Weekly Report 
April 6, 2015 
Governmental Affairs
LAO to California: 
Build More Housing

The statewide housing crunch is raising prices and putting lower income groups into deeper financial straits as they attempt to keep up with housing costs, reports the Bay Area News Group in its coverage of a pivotal new state report. "California's High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences," released March 17, 2015, by the state Legislative Analyst's Office, examines the housing shortage and says the state needs to revamp policies and allow for the construction of 100,000 additional units per year. Full Story  

BIA Leads Pushback Against Regional Industrial Preservation Zoning

At a time when responsible thought leaders around the state are seriously digesting the sobering wake-up call just issued by the California Legislative Analyst's Office highlighting California's new housing supply crisis (see item above), on what subject did ABAG's Regional Planning Committee focus almost its entire quarterly meeting earlier this week?  A purported regional crisis of a shortage of land permanently zoned and restricted to industrial uses. Full Story  

Brentwood Eyes Fee Changes  

Brentwood staff is proposing to raise development impact fees 3.5 percent and 4.4 percent, respectively, on new single-family and active adult units while dropping rates by 12.5 percent on multi-family projects. Non-residential rates would also decline--less than 1 percent to 13.2 percent for commercial, industrial and office. The revised draft fee schedule was developed during the city's update of its 2005 fee program.  Full Story

Cupertino To Look at Modifying
Affordable Housing Impact Fees

The Cupertino Housing Commission will consider modifications to the city's existing housing mitigation fees at a hearing on April 9, 2015. The City Council last spring authorized a nexus study update that examined changes to existing housing mitigation fees for residential and non-residential (office, retail, hotel, research and development, and industrial) development. Full Story

San Jose City Council District 4 Election Set for Tuesday

The City of San Jose will hold a special primary election on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, for City Council District 4 candidates. The seat was vacated last December when Kansen Chu was elected to the California State Assembly. Ten candidates are on the ballot, which means that a run-off election is likely. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote in Tuesday's election, the run-off will be held on June 23, 2015.  Full Story

Pleasanton Looks To Hike 
Development-related Service Fees
Development-related service fees in Pleasanton will increase under a proposed rate revision plan set for a City Council public hearing on April 7, 2015. Proposed hikes range from 15 percent for a new single-family unit building permit to 25 percent for a construction inspection. The biggest fee increases would be for planning services such as a Planned Unit Development, or PUD, which would rise from $2,000 to a range of $3,000-$20,000. A Conditional Use Permit charge would increase from $150 to $3,000. Fees related to fire services would also increase--new construction fire sprinkler system rates would go from $500 to $870 under the proposed changes. Click here for agenda and staff report with full list of proposed fees.
The BIG Show Breakout Sessions Are Big News

The Big Show is packed with information to help you and your business grow in 2015. Featured presentations include HOUZZ, John Burns Real Estate Consulting, and Metrostudy as well as numerous others at the forefront on the home building industry. Click here for a list of presentations which includes presenters and a brief summary of the presentation. Click here for the schedule for the day. Sessions are open to everyone. The trade show, lunch and dinner all require tickets. Email events@biabayarea.org for more information.

Tickets for SF Giants Luncheon and 
Excellence Awards Dinner at The 
BIG Show Are Still Available

Tickets are selling quickly, so guarantee your spot today for the SF Giants Luncheon and the Excellence Awards and Dinner. Lunch: $85; Dinner: $125; Trade Show: $50 (included with lunch or dinner ticket). All breakout sessions and included. Click here to purchase your tickets. For group tickets or tables, please email events@biabayarea.org.

HOUZZ: Technology for Storytelling--How to Reach New Clients and Engage a Global Community

Today, technology is used to communicate more effectively with clients, tell engaging stories about you and your portfolio of work and market your business with scale and efficiency, in the office or on the go. Discover how you can harness Houzz and integrated technologies to do just this--improve business efficiency, reach new prospective clients and streamline communications. Don't miss this breakout session at The Big Show. Click here for schedule and more information.

Trade Show Booths Are Still 
Available for The Big Show 

Booths are still available for The BIG Show, but don't delay. Deadlines for setup and other details is Friday, April 10. Click here for more information and availability.

HomeAid Northern California
Lily Tomlin to Headline HomeAid's 6th Annual Hope for the Homeless Benefit Show!  
Friday, May 15th will surely be a night to remember at Lesher Center for the Arts as world renowned entertainer, Lily Tomlin, shares her talent in support of HomeAid Northern California. Sponsorships now available and auction items needed.  Please click here for details on your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

HomeAid Seeks Entries Into Its

First Annual Project Playhouse

HomeAid is asking Building Industry Association member builders and interested companies who want to design and construct a playhouse or a pet playhouse for this year's Sixth Annual Hope for the Homeless Benefit to sign-up today!  The playhouses will be sold to the absolute highest bidder at a live auction on Friday, May 15, 2015, at the benefit in Walnut Creek.  HomeAid can only accept three playhouse and five pet playhouse entries, so submit your commitment form by April 10, 2015. Click here for more information!

In This Issue
BIA Bay Area Links
Councils & Committees
Governmental Affairs
Housing 4 All
Click here for BIA's Housing4All blog, where you will find news about the Bay Area's housing shortage along with videos, statistics and an opportunity to join us in our quest to provide housing for all.
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