Weekly Report 
January 11, 2016
Governmental Affairs
Dublin To Increase Transportation Fees
Dublin is proposing to increase its transportation impact fees in Western Dublin and will hold a public hearing and vote on Jan. 19, 2016. Under the proposed rate structure, the fee for medium density projects (6.1 to 14 units per acre) would increase by $1,190 per unit, or from $1,743 to $2,933. Higher density developments would see a hike of $966 to $2,460 per unit. Full Story
Housing Production Lags
Five years into the 30-year Plan Bay Area planning period, the San Francisco Bay Area remains woefully behind when it comes to providing adequate housing for its new workers. As of November 2015, the Bay Area had permitted 1 new housing unit for every 6.3 new jobs.  Full Story
CC LAFCO Continues 
Ag/Open Space Talks
In an ongoing debate over open space and agricultural land policies, the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will consider adding new and revised questions to the application all jurisdictions must complete when requesting changes to their Spheres of Influence. A proposed new Section 13 entitled "Agricultural and Open Space Assessment" asks applicants to demonstrate how the proposed boundary shift will mitigate its impacts on open space and agricultural lands. Full Story
Santa Clara Talks Parks Fees
The Santa Clara City Council is scheduled to decide on increases to parks fees at its meeting on January 12, 2016. Santa Clara imposed significant fee increases on new residential construction in 2014. The 2014 ordinance also authorized annual fee increases based on increasing land value. A new study ordered by the city purportedly shows that land values have skyrocketed across Santa Clara to roughly $5 million per acre. Full Story
Walnut Creek May 
Strike CUP Option
Despite the Walnut Creek Planning Commission's objections, city staff will recommend the City Council on Jan. 12, 2016, eliminate the use of the conditional use permit to convert commercially zoned parcels for residential uses. BIA|Bay Area has for months opposed the shift, calling it tantamount to using a sledgehammer to swat a fly. Full Story
BIA Installation at the Claremont on Jan. 29
Get your tickets today for our annual Installation of Officers on Friday, January 29 at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley. Tickets on sale now; click here. Sponsorship opportunities are still available click here.
Room Block for the Installation at the Claremont
The Installation is just three weeks away! The BIA has a room block available at the Claremont. Rates are $219 for a queen or double/double room ($251.59 inclusive) and $239 for a king room ($274.43 inclusive). The hotel will waive the $26 dollar facility charge. Overnight parking is $20. To reserve your room, call 800-441-1414, and tell them you're with the BIA room block for January 29.
PASS Trade Show: Only 15 Booths Left!
Secure your booth today at the March 3 Mini Trade Show at Casa Real in Pleasanton. Don't miss this opportunity to present new product or introduce yourself to our builders.  Click here for information and registration forms. For sponsorship opportunities, please see page 6 in our 2016 Marketing Guide.
Excellence in Home Building Award Entries Now Open
Save the date for Friday, April 8, 2016 for the Excellence in Home Building Awards at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco. Entries are now open for Marketing and Professional Achievement Awards with new categories for this year! Entry deadline is Monday, February 15. Click here for more information and details.
New Gen Applications Close This Friday
Applications for New Gen's 2016 class are being accepted through 1/15/2016.  Associates and Builders please apply. The goal of New Gen is to identify and engage the future leaders of the BIA - builders and associates alike. Through informative classroom sessions, field trips and meetings, you will learn more about the industry, create lasting relationships and get up to speed on the hot-button items and happenings in and around the building industry. Learn more and apply today.
HomeAid Northern California
Thank You From HomeAid Northern California
Thank you to all of our Event Sponsors and Donors in 2015! Because of you, we can rebuild the lives of the homeless of Northern California. You are the reason we have completed 32 shelter projects to date and have another 8 in process. Thank you so much for your support. Read More 

Recovery Cafe Fundraiser - February 17 
Join Us for a Fundraiser and Celebration Benefitting Recovery Café San Jose and Recognizing the Leadership of Government, Business and Labor.

Presented by BIA Bay Area and HomeAid NorthernCalifornia
Mistress of Ceremonies Cheryl O'Connor, ExecutiveDirector, HomeAid Northern California
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Recovery Café San Jose |80 S. Fifth, SanJose


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
Other Industry Links
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