Weekly Report 
April 4, 2016
Governmental Affairs
Draft Agricultural Policy Released
The Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission has released its draft agricultural and open space preservation policy. If adopted, the policy will apply to all boundary change applications including annexations.  Full Story
Election 2016 On East Bay RPC Agenda
On behalf of BIA|Bay Area East Bay Regional Policy Committee Chairman Kevin Fryer, please join your colleagues on April 20, 2016, where the RPC will consider adopting recommendations to BIA's Build Jobs Political Action Committee for financial support of local candidates in the 2016 election cycle.  Full Story
Berkeley Takes Up Affordable Housing Issues
In a move akin to throwing everything but the kitchen sink at a problem, the Berkeley City Council has more than a dozen items on its Tuesday night agenda billed as solutions to the affordable housing crisis. The list includes hiking the city's affordable housing in-lieu fee from $28,000 per unit to $34,000 per unit and doubling the required percentage of inclusionary units from 10 percent to 20 percent.  Full Story
Welcome New Members for March
Thank you to the following companies for joining the BIA|Bay Area in March! Please take a few minutes to review the list and should anyone need any contact information, please reach out to membership@biabayarea.org.
HomeAid Northern California
Call for Sponsors for the 15th Annual Trap Shoot on June 2, 2016!! 
This event will sell out and sponsors are guaranteed teams.  Your support of the Trap Shoot enables HomeAid to house even more of the Bay Area's homeless individuals and families.  Thank you to our current sponsors:  Braddock & Logan, DeNova Homes, Shea Homes, SummerHill, Cambria, SDG Architects, Benchmark Communities, PG&E, Toll Brothers, Heritage Bank, KTGY BMC, Victory Fire, DH Smith/CenCal and Ponderosa Homes.  Sign up today before it is too late.  For more info, see the Trap Shoot flyer.  Or go to www.homeaidnc.org for more info.  Contact kfischer@homeaidnc.org for more details. 


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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