Helping each other live the Gospel at home & around the world

International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities (IO-MLC) 

Region of North America, Asia, Australia, and Ireland  
JUNE 2013


FMI in India
Let Us Pray
July Feast
Friday Magnificat
Via Latina

Dear (Contact First Name),     

Vogt, Susan w mug

Complaining! It's something I do too often. Maybe you do too.

Often my complaints are about not having enough time or being frustrated that I can't get funding for a worthy project. I can complain about politics both secular and ecclesial. Actually some of these complaints can be pretty humorous, like N. Carolina charging an extra tax on hybrid and electric cars because they don't use enough gas to bring in their fair share of gas taxes. 


In Marianist circles I might complain to myself about not getting information for this newsletter in time, or the fact that I may have to miss three Anawim Community meetings in a row because of being out of town, or not having enough money to support our national or international Marianist efforts.


If I have nothing else to complain about, I can always worry about the weather or my health. Some of these are important and worthy complaints. Some are relatively trivial. I started thinking about what I complain about or worry about after watching the video below. It was both sobering and hopeful. You don't even need to know English to get the message from Nick Vujicic.


What are YOU complaining or worrying about today?  


Susan Vogt  
Representative for N. America, Asia, Australia, Ireland



FMI newsletter 2013-5 welcomeOUR SISTERS IN INDIA

The Marianist Sisters (FMI) are active in 14 countries around the world. India is one country that is growing in numbers and apostolic works. India is also often at the crossroads of FMI comings and goings. Read about the wonderful works they are doing and their beautiful welcoming and departing rituals. We're all part of the same "family."

  • For a nonviolent and just resolution of the ongoing and complicated political situation in Syria.
  • For a path to citizenship for immigrants in the United States.
  • That governments may vigorously support ways to stop the increasing danger of fossil fuel's impact on our environment.
  • For honest politicians who will work to foster the common good more than the interests of the rich and powerful. 




JULY FEAST: JULY 14 - Kateri Tekakwitha

Kateri TekawithA

St. Kateri, an Native American Indian, said: "I am not my own; I have given myself to Jesus. He must be my only love. The state of helpless poverty that may befall me if I do not marry does not frighten me. All I need is a little food and a few pieces of clothing. With the work of my hands I shall always earn what is necessary and what is left over I'll give to my relatives and to the poor. If I should become sick and unable to work, then I shall be like the Lord on the cross. He will have mercy on me and help me, I am sure." Read more.




"One Thousand Lights for Rebecca" is a non-competitive race held in memory of the little girl from Baveno, Italy who died last October. In her name the "Rebecca Project" has been established to raise funds for building an educational center in India, with the help of A Marianist Light in Italy and India (U.L.M.I.) and the Marianist Sisters in India. 451 people recently participated in the 10 km race. All who attended carried the wonderful spirit of Rebecca in their hearts.  

Read more in  ENGLISH  FRAN�AIS   ESPA�OL 

Via Latina VIA LATINA - Online

- Professions in India, USA and Ivory Coast 

Appointments of Superiors in Austria, Meribah and
         Eastern Africa
- 75 Years of SM presence in Quebec
- SM Education Statistics for 2013
- Funerals for Richard Joyal, SM

 ENGLISH       FRAN�AIS      ESPA�OL      日本語


Past issues of Gifts and Tasks are archived online at  GIFTS AND TASKS ARCHIVE 


Gifts and Tasks is published on the 4th Friday of each month. We need local and national news, stories, reflections, and photos. Please send submissions and ideas for next month's issue to by the previous Sunday.


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