Weekly Report 
November 9, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
Bay Area Council Institute Releases Regional Economic Strategy Stressing Housing Policy Reform
Last Week, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute issued The Bay Area Regional Economic Strategy:  A Roadmap for Economic Resilience. Among other subjects, the report addresses infrastructure finance and development, workforce educational initiatives, and transportation planning and financing.  Full Story 

Dublin Schools Declare 'No More Room' 
The Dublin Unified School District governing board has directed Superintendent Stephen Hanke to send a letter advising the City of Dublin that the district has no student capacity for all non-vested residential developments. Full Story
CC May Delay Transportation Tax Vote
The Contra Costa County Transportation Authority may delay a $2.3 billion transportation sales tax ballot measure that has been on a trajectory for the November 2016 election. CCTA staff late last week abruptly cancelled meetings of the Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee - of which BIA|Bay Area representative Lisa Vorderbrueggen is a member - and announced that the full transportation authority board will discuss the measure timing at its meeting on Nov. 18, 2015. Full Story
PASS Reception Ticket Sales Close Tuesday, Nov. 10; Tickets $30 higher at the Door
Ticket sales will close on Tuesday, November 10th for the Fall PASS Reception & Toy Drive. Save yourself $30 and buy your ticket today. At the door price is $100. All attendees will receive the Builder Project Directory digitally after the event. This is a BIA member's only event. Click here for flyer. Questions on help with registration: events@biabayarea.org
John Burns Annual Economic Forecast; Don't be Left Out, Purchase Today
Don't let the Thanksgiving holiday put you behind. Purchase your ticket to our annual John Burns Economic Forecast today. This event will set out; don't be left out. Click here to register or email events@biabayarea.org.
BIA Installation of Officers: January 29, 2016. Tickets & Sponsorships Available
We return once again to beautiful Claremont Hotel in Berkeley for the 2016 Installation honoring incoming Chairman of the Board, Paul Nieto, Signature Development Group. Join us in thanking the 2015 board of directors and welcoming in the 2016 board, along with presentations of our Advocate & Associate of the Year Awards. Tickets on sale now; click here. For sponsorship information, click here.
Advertise in the 2016 Marketing Guide
Put your company front and center to every member of the BIA Bay Area by purchasing an ad in the 2016 Marketing Guide. The guide, due out by Thanksgiving, will list all the events for 2016 along with associated sponsorship opportunities, benefits, and more! Limited number available. Prices range from $250 to $500, with hi-resolution JPEG ad due to the BIA by end of day Friday, November 13. Email events@biabayarea.org for more information.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Seeks Subcontractor Bids for Oma Village 
Richmond American Homes and The New Home Company are asking for your help with bids for the 14 units of affordable housing now being built in Novato with HomeAid for Homeward Bound.  Grading is completed and the foundation work is beginning and we NEED YOUR HELP with bids to complete the project so 14 formerly homeless families will have a place to call home. 
Click here for the support letter and here for the rendering. Please contact us if you would like to work on this project.  Contact coconnor@homeaidnc.org for more info. 

In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
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Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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