Weekly Report 
August 10, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
Dublin Revamps Public Facilities Fee Structure
The Dublin City Council introduced in July revisions to its public facilities impact fee ordinance without notifying BIA|Bay Area prior to its action or inviting the organization to participate in a stakeholder's meeting. Dublin City Manager Chris Foss has acknowledged the city's oversight and has agreed to postpone future action until BIA and the city have had an opportunity to meet and discuss the revised ordinance. Full Story 
CC LAFCO Resumes Ag Land Policy Debate
The Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission will resume on Aug. 12, 2015, its deliberations over a potential agricultural and open space lands preservation policy. Options under consideration range from a simple affirmation of the agency's intent to discourage urban development on prime agricultural land to the imposition of direct mitigation requirements on developers either in the form of land or in-lieu fees. Full Story 
Affordable Housing Fees Up for Consideration in Foster City
Foster City Staff is recommending stiff affordable housing fees on condos and rental apartments in a recent report to the city council. Councilmembers will conduct a study session on affordable housing impact fees on Monday, August 10, 2015.  Full Story 
San Jose Schedules Inclusionary Zoning Meetings
As a result of the California Supreme Court ruling upholding San Jose's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, the City Housing Department is moving ahead with several public informational meetings in August, September, and October. Full Story 
Networking Reception, August 27 at Township Square, Pleasanton

Please join us for a special look at this exceptional and unique community that everyone is talking about: DeNova Home's Township Square. This free networking opportunity is a great chance to mix, mingle and get a behind the scenes look at these gorgeous model homes. Come meet some new faces and catch up with old friends within the industry. Small bites and refreshments will be served, so please RSVP to ensure adequate supplies.

HomeAid Northern California
Only a Few Spots Remain for HomeAid's 14th Annual Trap Shoot on September 17th  
Contact us TODAY if you plan to attend.  The Trap Shoot is THE networking event of the year, so don't miss it!  We are in need of Silent Auction and Raffle donated prizes!  Contact Joan Sylvia jsylvia@stanpac.com or Nicole Johnson nmjohnson@drhorton.com (form attached) if you have items to donate.  Funds raised at the Trap Shoot allow us to build and remodel additional shelters to house the homeless.  For more info, go to Homeaidnc.org.

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BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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