Weekly Report 
June 22, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
San Jose Considers Mobile Home Conversion Changes

San Jose could make the conversion of mobile home parks much more difficult through proposed policy changes and amendments to the city's General Plan and zoning code. Although current goals, policies and actions in the General Plan and provisions in the Zoning Code address mobile home parks conversion to other uses, the City Council has directed staff to beef up the language. Full Story 

Sunnyvale Set To Adopt Housing Impact Fee 

A formal ordinance establishing a $17 per square foot affordable housing impact fee is set to go before the Sunnyvale City Council on July 14, 2015. The council voted in March 2015 to impose the fee on all new market rate rental housing and directed staff to prepare an ordinance for both residential and nonresidential development. Full Story

Contra Costa Examines
Ag/Open Space Policies

The Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission - the organization that oversees annexations into cities and special districts - will host a four-hour public workshop on potential agricultural and open space preservation policies. The outcome could impact where and at what cost communities may build much-needed new housing. A BIA|Bay Area representative will participate as a panelist. The workshop will be held from 1-5 p.m. on July 8, 2015, at 30 Muir Road in Martinez. Click here to download the workshop agenda.

CCWD Updates 2015 Connection Fee Analysis

The Contra Costa Water District will present its draft treated and untreated facilities reserve charge review at a stakeholder meeting set for June 29, 2015. CCWD uses the FRC analysis as the basis of the one-time fee it charges new development to buy into existing and future facilities necessary to provide water service. The 1:30 p.m. meeting will be held at 2411 Bisso Lane in Concord. To attend, email RSVP to Rossana Riggs at rriggs@ccwater.com.


Golfing and Wine: What a Great Combination

Join our golfers out at Blackhawk Country Club in Danville on July 13, 2015, for lunch and then hit the road for a day of wine tasting in the Livermore Valley. Return to Blackhawk to join golfers on the 19th Hole and swap stories of your day at dinner. Tickets limited to 40 attendees. Sponsorships are available.
Click here for winery information and more details.

Sponsor a Hole at the Golf Tournament

We have five more holes to fill to a sold-out golf tournament on July 13, 2015, at Blackhawk Country Club. Sponsor a contest and get some podium time at the awards dinner to introduce yourself and your company. Click here for information, then email events@biabayarea.org.

Employment Opportunity

BIA Seeks Member Services Assistant

The BIA Bay Area has a part-time position open in its Member Services Department. Qualified candidate will report to the Vice President of Member Services and support that position in the areas of membership, events, communications and council/committee staff support. The position is 20 hours/week in the $12 - $18/hour range depending on experience. Click here for job description and e-mail bfleming@biabayarea.org if interested.

HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid Northern California is featured in New Homes Magazine  
HomeAid Northern California is featured in this month's issue of New Homes Magazine.  HomeAid leverages the generosity of the home building industry by building and remodeling shelters for homeless families and individuals and through community outreach with hundreds of building industry volunteers!  Volunteer today or help with a shelter build - we have 5 projects in the works!  Contact us at Homeaidnc.org.
BIA|Bay Area Partners

In This Issue
BIA|Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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