Weekly Report 
January 4, 2016
Governmental Affairs
Santa Clara Parks Fees
After two deferrals, the Santa Clara City Council is scheduled to decide on increases to parks fes at its meeting on January 12, 2016. Santa Clara imposed significant fee increases on new residential construction in 2014, raising rates from a maximum of $500 per unit to more than $22,000 per multi-family unit and $30,000 for a single-family home. Full Story
San Jose Inclusionary and AHIF Meetings
In August 2015, the City of San Jose Housing Department notified developers and other stakeholders of a series of informational meetings regarding the implementation of the Affordable Housing Impact Fee (AHIF), as well as an overview of the Inclusionary Housing (IH) Ordinance. Full Story
Walnut Creek Revives CUP Elimination Debate
BIA|Bay Area continues to oppose a move in Walnut Creek to eliminate a key regulatory provision that has led to the construction of hundreds of housing units that might not otherwise have been built. The City Council is is seeking to end the city's longstanding practice of allowing the use of the conditional use permit to convert commercial properties for residential uses. Full Story
BIA Installation at the Claremont on January 29
Get your tickets today for our annual Installation of Officers on Friday, January 29 at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley. Tickets on sale now; click here. Sponsorship opportunities are still available click here.
PASS Networking and Mini Trade Show March 3
Secure your booth today at the March 3 Mini Trade Show at Casa Real in Pleasanton. Only 24 options available on a first come, first served basis. Don't miss this opportunity to present new product or introduce yourself to our builders. Click here for information and registration forms. Tickets on sale next week! For sponsorship opportunities, please see our 2016 Marketing Guide.
Excellence in Home Building Award Entries Now Open
Save the date for Friday, April 8, 2016 for the Excellence in Home Building Awards at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco. Entries are now open for Marketing and Professional Achievement Awards with new categories for this year! Entry deadline is Friday, February 12. Click here for more information and details.
New Gen Applications for 2016
Applications for New Gen's 2016 class are being accepted through 1/15/2016.  Associates and Builders please apply. The goal of New Gen is to identify and engage the future leaders of the BIA - builders and associates alike. Through informative classroom sessions, field trips and meetings, you will learn more about the industry, create lasting relationships and get up to speed on the hot-button items and happenings in and around the building industry. Learn more and apply today.
BIA Welcomes New Staff Member
The BIA|Bay Area is happy to introduce Evelyn Ragonton, Events Coordinator, and newest member of the BIA team. Evelyn brings a wealth of experience in events and logistics, and looks forward to working with you in the days ahead. Welcome Evelyn!
HomeAid Northern California
Thank You From HomeAid Northern California
Thank you to all of our Event Sponsors and Donors in 2015! Because of you, we can rebuild the lives of the homeless of Northern California. You are the reason we have completed 32 shelter projects to date and have another 8 in process. Thank you so much for your support. Read More 


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
Other Industry Links
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