Weekly Report 
May 31, 2016
Membership Drive
BIA Membership Drive Ends TODAY! Refer Just 1!
We're in the home stretch for spring membership drive. Refer Just 1 new member to the BIA|Bay Area and be entered into a drawing for an iWatch. A reception for recruiters, new members and BIA board members will be held on Wednesday, June 1. All details can be found on our website by clicking HERE.
Governmental Affairs
Air District Releases Final Land-Use Planning Guidance Document
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District released the final version of its guidance document titled Planning Healthy Places.  The District describes the document as a guidebook for addressing local sources of air pollutants in community planning (i.e., issues related to siting residential development near "sources" of existing air pollutants such as major roadways), with the purpose "to encourage local governments to address and minimize potential air quality issues in the land use planning process, and to provide technical tools to assist them in doing so." Full Story
Court Halts Level III Fee Trigger
CBIA successfully obtained a court order late Thursday that bars the California State Allocation Board and all others acting in concert with the SAB from implementing Level 3 school impact fees or sending notice to the Legislature that state funds for new school construction are not available. This order temporarily halts the ability of school districts statewide to go to Level 3. The Sacramento Superior Court set a hearing date for July 1, 2016, when it will decide whether or not to extend the injunction until CBIA's litigation on the issue has been resolved. Full Story
East Bay RPC To Meet In Brentwood
Join the BIA|Bay Area East Bay Regional Policy Committee in Brentwood on June 15, 2016, where top city leaders will discuss the city's two-year strategic planning process and growth model initiative. The meeting will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. at Brentwood City Hall, 150 City Park Way in Brentwood. Please RSVP to BIA East Bay Governmental Affairs Lisa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.orgor 925-348-1956.

City of Santa Clara Parks Fees
Parks fees return to the Santa Clara City Council on June 7th with a report from the parks fee ad hoc task force committee appointed to study the City's newly adopted Quimby/MFA fee ordinance. Task force members included BIA, CAA, council members, staff, and community activists. met over a 6 month period to re format the instructions under which the land value appraisal will conducted. If adopted as anticipated, the appraiser would then conduct a new appraisal of land values across the city with the 2016 fees linked to the results of that appraisal. To read the Draft Instructions click here.
#RevelSF - June 22 @ AT&T Park
New sponsorship available - eTicket ad space. Limited opportunity. Secure it today!  Visit the event page HERE for all the details. Interested in hosting a private party within the party? Send an inquiry to events@biabayarea.org
PCBC Offer Free Exhibits Pass to BIA|Bay Area Members
PCBC returns to San Francisco next month, and the BIA is excited to welcome the show back to our area-and we hope to see you there! As a special incentive (and because we really want to see you there), the BIA|Bay Area is offering our members a Free Exhibits Pass. Register by June 15th at www.pcbc.com/register with Promo Code BIABAY, and your Exhibit Pass is free. Sign up today!
PASS Recovery Brunch @ PCBC - June 23 @ SF Marriott Marquis
Early bird ticket sales end tomorrow, May 24 (extended one more day). Don't miss out on the savings! Price will increase to $60 per member ticket. This event is open to non-members. More sponsorships to be added this week. Visit the event page HERE for all the details.
Congratulations to Q1 Sales Award Winners
The Sales & Marketing Council honors agents each quarter for their outstanding sales by month and quarter. Honorees for Q1 2016 were recognized at the SMC Networking Reception on May 18th. Congratulations to:
Jim Pieper, DeNova Homes
Kathleen Stercks, The Ryness Company
Kelli Consolino, The Ryness Company
Linda Russell, Pulte Group
Interested in joining the SMC and submitting your sales numbers to be honored receive more information HERE
HomeAid Northern California
Trap Shoot is this Thursday!
HomeAid's 15th Annual Trap Shoot is this Thursday at the Livermore Pleasanton Rod & Gun Club at 4000 Dagnino, Livermore.  Registration starts at 7:00 am.  Thank you to our Gold Sponsors Brookfield Residential and Pulte Group!  Any questions, please contact Kirsten Fischer at (925) 906-9144 or kfischer@homeaidnc.org.  Thanks for your support of HomeAid's fundraiser to help end homelessness in the Bay Area! Click HERE for the program.

In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
Other Industry Links
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