
September, 2013
SPE Unconventional Resources Conference
The Woodlands, Texas
April 1 - 3, 2014

Call for Papers
Deadline: September 30, 2013
The theme for this conference is
"The Future is Now - And It's Unconventional"
Focuses include:
Enabling and Emerging Technologies
Well Construction: Drilling, Completions, & Stimulation
Formation Evaluation & Characterization
Production Operations
Reservoir Engineering Aspects

Field Studies & Demonstration Projects

Click here for more information!
Water Lifecycle Workshop 
22-23 October 2013

Galveston, Texas

Early Registration Deadline: 30 September 2013

From their site - Water management is a hot topic in the petroleum industry, impacting many operational aspects from access and resource protection to production and treatment. This workshop will touch upon all aspects of the operation with special consideration to a holistic approach in water management and conservation.
For more information and to register,
Life-cycle Assessment for
Composite Modular Road and Drill Pad Systems
prepared for HARC  
by Heath Van Eaton, MS - President, WyoComp

As part of the Environmentally Friendly Drilling (EFD) Program, a life-cycle assessment comparing composite matting systems made from recycled HDPE reinforced with wheat straw cellulose against wood matting systems made from pine was performed.

GSI Environmental, Inc.
GSI is an environmental engineering firm which specializes in the assessment and management of environmental risk. Since 1986, from their headquarters in Houston, Texas, they have worked worldwide, providing industry with innovative solutions to soil, groundwater, surface water, and air pollution problems and associated regulatory issues. They emphasize careful data collection and analysis and technical ingenuity in all of their work in order to provide solutions that are both efficient and effective.*
  * from GSI Environmental's website
Texas A&M Kingsville 
Workshops to be held in November, 2013

November 5 - 7, 2013:
Frac Water Treatment Training Course to be held at Texas A&M Kingsville 
November 14, 2013:
Innovative Transportation and Water Technologies for Sustainable Eagle Ford Shale Workshop to be held in Cotulla, Texas

Please contact Dr. Lee Clapp for more information: lee.clapp@tamuk.edu
South Texas Natives 
a publication of the Caesar Klegerg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas A&M
University - Kingsville

South Texas Natives is an initiative to develop and promote native plants for the restoration and reclamation of habitats on private and public lands. Please click here for their website and newsletter.
Air Quality and Oil and Gas Development in the Rocky Mountain Region
October 21-22, 2013
Boulder, Colorado 

Objectives of this workshop are for participants to:
- Gain an overview of major field studies, air quality modeling & emissions   inventory development efforts occurring in the Rocky Mountain region
- Identify opportunities for collaboration & information exchange
- Identify prospects for scientific & technical activities to support air quality management efforts
Sponsored by the AirWaterGas Sustainability Research Network
Please click here for more information and to register for workshop.

The format will also include an open poster session.
Please contact Michael.Hannigan@colorado.edu

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The EFD Team and PTTC held two valuable workshops in Canonsburg, PA.

Wellbore Integrity 
Improving Zonal Isolation Practices
Natural Gas Power for
Shale Development 
Using Natural Gas Fuel for Drilling & Hydraulic Fracturing

Presentations can be found on the EFD website.  
Life Cycle Water Consumption for Shale Gas & Conventional Natural Gas 
Corrie E Clark, Robert M. Horner and Chris Harto 
published in
Environmental Science & Technology
This study estimates the water consumed over the life cycle of conventional and shale gas production, accounting for the different stages of production and for flowback water reuse (in the case of shale gas).
 13-17 February - Chicago, Illinois

Hydraulic Fracturing: the Science,
Technology, Myths, and Challenges

This meeting's theme will be focusing on finding sustainable solutions through inclusive, international, and interdisciplinary efforts that are the most useful to society and enhance economic growth.*

EFD Team Members will be serving as moderators and speakers.
Upcoming Events 
Industry Calendar

Sept 11 - 13 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Mechanics Considerations for Unconventional Reservoirs
Ranch Palos Verdes, CA

Sept 17 - 19 DUG Eagle Ford Conference & Exhibition
San Antonio, TX

Sept 22 - 27 SEG International Exposition & 83rd Annual Meeting
Houston, TX

Sept 30 - Oct 2 SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition
New Orleans, LA

July 21-23, 2014 ASCE Shale Energy Engineering Conference
Pittsburgh, PA 

The EFD program, funded by federal, state and foreign government agencies, industry and environmental organizations, provides unbiased science to policy makers and identifies, develops and tests new technologies, processes and systems to reduce the environmental footprint associated with oil and gas activities, from well site selection through natural gas compression. The program, approximately $4 million per year, is engaged in research and technology transfer activities from the Western Slope of the Rockies to the Ukraine, and from the North Slope of Alaska to Columbia (South America). Research includes land, air and water issues, as well as public perception investigations. The program was honored with the Chairman's Stewards Award for Environmental Partnership at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. For more information, see: www.efdsystems.org.