The Magna Charter
News from Surry Village Charter School 
September Solutions
September 19, 2014

In This Issue (click to jump to article)
Dates To Remember
SVCS Supporters
Yard Sale
Free and Reduced
Nurse's Nook
Looking for...
Art with Jean Mann
Quotable Quotes
Thank You
Dates to Remember

Map Testing:  September 16th-18th, for 5th/6th graders, September 23rd-25th for 3rd/4th graders.


Classroom Orientation: September 23rd for 7th/8th grade, Keene Campus 6:00-7:00 p.m.; September 25th for K-6, Surry Town Hall 6:00, then Surry Campus.


School Picture Day:

September 24th


DeMar Marathon:  September 28th


Click here to view SVCS public Google Calendar

Quick Links

Like us on Facebook

"Like" the New Hampshire Pubilc Charter School Association on     Like us on Facebook


-Fall Festival
-Pumpkin Festival Booth
-Annual Fund Drive Kick-off

-Woodland Dwelling Workshop
-SVCS Logo Item Sales
-Citrus Sale

-Family Night
-Holiday Concert

-Contra Dance/Talent Show

-Curriculum Night: February 18th
-Ski Day (Grades 1-8)

-Pancake Breakfast: March 8th

-Charter Chef Event:  April 17th.

-May Day Concert

-Field Day
-8th Grade Graduation

These entities 
support SVCS 
Please support them with your business and thank them for their support!

Antioch University  
New England 



Surry School District

Let us know if we inadvertently left you off
the list!

SVCS Yard Sale

TOMORROW at the Keene Campus! We have a great location.  Come shop or donate items or both!

  • Proceeds to benefit class trips for 5/6 & 7/8 classes - minimizes parent costs!
  • We need your unwanted stuff!
  • We are looking for donations of the following items:
  • Toys, books, knick-knacks, clothing, bedding, kitchen stuff, furniture and media.

Drop off items at the Keene Campus Sept.19th.

Then come buy other people's stuff on the 20th! Major yard sale! Tell your friends!


We also need volunteers for the following shifts:  Click here to sign up. 

We need your free and reduced forms!

Please please please take a moment to fill out the free and reduced meal forms or sign that you aren't eligible and RETURN them to an SVCS Office near you.    


If your family is eligible for Free and Reduced Price School Meals then your family is also able to access funding from the Elijah Barrett Scholarship. Scholarship funds can be used for after school programs such as art, band and field trips.   


SVCS also receives additional State aid funding that Title I grant money. These funding sources make a huge difference for our school!

Nurse's Nook

The sniffles are coming! Please review these very important procedures with your children. They forget and forget and forget!

This is extra-important as a concerning respiratory virus in the Midwest may make its way across the U.S.. Click here for a recent NY Times article.


C  Cover your mouth and nose---cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.

O  Often---The best recommendation about when to wash your hands! Always wash before meals and after the bathroom, too!

L   Lay low---if your child is sick (fever or vomiting within the last 24 hours, cough, malaise) then please keep them home from and fluids will help them heal faster and not infect others.

D   Do your part---reinforce handwashing, remind kids not to share drinks, recommend healthy, nutritious foods to fuel our kids, and tuck them into bed a few minutes early to make sure they are getting plenty of sleep!

S   Soap and water---remind our kids to use warm water and soap to wash their hands...they should be able to sing the ENTIRE "ABC's" before they rinse!

Looking For...
Previous issues of the Magna Charter? They are posted on the homepage of our website or click here. We have added a Quick Link on the lefthand side as well.

Your Feedback:
There is still time to submit your Parent Survey for the 2013-2014 school year. Help us continue to plan for improvements at our school.  Click here.


We have trained our students to do great recycling work; now we just need someone to take our collection to the recycling center on a weekly basis. Contact Matora if you can help. We want to keep our kids recycling!

Matora needs help on Fridays getting Kyla from the Surry Campus to the Keene Campus.  It would be ideal if she can leave Surry right at release time to get to Keene around 3:30 pm.

Alejandra is looking for carpooling to the Surry Campus in the afternoons. We'd like to look at options for carpooling to Walpole, near the town common. We live in Langdon and would also be open to carpooling in the mornings. We drive through Alstead to Rt. 12A. Email at

Jody needs help getting her child to the Surry campus from Hinsdale in the mornings every other Monday and every Thursday morning, as well as rides home to Hinsdale after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Email



Fabulous Fall Events at SVCS:
  1. Yard Sale:  September 20 - see ad above! Volunteers needed!
  2. Individual class hikes, replacing the all-school hike this year. See your class newsletter for details. 
  3. Classroom Orientation Nights: Tuesday, Sept. 23 from 6 - 7 p.m. at the Keene campus (for the 7/8s); Thursday, Sept. 25 from 6 - 7:30 p.m., beginning at the Surry Town Hall (for K-6).
  4. Fall Festival: October 3 (volunteers needed).
  5. Pumpkin-carving: October 15 (volunteers needed).
  6. Pumpkin Festival: October 18. Fundraising food booth all day. Many volunteers needed. It's loads of fun!
  7. Legislative Open House: October 24th, 9:30 a.m. & October 30th, 7:00 p.m. (volunteers needed)


Art with Jean Mann

There will be either 2 or 3 art classes this fall. Scheduled to start on Wednesday, October 22 will be grades 3-4; on Thursday,  October 23, grades 5-8. Depending on interest, there will also be a K-2.


Classes run for 6 weeks from 3:30-4:30 and the cost is still $60. Sign up sheets will go home soon for the 2 scheduled classes. You may also email Jean at roseofsharon@localnet .com ahead of time or if your younger child is interested.

Quotable Quotes


First-grader flies into Nicole's office: Is it almost the end of the day?

Nicole: Yes, it is.

First-grader: YES! I'm going into aftercare today. This is my first time actually being in aftercare......AGAIN!


Overheard in the 5/6: "Cardboard will be our best friend," from a 6th-grader discussing how to build a Sumerian city-state with group members.


Kindergartner, explaining the current classroom activity to a visitor: "Apparently drawing is the way a Kindergartner writes. Jenny said so." 

Thank you thank you thank you! Emily Moran for the donation of a gorgeous, huge Time World Atlas! all the families who have so generously donated items to the SVCS Yard Sale - your donations make a direct and important difference! Alex and Wendy, Veronica and Abby for the dee-licious pumpkin bread. Yummy food in kitchen = happy teachers! (We need to keep our strength up.)



Strong clear tone 3/4 cello with Travelite hard case and bow, $1,299. This is a lovely sounding 3/4 cello with rich and deep sound across the strings. Paid $3,500 for cello. Includes bow and Travelite case (bought separate). This hard case has backpack straps and wheels and is light enough for a child to handle and has an outside pouch to hold lots of music. Call Tarasa, 928.642.0363 or email


Oneness Awakening Course 

Oct 11 and 12, 2014 In Keene at the Taproot Healing Institute from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The two-day course will be held on both Saturday and Sunday. The Course is $195 for people taking it for the first time, registering by Sept 15th; $215 for people registering after Sept 15th; $125 for Blessing Givers taking the course as a deepening; and $50 to Blessing Givers bringing a new person. Register at link on


A life-changing weekend of powerful healing processes, and ancient Vedic rituals and meditations to change your energy body and initiate you as a blessing giver.

  • Heal your relationships
  • Raise your consciousness
  • Discover how you can stop suffering by receiving the outpouring of Divine grace

Your facilitator, Rev. Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick, is a Certified Oneness Awakened Trainer who facilitates the Sacred Chamber process. She has a private practice and is writing her dissertation on Awakening for her doctorate in Holistic Theology.


Become A Certified Reiki II Practitioner at the Taproot Healing Institute

This is a vibrant and concentrated experiential one-day class. You will receive the Reiki II attunements, learn the first three sacred Reiki symbols, and learn how to deepen your work with the Reiki energy. To support your building self-confidence, each student will receive and will give a Reiki session while being closely supervised.


Fee of $350 is due at the time of registration. You will receive a healthy lunch, and all of the materials you need, including a Reiki Manual written by Rev. Dr. Lovick. Classes are intentionally small and require registration at


Your teacher, Rev.Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick, is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui Reiki Ry�h� and Karuna� Reiki systems, founder of the Vermont Reiki Association, and Oneness Awakened Trainer who facilitates the Sacred Chamber process. She has a private practice and is writing her dissertation on Awakening for her doctorate in Holistic Theology.


Sacred Chamber Process

The Sacred Chamber Process is a phenomena that was established in India. Since the beginning of 2014, it is being introduced to the rest of the world. This is because the shift of awakening has accelerated on Earth; people are prepared to deepen their relationship with the Divine! The Sacred Chambers are an opportunity for you to deepen your connection with the Divine (your Higher Self).


There is NO COST to go through the Sacred Chamber Process. This is a gift to Humanity from the Divine. You must sign up and have a confirmed appointment. Please read more about the Sacred Chambers and how to prepare at before you sign up.


Rev. Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick is a Certified Oneness Awakened Trainer who facilitates the Sacred Chamber process. You can reach her at



**Phoenix Farm has egg shares available: 10 dozen eggs from our hens who wander the property eating greens and bugs supplemented by non-GMO grain - delicious orange-yolked eggs. $50 prepaid, we will deliver at school or anywhere between Marlborough and Surry. You set the timing (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.)  Kate or Ada Kerman,, 876-4562.



**Acupuncture on a sliding scale ($15-$40) at Cup of Life Healing Center. At Cup of Life Healing Center, we strive to make acupuncture affordable for you to come as often and for as long as needed in order to feel better! Pay just $15-$40 per visit for community acupuncture, sliding scale. We never ask for income verification. Simply pay what you can afford within the scale, no questions asked. With regular treatment, acupuncture can naturally and effectively address both acute and chronic conditions. We treat patients of all ages. For questions about acupuncture, contact Michael: We are located at 82 Washington Street in Keene. Appointments can be made online at or by calling (603) 352-3625.



**Raw Goat Milk and Fresh Chevre Goat Cheese:

Now available from Goats Rock Dairy in Gilsum, NH - both Plain and Flavored Cheeses available. Purchase and pick-up available at our farm in Gilsum or make arrangements to meet at the Surry Campus. Contact Terra or Evan at 355-1866 or



**Violin Lessons:  Cornelia Schwartz is offering private instruction for all ages. 


Ms. Schwartz has a wealth of experience both as a performing artist and as a teacher. A recipient of an Artist Opportunity Grant from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, she has taught at the Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music, the San Francisco Conservatory's Preparatory Division and the Chamber Music Institute at the University of New Hampshire. She is a Lecturer of Music at Franklin Pierce University and has maintained a private studio in Peterborough for over a decade.  


Contact Cornelia at (603) 563-8354.