Weekly Report 
March 7, 2016
Welcome New Members for February
Thank you to the following companies for joining the BIA|Bay Area in February! Please take a few minutes to review the list and should anyone need any contact information, please reach out to membership@biabayarea.org.
Legacy Windows Qolsys, Inc.
Governmental Affairs
BIA Beats Back Regional Industrial Land Preservation Zoning--For Now
At its February 24 2016 meeting, MTC adopted a final San Fransisco Bay Area Goods Movement Plan.  According to MTC, the Plan represents "a long-range strategy for how to move goods effectively within, to, from and through the Bay Area by roads, rail, air and water.  It provides specific strategies--projects, programs, and policies--focused on goods movement that will ultimately inform Plan Bay Area."  Full Story
Air District Releases Draft Land-Use Planning Guidelines--April 1 Comment Deadline
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District released a draft guidance document titled Planning Healthy Places.  The District describes the document as a guidebook for addressing local sources of air pollutants in community planning (i.e., issues related to siting residential development near "sources" of existing air pollutants such as major roadways), with the purpose "to encourage local governments to address and minimize potential air quality issues in the land use planning process, and to provide technical tools to assist them in doing so." Full Story
Milpitas School Fees
At its regular meeting on March 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m., The Board of Directors of the Milpitas Unified School District will conduct a public hearing and consider proposed resolutions to levy Level I fees on new development. If adopted by the Board the actions will implement development fees established by the District against residential construction and reconstruction at $3.48 per square foot and against new commercial or industrial construction at $.56 per square foot. The meeting will be held at District offices, 1331 E. Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas, CA  95035. To view the Developer Fee Justification Study click here.
San Jose Riparian Corridor Policy/Ordinance Study
Since June of 2015 the City of San Jose has been conducting a study of current riparian corridor development policies and proposed ordinance and policy amendments. Full Story
LAFCO Releases Draft Ag Policy
The Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission is seeking comments on its draft agricultural and open space preservation policy, a document intended to guide the agency its sphere of influence, annexation and other boundary change decisions. Full Story
Antioch Revisits Sand Creek Plan
Citing the current general plan's incompatibility with market trends, the Antioch Planning Commission will host a public hearing on a proposed update to the 2,800-acre Sand Creek Focus Area. At a workshop set for March 16, 2016, the commission will take public comment on proposed changes to density, lot sizes and hillside protection contained within five scenarios that range from 2,600 to 3,900 residential units and offer varying amenities. Full Story
BIA At Spending Plan Table
BIA|Bay Area remains at the negotiating table with other key stakeholders and elected officials working to craft a Contra Costa County 25-year $2.3 billion half-cent sales tax measure that could appear on the November 2016 ballot. Full Story
Excellence Awards Finalists Announced Tomorrow, Tuesday March 8
Watch your inbox tomorrow for the announcement of the 2016 Excellence Award Finalists! Competition was fierce with over 300 entries. Good Luck to all participants! Click here for event information, sponsorships, room block and finalists list posted tomorrow.
SMC Spring Networking and 4th Quarter Sales Awards, March 16
The Sales and Marketing Council invite you to their spring networking reception, wine tasting and sales award presentation for the 4th Quarter, 2015. Tickets are only $15. Click here for more information.
PASS Trade Show & Wine Tasting
Thank you to everyone who came out this past Thursday to our PASS Trade Show & Wine Tasting Event!  We hope that you all made some great connections, as well as had some great food and wine. Check out some of the photos from the event on our Facebook page HERE.
What's New With CEQA: CHF Workshop March 15
Presented by the California Homebuilding Foundation (CHF), this AB 52 workshop will present the information that developers and builders need to know to ensure that projects are compliant.  Space is limited. For more information and registration download form HERE.
HomeAid Northern California
DreamCatcher Donations Needed!
After 6 years of persistent planning and with your support, DreamCatcher, Oakland has begun construction! Because of you, homeless youth will have a new place to call home with a completion slated for fall of 2016. We are in desperate need of donated materials to build this project and are asking for your help. For more info, read about DreamCatcher here or go to www.dreamcatcheryouthservices.org.

Call for Sponsors!
Call for Sponsors for the 15th Annual Trap Shoot on June 2, 2016!! This event will sell out and sponsors are guaranteed teams. Click here for the form. Also announcing HomeAid LIVE Concert with Lee Brice on September 18, 2016 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. Sponsor BOTH events today to receive a discount and guaranteed seating at the concert! For more info, click here for the Trap Shoot/Concert flyer. Or go to www.homeaidnc.org for more info. Contact kfischer@homeaidnc.org for more details.


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
Other Industry Links
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