Weekly Report 
October 26, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
Redwood City Affordable Housing Fees  
Redwood City will begin review of Residential Impact Fee and Commercial Linkage Fee Nexus studies prepared for Redwood City as part of the Countywide Nexus Study and will consider adoption of a fee on both residential and non-residential development. Staff recommendations for fee levels are $20 sq ft for condos and apartments, $25 for single family and townhomes. Full Story
BIA meets with Alameda County Water District
Responding to a number grievances and concerns from builders in Alameda County, BIA has coordinated a meeting between affected builders and senior managers at the Alameda County Water District. Full Story
CCTA Seeks Input Into Transportation Measure
BIA|Bay Area members are encouraged to participate in the Contra Costa Transportation Authority's request for public input into how $2.3 billion from a potential transportation sales tax should be spent.  The authority is developing an expenditure plan and although BIA|Bay Area representative Lisa Vorderbrueggen is a member of the Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee, the agency needs to hear directly from people who rely on the transportation system. Full Story
CCWD Releases Fee Update
The Contra Costa Water District is seeking comment on its draft facilities reserve charge study update, which recommends a 9 percent increase in the untreated water per-unit connection fee from $4,936 to $5,371 and a 3 percent increase in the treated water per-unit connection fee from $14,030 to $14,392. This will result in a combined 4 percent increase from $18,966 per unit to $19,763 per unit. Full Story
November 12: Annual Fall PASS Reception & HomeAid Toy Drive
Join our Builder Purchasing Agents and the PASS Committee for the Annual Fall Reception and HomeAid Toy Drive Thursday, November 12. The afternoon will be packed with fun with several chances to win at raffles. Bring some cash and support our Political Action Committee for more chances to win. All recipients receive the Builder Project Directory. This is a BIA member's only event. Click here for flyer. Questions on help with registration: events@biabayarea.org
John Burns Annual Housing & Economic Forum, December 4
Purchase your tickets now to our annual Economic Forum featuring John Burns and Dean Wehrli. They will provide a national and local housing market perspective and forecast that is not to be missed. This event will sell out early; don't be left out. Click here to register or email events@biabayarea.org.
Save the Date for the BIA Installation of Officers: January 29, 2016
We return once again to beautiful Claremont Hotel in Berkeley for the 2016 Installation. Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us and kick off 2016 in style. Ticket sales and sponsorship information available in November.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Seeks Subcontractor Bids for Oma Village 
Richmond American Homes and The New Home Company are asking for your help with bids for the 14 units of affordable housing now being built in Novato with HomeAid for Homeward Bound.  Grading is completed and the foundation work is beginning and we NEED YOUR HELP with bids to complete the project so 14 formerly homeless families will have a place to call home. 
Click here for the support letter and here for the rendering. Please contact us if you would like to work on this project.  Contact coconnor@homeaidnc.org for more info. 

In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
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Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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