Weekly Report 
February 29, 2016
Governmental Affairs
LAO Follow-Up Report:  More Supply--Not Regulatory Requirements Like Inclusionary Zoning--Is Key to Addressing Affordable Housing and Displacement
The Office of the California Legislative Analyst (LAO) released new research Perspectives on Helping Low-Income Californians Afford Housing confirming what Economics 101 and decades of empirical evidence have long shown:  the principal cause of the Bay Area's housing affordability and displacement problems is a significant long-term shortfall in new housing construction, and the only effective solution is for state and local governmental agencies to undertake widespread structural reform to allow the building industry to meet market demand.  Full Story
Plan Bay Area 2.0 Study Echoes LAO
As part of the settlement agreement ending BIA Bay Area's legal challenge to Plan Bay Area, MTC and ABAG committed to prepare a feasibility assessment focusing on the constraints to realizing the new housing envisioned in the region's Priority Development Areas (PDAs), and identifying recommended state, regional, and local policy reforms.  Full Story
Nationwide Housing Figures Also Echo LAO
One of the most common talking points found in the Bay Area's supply-denier movement playbook is that "we are already overbuilding market rate housing and therefore we should focus exclusively on providing new deed-restricted housing units."  And because so many in the Bay Area housing policy arena tend to look outside the region for comparative purposes only when there is a new or more stringent regulatory burden on housing being applied elsewhere, the Bay Area's so-called "boom" in new market-rate housing is rarely put in national context. Full Story
PASS Trade Show: Ticket Sales Close Tomorrow
Purchase today and save! Member tickets $75 in advance and $95 at the door. Non-members welcomed at $125.  There will be 24 exhibitor booths and 18 builder companies in attendance. Click here to purchase your tickets or email events@biabayarea.org. Thank you to our show sponsor, NorCal Lumber.
Excellence Awards Judging This Week
Excitement builds as the judges arrive tomorrow to begin their journey around the Bay and conduct over 80 personal interviews to determine the best of the best in marketing and professional achievement for 2015. The finalists list will be presented next Tuesday, March 8th via email and on our website. There were over 220 marketing entries and 90 professional achievement entries submitted including 7 entries for Builder of the Year! Good Luck to all participants! Click here for event information and finalists list posted next Tuesday.
What's New With CEQA: CHF Workshop March 15
Presented by the California Homebuilding Foundation (CHF), this AB 52 workshop will present the information that developers and builders need to know to ensure that projects are compliant.  Space is limited. For more information and registration download form HERE.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Northern California's 15th Annual Trap Shoot will be held on June 2, 2016 at the Livermore Rod & Gun Club.  We sold out one month ahead of the event last year, so sponsor early!  Sponsors will be guaranteed teams.  Stay tuned for registration and sponsor details soon.
HomeAid LIVE with Country Music Star Lee Brice will held on September 18, 2016 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds.  This event will sell out and details will be available soon. Make sure you are on our e-mail list to stay tuned for updates on HomeAid projects and events! And LIKE us on Facebook! www.Homeaidnc.org


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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