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January 21 Forum
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Roe v Wade Event
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Will the City of Santa Barbara Return to District Elections?

Wednesday, Jan. 21  

League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara Community Forum; noon-2 p.m.,  

Louise Lowry Davis Center, 1232 De La Vina St.


"Will the City of Santa Barbara Return to District Elections?" That's the question that will be asked Jan. 21 when the League holds the first public discussion on the controversy of district versus at-large voting.


Speakers will be: Ariel Calonne, Santa Barbara City Attorney; Shane Stark, former Santa Barbara County Counsel and president of the LWVSB Education Fund; Sheila Lodge, former Mayor of Santa Barbara, and Jacqueline Inda, one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit seeking to overturn the city's current at-large voting system.


Calonne will talk about the effect of the lawsuit on the city, while Stark will give an overview of the California Voting Rights Act and how it impacts cities. Lodge, who is also a former LWVSB President and life member, will speak on the merits of at-large elections. Inda will discuss the reasons for the suit against the city and why she supports district elections.


There will be time for questions, and the League's April Unit meetings will continue this discussion of district versus at-large voting. The Santa Barbara City Council has decided to put the question of district elections on the November 2015 ballot. The council is scheduled to talk about the process of redistricting at its council meeting on Jan. 27.


LWVSB is now engaged in a local study on whether to change its position, adopted in 1968, in favor of at-large elections. Such a change in position would be made by consensus at the League's annual meeting in June.


But by then the courts may have decided the issue. The lawsuit against the city will be heard by Judge Donna Geck in April.


The Jan. 21 forum is free and open to the public. Those attending can bring a brown-and lunch, and drinks and dessert will be provided. Parking behind the center is free during the meeting.

"Drum Majors for Justice": March and Rally Honoring Martin Lither King Jr.

Monday, Jan. 19, 9 a.m.


This annual event--which LWVSB supports--will begin with a pre-march program and rally at De La Guerra Plaza, followed by a Unity March up State Street to the Arlington Theatre at 10 a.m.


The program at the theatre will feature keynote speaker Bishop Broaderick A. Huggins, pastor of Saint Paul Baptist Church of Oxnard. His gospel choir will also be singing. For more information, visit the website

Pro-Choice Coalition 2015 Roe v Wade  

Thursday, Jan. 22, 5:30-8 p.m.

Louise Lowry Davis Center


The Pro-Choice Coalition-including LWVSB--will commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court abortion decision with the screening of the documentary "Vessel." Refreshments will be served 5:30-6:15 p.m. followed by the film showing and then a brief policy update and discussion of the film.


"Vessel" is about a fearless sea captain, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, who sails a ship through loopholes in international law, providing early abortions on the high seas. She leaves in her wake a network of emboldened activists, who trust women to handle abortions on their own terms.


Deadline to submit names for inclusion in the ad is 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15. Sign up here. Cost is $15 for individuals; $25 for organizations and additional family members. Event admission is $15 at the door; $42 and $100 sponsorships are available. It is free for students with IDs. RSVP to PCC Coordinator Gina, 899-9814; prochoicecoalition@gmail.com.

Count Us In!

Santa Barbara County Vulnerability Survey and Point in Time Count 2015

nteers are needed to help count people experiencing homelessness on the streets throughout Santa Barbara County. In less than 10 hours you can attend the Volunteer Training and help with the survey.

Trainings are: Wednesday, Jan. 14, 5:30-8 p.m. at the City of Promise Shelter, 816 N. C St., Lompoc; Thursday, Jan. 15, 5:30-8 p.m., Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Ave., Goleta; Wednesday, Jan. 21, 5:30-8 p.m., Crestwood Christian Fellowship, 1265 W. McCoy Lane, Suite A, Santa Maria; and Saturday, Jan. 24, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Earl Warren Showground, 3400 Calle Real, Santa Barbara.


The survey will be conducted Wednesday, Jan. 28 and Thursday, Jan. 29 from 5 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. For questions, contact the Common Ground Santa Barbara Volunteer Coordinator, 805-451-5604; cgvolunteers@gmail.com. To sign up, go to www.commongroundsb.org.  


Common Ground, in partnership with the Central Coast Collaborative on Homelessness, is dedicated to housing the most vulnerable individuals and families in our county.   


LWVSB is a coalition partner of Common Ground. "Why is Housing the First Priority for the Homeless?" will be the topic of the March 18 League Community Forum.  

We wish you and your family a happy 2015. Please visit our website to become a member or rejoin, see our calendar of events and learn more about the League.

Joanie Jones & Susan Shank  
League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara 

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