EFD December 2015 Newsletter

Land Use Site Selection Information Tool

Free Webinar 
Optimizing Oil and Gas 
Infrastructure Placement
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - 10:00 CST
A multi-year project conducted between the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) - Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems (EFD) Program, the University of Arkansas' Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST), and Latitude Geographics has been completed.    
The program enables operators to optimize oil and gas infrastructure placement through the use of powerful analytical tools and an intuitive collaborative design that leverages the Esri ArcGIS  Platform.    
The program will help address environmental aspects, facilitate more effective communication, and reach the permit stage of oil and gas development more quickly.

The program was successfully tested by Seneca in the Marcellus. Upon completion of this testing, Seneca has decided to add it to their toolbox!  
The webinar will allow for 100 tie-ins so please RSVP
to Rich Haut at rhaut@HARCresearch.org 


EFD initiated a study under its RPSEA Technology Integration Program (TIP). The objective of TIP is to identify various technologies that can develop natural resources in an environmental friendly manner and then document the results from field demonstrations.
West Virginia and The Ohio State completed a Phase 1 report with the assistance of Newpark Drilling Fluids: "Rules, regulations, pending legislation, regionally published best practices that impact drilling operations, drilling fluids and cuttings."
This study is investigating
environmentally acceptable drilling fluids systems that can function in shale formations and meet operational expectations. These fluids have the potential to benefit the operator as well as complying with the local regulations. The study is focused on the Marcellus and Utica researching publicly available well records from 2013 to present. The
study will be completed by West Virginia University (WVU) with 3 students supervised by Petroleum Engineering Professor Ilkin Bilgesu.

For more information and/or if you would like to be involved, please contact Tom Williams at
             The EFD Team is going offshore!  

In 2012, we launched the EFD Virtual Drilling Rig. The EFD Virtual Hydraulic Fracturing Site was rolled out in 2014. We are currently working on the Virtual Production Site which will be rolled out in 2016.  
The EFD Team is now developing the Virtual Offshore Safety Training Site (VOST) for the middle-skilled O&G worker. Hot spots will demonstrate actions and behaviors that workers can practice in order to minimize and mitigate environmental impacts. Safety training and exercises can be shared through videos, PDFs, and links to websites.

We need your help!

The project team will gather and compile input from industry subject matter experts (SMEs), environmental organizations and members of the EFD University and National Laboratory Alliance in order to develop the virtual offshore location and proposed hotspots of the VOST site. This group would serve as the EFD-VOST Advisory Committee.

The involvement of this Committee to ensure that:
  1. Project deliverables will be useful to all stakeholders
  2. The actions/behaviors addressed are of priority
  3. Feedback from all stakeholders is incorporated into the final product
We are aiming for a meeting of SMEs in mid-January.

Please contact Tom Williams or Andra Wilcox  
to participate in this valuable tool! 
The EFD program sponsored a demonstration project for Gulf Coast Green Energy to test the ElectraTherm Power+Generator to reduce flaring and produce power at a sponsoring operator's well site in North Dakota.

This project has demonstrated:
  • beneficial use for flared gas that complies with the state mandates to reduce flaring
  • 90% run time during trial phase
  • offset on-site power usage
  • significantly reduced emissions over what would have been flared

A video is available of a recent webinar detailing this project.


EFD Sponsors' Meeting
was held November 11, 2015
If you would like copies of the presentations,
please contact Andra at awilcox@HARCresearch.org

The EFD Alliance Members Map

Regional experts to address regional issues.
Contact us to learn more
and/or join the EFD Alliance! 
Save the Date 
Texas A&M will hold their Annual  
Water & Wastewater Course 
April 19th & 20th, 2016 
"Basics, Challenges, Solutions, and New Technologies"
Equipment & Analytical Demos

For more information, visit www.gpri.org or contact
Carl Vavra - carl.vavra@tamu.edu

EPA Methane Challenge - EFD Sponsors Benefit

EFD Sponsors can call upon the EFD Team to work with them to meet the challenges of the program. The EFD Team could assist sponsors with identification and implementation of best practices to reduce methane emissions. In addition, the EFD Team would work with sponsors to establish a standardized method to track progress and emission reductions. 
Upcoming Events 
GWPC 2016 UIC Annual Conference - Feb 23-25, 2016 Denver, CO
Call for abstracts ends December 7, 2015.  

The EFD program, funded by federal, state and foreign government agencies, industry and environmental organizations, provides unbiased science to policy makers and identifies, develops and tests new technologies, processes and systems to reduce the environmental footprint associated with oil and gas activities, from well site selection through natural gas compression. The program, approximately $4 million per year, is engaged in research and technology transfer activities from the Western Slope of the Rockies to the Ukraine, and from the North Slope of Alaska to Columbia (South America). Research includes land, air and water issues, as well as public perception investigations. The program was honored with the Chairman's Stewards Award for Environmental Partnership at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. For more information, see: www.efdsystems.org.

HARC | 4800 Research Forest Drive | The Woodlands | TX | 77381