Weekly Report 
July 6, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
CC LAFCO Considers Ag Preservation Policy

BIA|Bay Area members are encouraged to attend a Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission half-day agricultural and open space preservation policy workshop set for July 8, 2015.  A BIA|Bay Area representative is among the 15 speakers chosen to participate in a series of panel discussions intended to help LAFCO commissioners develop an agricultural and open space preservation policy.  Full Story 

CCWD Hook-Up Fee Hikes On the Horizon

Contra Costa Water District's connection fees rise 3 percent for treated water and 9 percent for untreated water under the agency's preliminary draft Facilities Reserve Charge (FRC) analysis released in late June 2015.  CCWD uses the FRC analysis as the basis of the one-time fee it charges new development to buy into existing and fund future facilities necessary to provide water service. Full Story 

Berkeley To Consider Affordable Housing Fee Hikes

Berkeley planning staff is requesting City Council guidance during a workshop set for July 14, 2015, to discuss affordable housing mitigation fee program revisions based on the results of the city's 2015 nexus study update. Staff concludes that the fee could be increased from the current $20,000 per unit to $34,000 for apartments and $75,000 for condominiums and still provide the developer a "reasonable rate of return," according to the staff report.  Full Story 

Sunnyvale Set To Adopt Housing Impact Fee

A formal ordinance establishing a $17 per square foot affordable housing impact fee is set to go before the Sunnyvale City Council on July 14, 2015. The council voted in March 2015 to impose the fee on all new market rate rental housing and directed staff to prepare an ordinance for both residential and nonresidential development. Full Story 

Three Seats Left for Next Monday's Wine Tour

Join our golfers out at Blackhawk Country Club in Danville on July 13th for lunch, then hit the road for a day of wine tasting in the Livermore Valley. Return to Blackhawk to join golfers on the 19th Hole and swap stories of your day at dinner. Click here for winery information and more details.  

Ticket Sales Close on Thursday for 19th Hole Reception & Golf Awards Dinner on July 13
Unable to golf or wine taste on July 13th? Join the group at the 19th Hole for networking and stay for dinner and fun. Total attendance to date is over 300, so don't miss this great networking opportunity. Click here for more information and to purchase your ticket.
HomeAid Northern California
Call for Sponsors for the 14th Annual HomeAid Northern California Trap Shoot  

Call for Sponsors for the 14th Annual HomeAid Northern California Trap Shoot on Thursday, September 17th at the Livermore-Pleasanton Rod & Gun Club. Join us for a great day of fun, networking and raising funds to help the homeless. Limited to 90 teams! Sponsor today!  Click here for Trap Shoot flyer.  

DreamCatcher Project Approved for Additional Funding!  

Great news this week on the DreamCatcher shelter for homeless teens in Oakland.  The City of Oakland approved a $500,000 Community Development grant for the project!  That combined with the HomeAid Live Appeal of $38,000 plus the Alameda Family Services fundraiser will mean this project will be built this year.  Thank you to all who supported this project with your cash donations.  You made it happen.  Click here for more info.


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Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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