The First Sunday After The Epiphany 
January 12, 2014 

"When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him.  Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2: 10-11
This Week At Christchurch
Sunday, January 12 
Holy Eucharist:  9:30 a.m.
Children follow the acolyte to their worship areas during the processional hymn.     
Children's Church: Kindergarten through 3rd grade will go the Sheepfold in the Chi Rho House     
 Junior Worship: 4th grade through 6th grade will meet in the Emmaus Room upstairs   
Fr. John-Michael van Dyke+ 

Children will return to the service to share the Eucharist with their family.

Annual Parish Meeting: Today immediately following the morning Eucharist.

*No 180 Youth Sunday School

* No Children's Sunday School today: Special children's program in the Chi Rho House during the meeting. 5yr. old through 6th grade.

180Youth Group: 5:30-7:45 p.m.  Dinner will be served up, as well as the message "New Years Revelations",  and we will close the night with games: blanket-ball, volley-ball and disc-a-pades.
Wednesday, January 15 
Puppet Team Practice: 5:15-6:30 p.m. - Chi Rho House

Celebration Choir Practice: 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Hidden Treasure

Chancel Choir Practice: 5:30 p.m. - Choir Room

"Wednesday Night Salt & Light":
5:45 p.m. Ministry Program / 6:30 p.m. Supper - Canterbury Hall

Anglican World Update:
Join Fr. Rusty as we review important events
in the life of the Anglican Communion in 2013 and look forward to the
year ahead.

Portuguese Chicken, Crusty bread, Macaroni and cheese, Green peas, Salad and Dessert

Childcare Provided

Wednesday Night Children's Program:
 Grades K-6th grade (those not on puppet team): Join us for  
Wednesday Night at the Movies" on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesday
nights of  each month in Cottage 2. We will  be showing Testament
and New Testament movies from NEST Family and Big Idea Entertainment Groups. Grades K- 3rd: Choir practice for the Celebration Choir meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights of each month  from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Emmaus room on the second floor of the church. 

Thursday, January 16 
Early Christians/Thursday Men's Breakfast & Bible Study: The Bible study and breakfast continues with the series "PYRRHIC VICTORY." Everyman's Story of  the Galloping Ghost." A look at the Biblical lessons for men in the brief stardom of the great Red Grange, who found that all that glitters is not glory. Led by Fr. John-Michael van Dyke+. Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. 11th floor of the Goode Building at Jackson Hospital. All men welcome!

 The Women's Thursday Morning Prayer/Read-Thru the Bible Group will meet in the Grove Park Club House at 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Saint Clare Guild will meet Sunday, January 19, at the home of Chris Setzer, 3108 Fitzgerald Circle, from 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Women's Enrichment Winter Series: The Joy of Intersession by Beni  Johnson (Bill Johnson's wife), begins Thursday, January 30, 9:30-11:30 a.m. (childcare provided for children 4 and under). This six-week study will empower even the weariest prayer warrior as we explore, discuss and practice the keys to an effective prayer life! We will learn  how to Pray from the Father's Heart, Pray from a Place of Delegated Authority,  Pray from an Offensive Position, Confidently Declare God's Word and Promises over our Lives and  Others, Engage in Effective Warfare through Worship, Draw from Different Types of Prayer, Find a Place of Rest, and Joy in Intercession. Facilitated by Janette Boyd, Ginny Haynes and Marcia Macrory. Special Women's Conference January 23.

Confirmation Class: for those adults who are interested in becoming Anglican and/or renewing their faith begins Wednesday, January 22, from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. in Canterbury Hall. Class attendance ensures readiness for our bishop's visit on March 2. Please call or email Fr. Rusty with any questions.

  Click here for the Church Calendar


Upcoming Events Page


The Epiphany

The Epiphany of Our Lord  
The name "Epiphany" is derived from a Greek word meaning "manifestation" or "appearing." Anglican Prayer Books interpret the word with an alternative title, "The Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles." The last phrase, of course, is a reference to the story of the Wise Men from the East.

A Christian observance on January 6 is found as early as the end of the second century in Egypt. The feast combined commemorations of the visit of the Magi, led by the star of Bethlehem; the Baptism of Jesus in the waters of the River Jordan; and Jesus' first recorded miracle, the changing of water into wine at the marriage of Cana of Galilee-all thought of as manifestations of the incarnate Lord.

The Epiphany is still the primary Feast of the Incarnation in Eastern Churches, and the three-fold emphasis is still prominent. In the West, however, including Anglican Churches, the story of the Wise Men has tended to overshadow the other two events. Modern lectionary reform, reflected in the 1979 Prayer Book, has recovered the primitive trilogy, by setting the event of the Baptism as the theme of the First Sunday after the Epiphany in all three years, and by providing the story of the Miracle at Cana as the Gospel for the Second Sunday after the Epiphany in Year C.

Psalm 72 
Isaiah 60:1-6, 9 
Ephesians 3:1-12 
Matthew 2:1-1

Collect for Epiphany:
O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the Peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Click above for more information.

God Has Made Himself Known to Us

In the mystery of our Lord's incarnation there were clear indications of his eternal Godhead. Yet the great events we celebrate today disclose and reveal in different ways the fact that God himself took a human body. Mortal man, enshrouded always in darkness, must not be left in ignorance, and so be deprived of what he can understand and retain only by grace.

In choosing to be born for us, God chose to be known by us. He therefore reveals himself in this way, in order that this great sacrament of his love may not be an occasion for us of great misunderstanding.

Today the Magi find, crying in a manger, the one they have followed as he shone in the sky. Today the Magi see clearly, in swaddling clothes, the one they have long awaited as he lay hidden among the stars.

Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they see: heaven on earth, earth in heaven, man in God, God in man, one whom the whole universe cannot contain now enclosed in a tiny body. As they look, they believe and do not question, as their symbolic gifts bear witness: incense for God, gold for a king, myrrh for one who is to die.

So the Gentiles, who were the last, become the first: the faith of the Magi is the first fruits of the belief of the Gentiles.

Today Christ enters the Jordan to wash away the sin of the world. John himself testifies that this is why he has come: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Today a servant lays his hand on the Lord, a man lays his hand on God, John lays his hand on Christ, not to forgive but to receive forgiveness.

Today, as the psalmist prophesied: The voice of the Lord is heard above the waters. What does the voice say? This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.

Today the Holy Spirit hovers over the waters in the likeness of a dove. A dove announced to Noah that the flood had disappeared from the earth; so now a dove is to reveal that the world's shipwreck is at an end for ever. The sign is no longer an olive-shoot of the old stock: instead, the Spirit pours out on Christ's head the full richness of a new anointing by the Father, to fulfil what the psalmist had prophesied: Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows.

Today Christ works the first of his signs from heaven by turning water into wine. But water has still to be changed into the sacrament of his blood, so that Christ may offer spiritual drink from the chalice of his body, to fulfil the psalmist's prophecy: How excellent is my chalice, warming my spirit.  -Peter Chrysologus (c.380-c.450)

Come Join us in the Atrium!
Come Join us in the Atrium!
WhoMen and Women of ANY age
WhyWe need you. Our children are a vital part of our church.
WhenCall Cindy McLaughlin at 387-0566, ext. 210 to get on the schedule now and serve one to two times a month. 
We would like to have you come to the next Atrium training.  There are two times to choose from: February 2 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. or February 5 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Training will be located in the  Level I Atrium in the Chi Rho House.  You can be a helper without attending the training if these times do not work with your schedule. Please prayerfully consider helping us in Sunday School now through May.

Join In On All The Fun With Our Chancel Choir In 2014!
Are you ready to start a New Year doing something new and different? 
Come join your Christchurch Chancel Choir as we begin new anthems and songs of praise for the coming year.   Rehearsals are 5:30 each Wednesday evening in the second floor Chancel Choir Room. We would love to see you there! Please call Margaret Cauthen if you have any questions.  387-0566 Ext. 217. 

Thursday, January 23:  Women's Conference
Click above for more information on Pam Hanes.
Ladies, please join us as your schedule allows for an exciting teaching on God's promised gift to every believer, His Holy Spirit. Learn how to walk in His strength, allowing His indwelling power to operate fully through you as it did through His disciples. Invite your friends!
For childcare four and under, please call 387-0566 for reservations.

Please join us on Thursday, January 23rd for a one day conference at Christchurch with our guest speaker, Pam Hanes.  Pam is a well known Bible teacher and conference leader from Mobile, Alabama. Her gift of teaching ushers people into an encounter with the love of God and His Holy Spirit. Treat yourself to a day in His Presence and bring a friend!

9:30 -11:30 Session One
11:30 -12:30 Lunch served - quiche and salad ($10.00)
12:30 - 2:30 Session Two
6:00 - 8:00 Session Three

Pam does not charge for her time but we will collect a love offering to help cover her travel expenses and support her ministry.
Join us!
"Tech Talk"...A Look Ahead:
Technology Ministry, Social Media, & Digital Evangelism

2014 is going to be an exciting year at Christchurch! 
To keep you up to date and to extend our reach outside the walls of the church, we're expanding our Technology Ministry, updating our web presence with more social media, and putting all the tools of "digital evangelism" at your fingertips.  Every week we'll bring you a technology tip, update, or insight with this "Tech Talk" section of The Weekly XPerience.  This new campaign is just getting started, so stay tuned for more information. 

The world is increasingly communicating through social media, and we're doing our best to inform the conversation.  To this end,
"Tech Talk" will also bring you a weekly Social Media Minute
to explain different social media concepts and platforms. 
Please join us, and check back here each week for more information, training, and tips on how you can get involved in helping us gain traction on the web!

Wonder if Social Media really matters?  Click above for some growing statistics....

"Spotted" @ CCXP....
New for 2014..."Spotted at Christchurch":
Each week, this new section of The Weekly XPerience will bring you great parish life photos from around the church.  Thanks to Maribeth Lambert, Pam Heaton, Rick Plaskett, Kristy Hawkins, Bethany Gamma, Kitty Harris, Jackie Waller, Keith Gum, and everyone who has been participating in our expanding Photo Crew! 

There are 4 cameras stashed around the church.  Take a few pictures, pass the camera around, and put it back!  The cameras are in drawers in the Narthex, Sacristry, Hallway near the nursery, and Canterbury Hall on the parking lot side.  You can also post your own photos of parish life to our  Facebook Photo Stream, and be sure to tag
Christchurch XP, Montgomery, AL in them as well!




Right click on the above photos to download and print. 
ACNA News: March for Life 2014
 An invitation to the March for Life from Archbishop Duncan

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In Deuteronomy 30:19 Moses says, "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."

This exhortation reminds us of the profound importance God places on life, especially our children, born and unborn. Furthermore, the Canons of the Anglican Church in North America include this declaration of our commitment to life: God, and not man, is the creator of human life. The unjustified taking of life is sinful. Therefore, all members and Clergy are called to protect and respect the sanctity of every human life from conception to natural death (Canon II.8.3).

Most recently, the Nairobi Communiqu� from the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) included this statement: We repudiate all such violence against women and children and call on the church to demonstrate respect for women, care for marginalized women and children around the world, and uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

To help us live out God's exhortation and these statements of faith, I would like to invite you and members of your family to join me this month in honoring the sanctity of life as we sadly recognize the 41 years abortion has been legal in the United States.  Please come to Washington, DC and walk with me and many members of the College of Bishops at the annual March for Life on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014.  Click here to continue reading...

Vestry Nominees:
After prayer and reception of these names from the congregation, the Vestry Nominating Committee has selected by lot the following persons to serve as nominees for Vestry: Gene Crane, Cheney Haugabook, Kristy Hawkins, Hope Mardre, Dean Mooty, Jenny Roth, Trey Starke and Helen Thompson. Please pray for these persons who have agreed - if chosen - to serve for a three-year term, and for the Lord's discernment. Four (4) new Vestry members will selected by lot at our Annual Meeting next Sunday, January 12th. Thanks to the outgoing Vestry Members: Leah Dubberly, Kitty Harris, Maribeth Lambert, and Mose Stuart, IV.

Read The Bible in One Year:
Click for more photos.
Women's Thursday Morning Grove Park Prayer Group: Thursdays at the Grove Park activity center, from 8 - 9:00 a.m. we will be reading the Bible in a year.  We will have reading assignments for each week.  When we gather we will discuss what we read and finish with prayer.  This is your study so if you miss a week that's ok.  If you would like the reading schedule early, please contact Jackie Butler at [email protected].  Join us for a roller coaster ride in 2014, reading our Bible.

Off to a great start! Join us each Thursday at 8 am for prayer and study. Contact Jackie Butler for a book. First week reading is Genesis, chapters 1-24, NIV.  

Happy New Year!
Wow, what an amazing year at Christchurch! Take a stroll down memory lane over at our Photo Stream page. It takes a while for the whole year to load, but it's well worth the wait!

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me." -  John 14:6
 Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in Christchurch. Don't forget to add [email protected] to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!  Please click on the unsubscribe link below if you no longer wish to receive our emails.  Thank You

In This Issue: Epiphany, Choir, "Tech Talk", "Spotted", & More...
This Week At Christchurch
The Epiphany
Atrium Training
Chancel Choir 2014
Women's Conference
Tech Talk
"Spotted" @ CCXP
Vestry Nominees
Bible in 1 Year
Happy New Year!
Ministries & Missions  
Tools & Resources
Holy Bible

Click for The Bible Gateway Website

   Click for The YouVersion Bible App

Click for ChristchurchXP's Bible Verse Pinterest Board

Daily Office
Click For An Online Daily Office Lectionary
Click For The New ACNA Common Prayer Texts
Weekly Bulletin
Click For An Online Weekly Bulletin
The Apostle
Click for the ACNA Seasonal Journal

Join The ACNA Mailing List

Go To Class

Our Sunday School classes and weekday studies offer terrific educational and fellowship opportunities for members of all ages.  Attend one of these great classes or Study Online.
Click for Class Recordings
Men's Study - Women's Study
Children's Study - Youth Study
Sign Up

Please take a moment to fill out a Volunteer Survey Form.  Please don't agonize over your answers; you're not volunteering for anything... just letting us know what you do and don't like to do! Contact Maribeth Lambert with any questions.
Click to print form
Cameras & Photos

There are 4 cameras stashed around the church. These are for anyone to use, and people are using them!  Take a few pictures, pass the camera around, and put it back!  The cameras are in drawers in the Narthex, Sacristry, Hallway near the nursery, and Canterbury Hall on the parking lot side.  You can also post your own photos of parish life to our Facebook Photo Stream,
and be sure to tag
in them as well!
Click for photos

Connect with Christchurch


Spread The Word
Join Our Mailing List



The Rev. John-Michael van Dyke+
334-387-0566, ext. 206

The Rev. Rusty DeMoss+
Associate Rector 
334-387-0566, ext. 204

The Rev. Travis King+
Rector's Assistant
334-387-0566, ext. 215
Margaret Cauthen
Music Ministry
334-387-0566, ext. 217

Cindy McLaughlin
Children's Ministry
334-387-0566, ext. 210
[email protected]

Margie Stuart
Puppet Ministry
334-387-0566 ext. 209
[email protected] 

Ginger Richardson
334-387-0566, ext. 201

Marty Nanfeldt
Executive Assistant
334-387-0566, ext. 214

Tara Harris
Director of Child Care
334-387-0566, ext. 205


Hope Mardre
Director of Chi Rho Kids
334-387-0566, ext. 216

William Barnes
Website, Media, & A/V Engineer
[email protected]


Please send calendar changes, ministry updates, pastoral care needs, prayer requests, and other important information to:
[email protected]

Please send parish life photographs, cd requests, and website changes to:
[email protected]

Prayer For Christchurch

Give us Your strength for the journey, Lord, for we've begun the race but are far from the finish. You Who have brought us to this new day, lead us onward, for we want to follow. Give us the faith to fight the good fight, for with You we know we cannot lose.  Give us the peace that knows we're not alone, for Your Son walks with us. Give us the grace to see each step taken as part of a greater Plan, for it's Your will that we seek. And as we keep the faith to the end of our journey, may we always remember why we began. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.


Click to learn more

Please continue to pray for God's blessing upon the
Church of the Good Shepherd, ACNA, in Auburn, Alabama.  Our new church-plant in Auburn now meets every Sunday at 10:00a.m.  The Auburn Chapel 139 South College St. Auburn, AL 36830

Click to learn more

8800 Vaughn Road
Montgomery, AL 36117
(334) 387-0566
[email protected]
