Weekly Report 
November 30, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
White House Economic Adviser Ties Zoning Restrictions to Income and Opportunity Inequality
In a Nov. 20 address to the Urban Institute, Jason Furman, Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers focused on "how excessive or unnecessary land use or zoning regulations have consequences that go beyond the housing market to impede mobility and thus contribute to rising inequality and declining productivity growth."  Full Story
San Jose Envision 2040 General Plan Update
The City of San Jose has kicked off its review process for the 2040 General Plan. On November 16th, the Envision San Jose 2040 Task Force reconvened many of the same key community stakeholders and organizations to evaluate the City's achievement of planned job goals, implementation of the Urban Village concept, environmental indicators, and affordable housing needs, and make recommendations to City Council on mid-course adjustments to the Plan. Full Story
BIA Forms PG&E Task Force
BIA|Bay Area has formed a PG&E Task Force consisting of members committed to re-establishing an ongoing and strengthened partnership with the utility company. Stemming from discussion held at a kick-off meeting in late October, the task force and PG&E representatives will meet regularly in 2016 and jointly tackle mutual challenges including inspection delays and plan processing backlogs.   Full Story
John Burns on Friday, December 4; Last Call for Tickets
Ticket sales close on Wednesday, December 2 for Friday's John Burns Economic and Housing Forecast. Thank you to our sponsors: Dahlin Group Architecture Planning, Fuscoe Engineering, KTGY Architecture + Planning, Pacific Dimensions, vanderToolen Associates, William Hezmalhalch Architects. Click here to register or email events@biabayarea.org
New Gen Applications for 2016
Are you interested in learning more about the BIA and what it has to offer? Are you newer to the industry and looking for a way to break in? Then New Gen is for you. The goal of New Gen is to identify and engage the future leaders of the BIA - builders and associates alike. Through informative classroom sessions, field trips and meetings, you will learn more about the industry, create lasting relationships and get up to speed on the hot-button items and happenings in and around the building industry. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Plan Today for BIA Events in 2016
The Marketing Guide for 2016 provides a calendar of events and meetings as well as event sponsorships and associated benefits. Many of the sponsorships are exclusive and are available on a first come, first served basis. We hope you will use this guide throughout the year in your personal planning and also for your company in consideration of support through sponsorship and attendance. Click here for the Marketing Guide.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Northern California Completes 3 Shelter Remodels  
HomeAid Northern California has worked with numerous builder captains to complete 3 shelter remodels this year. Dedications were held to thank the many associates and subcontractors who donated their time and labor to cover the majority of the costs for these shelter remodels. Full Story

In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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