Public Health, Nursing and Dentistry
Grant, Award and Fellowship Opportunities 
 February 2017

News and Events
Monthly newsletter with tips, best practices, and insider advice on applying for grants and strengthening proposal applications.

Working with Private Foundations and Corporations 
An introductory training for medical research investigators and related faculty covering how private institutional funders are different from federal sponsors, how to partner with UCLA's corporate and foundation officers, and how to navigate between OCGA and TDG. Space is limited, RSVP to
(Feb. 7th, 9AM)
Webinar for faculty who have been successful in winning single-PI and small team grants and are looking to transition to larger team and center-level grants. We will discuss how these larger grants are different, what the expectations of the funding agencies are for large team and center grants, successful strategies and common mistakes to avoid. (Feb. 8th)
UCLA extends this invitation to UCLA students, faculty and staff to explore ways to increase awareness about gun violence as a public health issue and find solutions to end gun violence together at this year's symposium entitled, "Gun Violence & Our Health: Finding Solutions through the lens of Social Justice." (Feb. 11th)

Webinar for students, and faculty or staff who mentor them, on how to identify graduate fellowships for which they can apply, how to prepare a competitive application, and common mistakes to avoid. (Mar. 1st)

Webinar for faculty about how to develop collaborations with industry and how to pursue industry funding for research. (Mar. 8th)
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UCLA/UC Funding
The UCLA Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) is pleased to announce two Calls for Proposals for Transdisciplinary Seed Grants to further the development of new collaborative research and scholarship across the UCLA campus.  The purpose of these grants is to catalyze new lines of research and new interdisciplinary collaborations with the potential for solving important and challenging problems that can have profound benefits for society. (Deadline Feb. 15)

California HIV/AIDS Research Program - One Step Ahead
The California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP) is pleased to announce our funding initiative for 2017, One Step Ahead, an open call for investigator-initiated HIV research projects that have the potential to innovatively advance the field a leap beyond our current knowledge and practices. The overall goals of the One Step Ahead initiative are to: (1) facilitate visionary research in HIV science that significantly impacts the HIV epidemic; and (2) fund innovative and highly meritorious projects that have the potential to shift the current paradigm and move the field "one step ahead." (LOI due Feb. 23rd)
Up to two grants of $10,000 are available for conducting pilot research activities related to cancer disparities in partnership with a community organization. The activities have to take place in SPA 6 and may represent an extension of an existing partnership or serve as a means of forming new partnerships. Applications have to include both an academic investigator and a community investigator. (Deadline Mar. 1)
LSOsLimited Submission and Coordinated Submission Opportunities
Please note: All Limited Submissions Opportunities can now be found online on the VCR website in our LSO Portal!

Extended refers to those LSOs for which UCLA did not have an applicant as of the internal deadline. The first PI to contact the LSO office will be given permission to proceed as the UCLA applicant(s).  
Open refers to those LSOs for which the internal deadline has not yet closed. The submissions will be reviewed by the committee and the requisite number will be given permission to proceed as the UCLA applicant(s). 

If you are interested in receiving the LSO weekly newsletter, please subscribe.
FedOppsFederal Opportunities
Upcoming NIH - DHHS Opportunities:
Click here for a full list of NIH opportunities. Please note: Grant opportunities offered under multiple funding mechanisms are designated by the activity code following the grant title.

NonFedOppsNon-Federal Opportunities (Including Foundations*)
*For foundation-related opportunities, it is advisable to check if coordinated communication and proposal submissions has been requested.  These communications are handled by the UCLA Corporate, Foundation & Research Relations office.  Please refer to the current list. CFRR staff are available for responding to questions or providing assistance.
ResourcesResearch & Funding Resources
Please find our resource list at the following link: