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In This Issue
Discussion Units
Agricultural Update
Community Forum
Talking Taxes
Stay Informed
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Happy New Year! We hope that 2014 is your best one ever.


Coming Up: Discussion Units 

The League's new year is starting with our January Discussion Units on Jan. 7, 8 and 13. We will be preparing for the National Convention in Dallas in June by talking about what we want the national program to emphasize and what new issues may be introduced. We will also discuss our local program and any new ideas you have about studies we should do or issues we should concentrate on.

Bring your ideas to any of the meetings: 


Tuesday, Jan. 7: Supper Unit, 5:30 p.m., Madame Lu's Restaurant, 3524 State Street.  


Wednesday, Jan. 8: Carpinteria Unit, 10 a.m., Carpinteria Women's Club, 1059 Vallecito Rd. 


Monday, Jan.13: Valle Verde Unit, noon-2 p.m., private dining room off breezeway (parking in back lot), 900 Calle de los Amigos; brown bag lunch. 

Agriculture Update Meeting
Agriculture Update Committee will meet Monday, Jan 6 at noon at the League office, 328 East Carrillo Street, Suite A.
Jan. 15 Community Forum:
Covered and Uncovered California 


Our Wednesday Jan. 15 Community Forum: Covered and Uncovered California will be noon-2 p.m. at the Louise Lowry Davis Center, 1232 De La Vina St. A panel of experts will discuss implementation of the Affordable Care Act in California.


This is a brown bag lunch with desserts and beverages provided. It is free and open to the public.
Save the Date: March 21
For "Talking Taxes" Workshop 


 Be sure to mark your calendars for Friday, March 21 for a five-hour workshop on "Talking Taxes, Conversations for the Common Good." This will be an opportunity for people in League, the community and non-profits to dialogue and be trained to seek solutions to our state's fiscal crisis besides more budget cuts. Kim Klein will lead the workshop.


Stay Informed
To stay up to date on what LWVSB is doing, go to our website, www.lwvsantabarbara.org for the latest information.

You will receive your next Channel Voter in early February. 
Joanie Jones & Susan Shank  
League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara 

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