes.
  • For new birth - new MLCs are being born; new life is spreading in our national organizations; new babies were just born to the 3 daughters of Marcel Dion and Josee Roberge, national responsible for French speaking Canada.
  • For religious and racial tolerance. We don't have to feel attracted to or agree with everyone in the world, but we can still treat them with respect.



Marianist Action for Development Foundation

For over 10 years the Marianist Family of Spain (men and women religious and lay) had undertaken projects of education and service. Each one of these initiatives had its own origin and trajectory.

With time, however, it became evident that these efforts could be more effective if coordinated...

To this end, the Marianist Action for Development Foundation was set up, as the NGO of the Marianist Family of Spain. Read more:



PS: The February 6 issue of Friday Magnificat will begin a new feature. We will be starting a Facebook page on which you will be invited  to share your comments. Watch for it.



The following articles are in the January, #239 issue of Via Latina 22, the newsletter for the General Administration of the Society of Mary.

-First professions in Colombia-Ecuador

-Reappointment of the Provincial Superior of USA

-Perpetual Vows in Eastern Africa

-Sharing our Experience of the Vows

-Sharing the witness of my vocation

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Past issues of Gifts and Tasks are archived online at  GIFTS AND TASKS ARCHIVE 


Gifts and Tasks is published on the 4th Friday of each month. We need local and national news, stories, reflections, and photos. Please send submissions and ideas for next month's issue to by the previous Sunday.


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