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In This Issue
November Units
November Community Forum
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What's Happening

You can read the complete November Channel Voter
online. You should soon be getting the printed version in the mail, but here's a preview of what's coming up.   

The Nov. 5 Santa Barbara Election:

Don't Forget to Vote

This is an all vote-by-mail election. Voters in the City of Santa Barbara can deposit ballots at City Hall, 735 Anacapa St., during the week before the election. City Hall will also stay open on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to receive dropped-off ballots.

Ballots must be received--not postmarked--by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 5. On Election Day ballots can be taken to City Hall from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., as well as to Calvary Baptist Church, 736 W. Islay St.; Franklin Neighborhood Center, 1136 E. Montecito St.; and Grace Lutheran Church, 3869 State St.

Both League forums were videotaped and are available on our website. They are also being televised on TVSB and the schedule is posted under shows on their website. For "no spin" information about the candidates see SmartVoter.
November Discussion Units: 
How Can We Restore the Voting Rights Act? VOTE!

Dates are: Tuesday, Nov. 5 for the Supper Unit - 5:30 p.m., Madame Lu's Restaurant, 3524 State St.; Monday, Nov. 11 for the Valle Verde Unit - noon-2 p.m. in private dining room off breezway (parking in back lot), 900 Calle de los Amigos (brown bag lunch); and Wednesday, Nov. 13 for the Carpinteria Unit - 10 a.m., Carpinteria Women's Club, 1059 Vallecito.

Nationwide the League has been very concerned about the recent Supreme Court decision that seriously weakens the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The League in North Carolina is one of the lead plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed when that state approved the most restrictive voting law in the country.

In November we will discuss how the Voting Rights Act might be restored, and we are very fortunate to have a family well informed about this problem to lead those Units. We hope that you all read Channel Voter Editor Vicki Allen's memoir about her march from Selma, Alabama in the 60's. It is called  "What I Saw in Selma" in your October Voter. Vicki's husband and League member Joe Allen is an attorney and a board member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). He has participated in election related lawsuits, and he and Vicki will lead the Tuesday Unit.

Vicki is also planning to attend the Carpinteria Unit, and we have invited their daughter, Emily Allen, League Social Policy Co-Chair and a knowledgeable attorney herself, to come to the Valle Verde Unit.

We hope that all of you will bring your questions (and answers!) to these important discussions. We often feel that California election management is excellent, but it has been under attack in the past, and there are signs that it may soon be again. Protecting the right of all citizens to vote is one of the League's most important jobs.
Affordable Care Notice

County Public Health recently released an Affordable Care Act website as a resource to Santa Barbara County residents which contains valuable information on upcoming changes to healthcare.
November Community Forum:     
Money in Politics
Wednesday, November 20, noon-2 p.m.
Louise Lowry Davis Center,
1232 De La Vina St.
Money has impacted--some would say corrupted--the American political process for generations. About 90 years ago the Teapot Dome scandal, which involved secret leasing of federal oil reserves, dominated headlines for weeks and almost brought down President Harding's administration. Huge campaign contributions were one of the many troubling elements of the Watergate scandal.

The November community forum will review legislation and court decisions on Money in Politics. How can we strike a fair balance between the first amendment right to free speech and reasonable limits on campaign contributions and expenditures?  There is no easy answer, but we do know that money has the power to corrupt our political system and officials. 

B Professor Ted Anagnoson
will review key legislation on this topic and related court decisions. Trudy Schafer, senior director for Program of LWVC, will speak about the State League of Women Voters' position on campaign finance.

All L
eague forums are free and open to the public. You are encouraged to invite your friends. You may bring your own brown-bag lunch, and cookies and beverages will be provided. Parking at the center is free.   

League Attends Central Coast
Sustainabiity Summit

Six members of the Sustainability Communities Committee attended the 3rd Annual Sustainability Summit held at UCSB on Oct. 24. The main theme for that day's meeting was how the South Coast could consider adopting Community Choice Aggregation, which involves having this area choose to include more renewable energy sources in their electricity. 

Marin County is the first in California to adopt such a program, and their director came to explain how they had achieved this, with community support. There, it took a vote of the public and major loans to add important new energy sources to their regular mix, and they encourage other areas to consider doing it. 

It would be difficult to do it here as a County because we are served by two different public utilities, but Santa Maria could combine with San Luis Obispo, which is already working on a plan, and the South Coast could work with Southern California Edison to create a similar program and increase our use of alternative energy sources.

Joanie Jones and Susan Shank
League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara 

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