Weekly Report 
November 2, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
MTC-ABAG Organizational Restructuring
At its meeting last week, MTC's Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt a resolution effecting significant structural and financial changes to the relationship between MTC and ABAG.  Most importantly, Resolution 4210 approved a proposal for MTC to cease funding ABAG's regional planning activities and instead create an integrated regional planning staff within MTC, effective July 1, 2016.  Full Story 

Walnut Creek To Re-Examine At CUP Change 
The Walnut Creek Planning Commission declined to support a staff recommendation calling for the elimination of a long-established regulatory provision that allowed for multi-family residential developments on certain commercially zoned parcels through a conditional use permit.  Full Story
Emeryville Passes MF Regs & Fee Hike
On three successive unanimous votes, the Emeryville City Council increased its affordable housing impact fee from $20,000 per unit to $28,000 per unit, tightened its density bonus program and imposed "family-friendly" design requirements on new multi-family residential development. Full Story
San Leandro To Join Regional Nexus Study
The San Leandro City Council is scheduled to vote Nov. 3, 2015, on a recommendation to join with neighboring communities in a regional housing nexus study. Full Story
Updates to San Jose Inclusionary Zoning & Affordable Housing Impact Fee  
At its November 10th meeting the San Jose City Council will hear updates to the rollout of the Affordable Housing Impact Fee and the implementation of the Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Ordinance. In November 2014, the City Council adopted a resolution establishing an AHIF of $17 per square foot on new market-rate apartments in San Jose. Full Story
Get Your PASS Reception Tickets Today; Tickets $30 Higher at the Door
Ticket sales will close on Tuesday, November 10 for the Fall PASS Reception & Toy Drive. Save yourself $30 and buy your ticket today. At the door price is $100. All recipients receive the Builder Project Directory. This is a BIA member's only event. Click here for flyer.  Questions on help with registration: events@biabayarea.org
John Burns Annual Housing & Economic Forum, December 4
Purchase your tickets now to our annual Economic Forum featuring John Burns and Dean Wehrli. They will provide a national and local housing market perspective and forecast that is not to be missed. This event will sell out early; don't be left out. Click here to register or email events@biabayarea.org.
PWB Hosts Educational Outreach Day
The Professional Women in Building (PWB) Council hosted another Educational Outreach Day on October 16 at the Lennar Homes' community Westport Village in Dublin.  Students moved through four stations (civil engineering, architecture, electrical and landscaping) to learn the building process. This was an interactive day that provided insight for the high school students of the various job opportunities available in the building industry. This day was made possible by The PWB's Educational Outreach Committee, Junior Achievement and the students of Amador Valley and Monte Vista High Schools. The next EOD is tentatively scheduled for March 2016! Thank you to MacKay & Somps and KTGY Group for their participation.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Seeks Subcontractor Bids for Oma Village 
Richmond American Homes and The New Home Company are asking for your help with bids for the 14 units of affordable housing now being built in Novato with HomeAid for Homeward Bound.  Grading is completed and the foundation work is beginning and we NEED YOUR HELP with bids to complete the project so 14 formerly homeless families will have a place to call home. 
Click here for the support letter and here for the rendering. Please contact us if you would like to work on this project.  Contact coconnor@homeaidnc.org for more info. 

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