Upcoming Adventures: Click below for more information. 
Spring Faith Adventure, May 2016 (exact date TBD)
Seminars and Soccer Matches
Men of Mariners Ministry and kids from the Glory Glory Center during January 2016 Faith Adventure
Last month a small but mighty team of six Men of Mariners traveled to Haiti on a Faith Adventure where they focused on serving and equipping the people of Haiti. The team dedicated most of their time to hosting seminars on addiction, clarifying triggers, causes of addictive behaviors, the recovery process and how the Christian church can lovingly respond and support those walking out of brokenness and into their God-given identities. Though a taboo topic at least, countless Haitian men and women, pastors and leaders, translators and towns people eagerly engaged in a conversation that is just the beginning. Read More
Learning from 2015 and Looking Forward at 2016 
by Susan Watkins, Haiti Ministry Leader (part 2 of 2) 

In January, we looked back at the successes of 2015. But not everything happened exactly as planned or expected. We encountered a few hiccups along the way, or should I say, opportunities for learning and growth. Many of these were the result of cross-cultural differences which we are beginning to recognize more clearly as we spend more and more time working together. Following are three important learnings from 2015:

Our Words Hold Weight-I mean this two ways: 1) The words we choose are important, and 2) A verbal agreement is as binding as a written contract. 

Glory Glory Center Spotlight: Rivaldo Saintcyr
This month we're introducing you to Rivaldo Saintcyr, the 2nd oldest boy at the GGC. We mentioned him in our story about the soccer match between the Men of Mariners and the boys of the GGC, but here is a little more from Rivaldo himself and what makes him the soccer loving leader that he is!

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Mariners Church, 5001 Newport Coast Drive, Irvine, CA 92603