Weekly Report 
May 9, 2016
Governmental Affairs
Fremont Unified School District Level II Fee
The Fremont Unified School District Board of Directors will be considering a fee increase of $2.49 per square foot at its meeting on May 11th. The District has contracted with the Dolinka Group to produce a new School Facilities Needs Analysis (SFNA) that purports to justify the increase to Level II. The address of the meeting Fremont Unified School District Board Room, 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538. Full Story
Pleasanton Considers 'Gatekeeper' Policy
Pleasanton city staff will hold a stakeholders' meeting on May 11, 2016, to discuss a proposed specific "gatekeeper" policy that would establish an advanced review of all residential or mixed-use projects that require legislative change requests.  After BIA|Bay Area and others registered serious concerns in late April about the ramifications, Pleasanton Community Development Director Gerry Beaudin modified the staff recommendation and will now seek direction to develop a policy with input from stakeholders.  Full Story
Dublin Unified To Seek Fee Hike
An updated school facilities analysis commissioned by the Dublin Unified School District recommends the district increase its Level II fee by $3.77 per sq. ft. to $10.66, or 55 percent. The school board is set to review the fee analysis during an informational presentation at its meeting on May 10, 2016. The fee is scheduled for adoption at a public hearing on June 14, 2016.  Full Story
PASS Cinco de Mayo Mixer
Thank you to everyone who made it out to mix and mingle this past Cinco de Mayo.
#RevelSF - June 22
Don't forget to include your ticket to #RevelSF when you register for PCBC! You can also purchase directly on our website HERE. Sponsorships are now open to non-members, therefore if you're considering one, be sure to secure it ASAP before it's gone!
PASS Recovery Brunch - June 23
Ticket sales are up NOW, secure yours before the price goes up on May 24th. Open to non-members.
Find full details and sponsorship opportunities on the event page HERE. Secure a sponsorship by completing form HERE.
Annual Golf Tournament & Wine Tour - July 18
Registration is now open, secure your space today on the event page HERE. Many sponorships are available, but will go fast! Download the sponsorship listing and form HERE.
HomeAid Northern California
ONLY 4 weeks left to sign up for the Trap Shoot!!
We have room for only 15 more teams, so hurry and sign up before sell out!!  Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors Brookfield Residential and Pulte Homes and our Gold Sponsors Braddock & Logan, CalAtlantic, California Bank & Trust, Cambria, CenCal Plastering, DeNova Homes, HD Supply, KB Home, Kleary, Shea Homes, SummerHill, TriPointe Homes and XL Construction.  Contact Kirsten today to register kfischer@homeaidnc.org

Successful Essentials Drive!
The HomeAid Northern California Essentials for Young Lives Drive was a huge success this year with donations of over 37,000 diapers, $5,000 worth of baby formula and at least $2,000 worth of other toys, strollers and baby wipes. The service provider recipients were Mission Solano, Teen Challenge and Bay Area Crisis Nursery.  Lennar Homes partnered with us this year and hosted the event at one of their communities and provided a taco truck and a DJ.  Thank you to everyone who donated and sponsored to provide essentials for the babies in the shelters.  Full Story


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Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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