Weekly Report 
June 29, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
Oakland Planning Fees To Increase

A host of planning, building and zoning fees in Oakland are set to increase by varying amounts on July 1, 2015. The City Council is expected to adopt the new rates as part of its master fee schedule update during its regular meeting on June 30, 2015.  Full Story 

Walnut Creek Delays West Downtown Specific Plan

A heavy current planning load has prompted the Walnut Creek City Council to postpone forward planning work on its West Downtown Specific Plan and related impact fee and fiscal neutrality analyses. The city initially intended to adopt the WDSP in 2015. But combined with anticipated plan revisions and 90 project applications in the hands of six planners - including 22 new storefronts in Broadway Plaza - the City Council pushed the initiative out 12 to 18 months.   Full Story 

San Jose Inclusionary Housing Ordinance

Two weeks after the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of San Jose's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance in California Building Industry Association v. City of San Jose, the city has announced the next steps toward enforcing the inclusionary program. Full Story 

Wine Tour Approaching Sell-Out. Sign Up Today

Join our golfers out at Blackhawk Country Club in Danville on July 13th for lunch, then hit the road for a day of wine tasting in the Livermore Valley. Return to Blackhawk to join golfers on the 19th Hole and swap stories of your day at dinner. Tickets limited to forty attendees. Sponsorships available. Click here for winery information and more details.

Golf Tournament: Two Sponsorships Left to Fill

We have two more holes to fill to a sold out golf tournament on July 13at Blackhawk Country Club. Sponsor a contest and get some podium time at the awards dinner to introduce yourself and your company. Click here for information, then email events@biabayarea.org.

19th Hole Reception & Golf Awards Dinner at Blackhawk on July 13

Unable to golf or wine taste on July 13th? Join the group at the 19th Hole for networking and stay for dinner and fun. Total attendance to date is over 300, so don't miss this great networking opportunity. Click here for more information and to purchase your ticket.

Work in Sales? Don't Miss This Event on July 30

Join Darryl Freeman, Market Integration Manager of First American Title's Strategic Markets Division, on Thursday, July 30 for a presentation on multi-cultural training. Learn insight into cultural nuances and how they affect a successful closing, understanding of the closing process from the diverse homebuyer's perspective, and more. This session is presented by the SMC who will also be announcing the winners of the 1st & 2nd Quarter Sales Award Winners. Click here for more information and to purchase your ticket.

HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Northern California is featured in New Homes Magazine  
HomeAid Northern California is featured in this month's issue of New Homes Magazine.  Click Here for the article. HomeAid leverages the generosity of the home building industry by building and remodeling shelters for homeless families and individuals and through community outreach with hundreds of building industry volunteers!  Volunteer today or help with a shelter build - we have 5 projects in the works!  Contact us at Homeaidnc.org.

DreamCatcher Project Approved for Additional Funding!  

Great news this week on the DreamCatcher shelter for homeless teens in Oakland.  The City of Oakland approved a $500,000 Community Development grant for the project!  That combined with the HomeAid Live Appeal of $38,000 plus the Alameda Family Services fundraiser will mean this project will be built this year.  Thank you to all who supported this project with your cash donations.  You made it happen.  Click here for more info.


In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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