Weekly Report 
February 22, 2016
Governmental Affairs
BIA Welcomes ULL Housing Review
As Contra Costa County embarks on its mandatory 10-year review of the Urban Limit Line and its capacity to accommodate housing and job growth, BIA|Bay Area made four key recommendations to county leaders: measure actual housing demand, not just zoning; consider realistic limitations of Planned Development Areas or PDAs; use findings to craft new policies that move the needle on the housing supply; and involve stakeholders in the process. Full Story
BIA Urges Dublin to Stand Behind School Bond
If the $9 billion bond to fund the next generation of school facilities in California fails in November, Dublin could lose $28 million in funds owed to the school district along with tens of millions of dollars it needs for future improvements. Full Story
American Canyon Revises Housing Impact Fee Program
American Canyon is expanding its affordable housing impact fee to include commercial development and rental residential projects. The city's current inclusionary policy requires market rate residential developers to set aside 10 percent of units for affordable residents or pay an in-lieu fee of $10,250 per required affordable unit. Rental and commercial developers pay nothing. Full Story
PASS Trade Show: Ticket Sales Close March 1
Purchase in advance and save! Advance ticket sales close Tuesday, March 1st. Check event page HERE for tickets and available sponsorships.

What's New With CEQA: CHF Workshop March 15
Presented by the California Homebuilding Foundation (CHF), this AB 52 workshop will present the information that developers and builders need to know to ensure that projects are compliant.  Space is limited. For more information and registration download form HERE.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Northern California's 15th Annual Trap Shoot will be held on June 2, 2016 at the Livermore Rod & Gun Club.  We sold out one month ahead of the event last year, so sponsor early!  Sponsors will be guaranteed teams.  Stay tuned for registration and sponsor details soon.
HomeAid LIVE with Country Music Star Lee Brice will held on September 18, 2016 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds.  This event will sell out and details will be available soon. Make sure you are on our e-mail list to stay tuned for updates on HomeAid projects and events! And LIKE us on Facebook! www.Homeaidnc.org


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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