Weekly Report 
June 8, 2015 
Governmental Affairs

BIA Golf Tournament: One Course Already Sold Out!

Golfers: the BIA Golf Tournament at Blackhawk Country Club has already sold out one of the two courses. Don't be left out; register today by clicking here and click here for more information.

Golf Sponsorships Filling Up. Confirm Today!

Sponsorships for the July 13th BIA Golf Tournament are filling up and the tournament is already half way to a sellout in only 2 weeks. Join us on the course with an exclusive hole sponsorship, get some podium time by sponsoring a contest, or consider the golf shirt sponsorship; the gift that keeps on giving. Click here for more information.

BIA Member Services Assistant Position Available

The BIA Bay Area has a part-time position open in the Member Services Department. Qualified candidate will report to the Vice President of Member Services and support that position in the areas of membership, events, communications and council/committee staff support. Position is 20 hours/week in the $12 - $18/hour range depending on experience. Click here for job description and email bfleming@biabayarea.org if interested.

HomeAid Northern California
HomeAid's 14th Annual Trap Shoot is September 17   

Save the date for the 14th Annual HomeAid Northern California Trap Shoot on Thursday, September 17th at the Livermore-Pleasanton Rod & Gun Club.  We listened to your feedback from last year and this year we will have a maximum number of teams and shooters, so the day is shorter and streamlined!  Sponsors will be guaranteed teams and the Call for Sponsors will be out soon!!  Homeaidnc.org.

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Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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