Weekly Report 
November 23, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
Alameda May Hike Public Art Cap
Alameda is proposing to nearly quadruple its $150,000 cap on the the fee developers are required to pay for public art. The city currently requires developers of all new projects to set aside 1 percent of construction costs for public art up to a maximum of $150,000. The city is proposing to increase the cap to $500,000.  Full Story
The 2016 Marketing Guide is Now Available!
We're thrilled to present the Marketing Guide for 2016. This document provides a calendar of events and meetings as well as event sponsorships and associated benefits. Many of the sponsorships are exclusive and are available on a first come, first served basis. We hope you will use this guide throughout the year in your personal planning and also for your company in consideration of support through sponsorship and attendance. Click here for the Marketing Guide.
Don't Miss Our Last Event of 2015: John Burns on Wednesday, December 2
Purchase your tickets now to our annual Economic Forum featuring John Burns and Dean Wehrli. They will provide a national and local housing market perspective and forecast that is not to be missed. Click here to register or email events@biabayarea.org
Confirm Your Sponsorship Now for the 2016 Installation of Officers
Sponsorship opportunities are now available for our Annual Installation of Officers at the Claremont Hotel on January 29. What better way to show your support and commitment for the BIA Bay Area? For sponsorship information, click here. Tickets on sale now; click here.
New Gen Applications for 2016
Are you interested in learning more about the BIA and what it has to offer? Are you newer to the industry and looking for a way to break in? Then New Gen is for you. The goal of New Gen is to identify and engage the future leaders of the BIA - builders and associates alike. Through informative classroom sessions, field trips and meetings, you will learn more about the industry, create lasting relationships and get up to speed on the hot-button items and happenings in and around the building industry. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Build It Green's Big Bash December 10
Celebrate 10 BIG years and experience the technology of the future at Build It Green's Annual Big Bash. They are celebrating 10 years of helping our community thrive, as well as looking ahead to the future of the building industry. There will be something for everyone! Click here for more information.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Northern California Completes 3 Shelter Remodels  
HomeAid Northern California has worked with numerous builder captains to complete 3 shelter remodels this year. Dedications were held to thank the many associates and subcontractors who donated their time and labor to cover the majority of the costs for these shelter remodels. Full Story

In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
Other Industry Links
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