Weekly Report 
September 21, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
Industry Litigation Update
Last week saw important developments in two cases of keen interest to Bay Area builders,  developers, and other land use and housing interests.  First, the California Building Industry Association filed a Petition for Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court asking the High Court to grant review of the California Supreme Court's decision in CBIA v. San of San Jose.  In its decision, the California Supreme Court held that the City of San Jose's mandatory inclusionary zoning ordinance is not an exaction requiring a nexus between an impact of constructing market rate housing and an increased need for affordable housing. Full Story
Stormwater Workshop--Integrating "RAA" and "GIP" In Municipal Stormwater Requirements 
As previously reported, the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board is poised to adopt a revised Municipal Regional Permit (MRP 2.0) in November 2015.  MRP 2.0 is a region-wide permit adopted pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act to address stormwater runoff from a variety of activities, including new development.  Full Story
Dublin Seeks Traffic Fee Hike
Transportation impact fees are expected to rise in western Dublin by mid-November as the city prepares to update the project list and alter the way it calculates the fee. In a meeting with a BIA|Bay Area representative, however, Dublin Transportation and Operations Manager Obaid Khan pledged to work with developers whose projects are already in the pipeline.  Full Story
3 New East Bay Cities To Study Affordable Housing Fee
Albany, San Leandro and Union City are proposing to jointly commission an affordable housing nexus fee study through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The Albany City Council is set to consider the proposal at its meeting on Sept. 21, 2015.   Full Story
San Mateo Seeks Developers' Input
Residential developers and builders are invited to participate in the San Mateo City Council's Affordable Housing Forum set for 7 p.m. on Sept. 21, 2015. The City Council wants input on priorities and new ideas about how to address the affordable housing shortage. The meeting will be held in the council chambers at 330 West 20th Ave. in San Mateo. Click here to view the city's staff report.
Los Gatos Backs Down on School Fee Hike 
The Town of Los Gatos and Los Gatos Union School District's attempt to undermine the California State School Facilities Act of 1998 (SB 50) was defeated last week when the Town Council denied the school district's request for an additional residential impact fee of $9.57 per square foot. Full Story
BIA South Bay RPC - Save the Dates! 
The South Bay Regional Policy Committee will host San Jose Planning Director Harry Freitas and planning staff on at a 12:15 p.m. luncheon meeting on Oct. 8, 2015, for a discussion of the city's CEQA review process and other entitlement approval issues. Then on Oct. 15, Patrick Heisenger with the San Jose Housing Department will speak on the city's housing impact fee pipeline process. The meetings start at 12:15 a.m. and will be held at HMH offices, 1570 Old Oakland Road in San Jose. To attend, please RSVP to Pat Sausedo at psausedo@biabayarea.org.
Build Jobs PAC Golf Tournament & Luncheon Cancelled
Due to many conflicts in the calendar, the Build Jobs PAC golf tournament and luncheon scheduled for this Friday, Sept. 25 has been cancelled. Thank you to all who registered or sponsored.
BRE Program: An Overview of Trending Issues for Developers, October 9
The Bureau of Real Estate (BRE) Committee's Annual Fall Forum will be at Round Hill Country Club on Friday, October 9. Topics include drought, solar, finance, legal issues BRE updates and changes, community design, and marketing. Check out the full program by clicking here. To register, click here.
Bringing Back the Pride, Purpose, and Respect of Professional Sales 
Join us on Tuesday, October 13 as Jason Forrest brings his sought after program to the Bay Area. As a sales professional, author, speaker, and sales coach, Jason's job is to help sales professionals increase sales and retention rates through leadership selling, leadership coaching, and leadership culture training. For a sample of the great program you'll see on October 13, click here. To register for the event, click here. Sponsored by your SMC.
Certified Aging in Place (CAP) Courses offered October 27-29
Sign up today for NAHB Certified Aging in Place (CAPs) courses to advance your knowledge of the latest in home modifications.  Learn how to implement Aging-In-Place "Best Practices" in today's modern home. Join professional builders, remodelers & designers in a course convenient for you. This is sponsored by the BIA Bay Area; click here for flyer info. For more information or to register, call Katherine Kawaguchi, NAHB Instructor at (877)240-9668 or email: KK@Guchi2.com. Visit www.NAHBtrainer.org for local current and future course dates.
HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid's 14th Annual Trap Shoot A Great Success 
HomeAid Northern California would like to thank everyone who supported the 14th Annual Trap Shoot including our major Platinum sponsors Brookfield Residential and Pulte Group.  Congratulations to Fremont Bank, who had the top team score!  The fundraising event was a huge success with over $170,000 raised to support our efforts to end homelessness with new housing and shelters.  Thank you and we will see you in May (not September) next year for the 15th Annual Trap Shoot. 
HomeAid Seeks Subcontractor Bids for Oma Village 
Richmond American Homes and The New Home Company are asking for your help with bids for the 14 units of affordable housing now being built in Novato with HomeAid for Homeward Bound.  Grading is completed and the foundation work is beginning and we NEED YOUR HELP with bids to complete the project so 14 formerly homeless families will have a place to call home. 
Click here for the support letter and here for the rendering. Please contact us if you would like to work on this project.  Contact coconnor@homeaidnc.org for more info. 

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Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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