Sam's Plan to Educate and Sustain a Community
College St. Jean is one of the best schools in Les Cayes and a model for the school Pastor Samuel hopes to build.
One year ago, Pastor Samuel approached the Haiti Ministry with the idea of building a private, for-profit school which would generate enough income to cover the Glory Glory Center's annual operating budget. We've determined that this school is the best solution to Glory Glory's long-term, financial sustainability. Not only will the school provide 1,000 kids (including Pastor Sam's 54) with an exceptional education, it will employ more than 35 local residents per year and generate enough annual net revenue to financially sustain the orphanage, the church on-site (Communaut� de Gloire) and a wide variety of ongoing community outreach initiatives. Read Full Article
Spotlight Updates from Haiti
There's Running Water in the Dorms
The structure to house the generator is compete, thanks to the contributions of Evolution Haiti! Now that the generator is up and running, all the houses have running water, including the medical clinic. Pastor Sam is continuing to work to ensure that each morning and each evening the generator can run for the kids to get ready in the morning and complete studies in the evening.
One of Sam's Team Joins the Haitian National Police
For our past Faith Adventurers you may recall Venel Loisile. Venel has just graduated from the police academy this week. We are excited to see God's work as Venel begins this new chapter with the Haitian National Police (Police Nationale d'Ha�ti, PNH). PNH is the only security force in Haiti following the disbandment of the Haitian military.
Natalie Medellin Joins Our Ministry Team
Natalie at the Glory Glory Center in October 2014
It's with great excitement that we welcome a new member to our Haiti Ministry Core Team. Natalie Medellin, who is replacing Ali Morris, has already embraced her role as Communications Team Leader, jumping right into the May issue of this newsletter.

Natalie met Pastor Sam and the kids at the Glory Glory Center in October 2014. During that visit, Dr. Ed Geehr medically assessed the 26 children who had just arrived on site, and Natalie assisted him in setting up their medical records. Upon returning to the US, she continued to work with Dr. Ed to set up the record-keeping system and treatment protocols that are currently in place at the Glory Glory Medical Clinic, while pursuing her graduate degree.

Having just recently completed her degree, Natalie felt called to get involved once again with our team, offering to fill the void left by Ali's departure. (Ali, for her part, will continue to be involved with the Haiti Ministry, but in a less time-consuming role so she can spend more time pursuing her creative talents.) As much as we are going to miss working with Ali on a regular basis, we are delighted to have Natalie on the team and can't wait to see what gift and talents she will bring to our ministry. Welcome aboard, Natalie!
Upcoming Faith Adventures: 
Students, June 26-July 3, 2016 (High School Ministry-FULL)
Fall, September 30-October 6, 2016 (Accepting Applications)
Interested in participating in a faith adventure to Haiti? Contact Pamela Philp

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Mariners Church, 5001 Newport Coast Drive, Irvine, CA 92603

Haiti Ministry of Mariners Church | 5001 Newport Coast Drive | Irvine | CA | 92603-0164