Urban Evolution
The Urbanite
The highly evolved monthly fitness newsletter!
Enter the Dragon...
("Dragon" means "Green Band Classes")
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
So you got a Green Band.  Now what?  In addition to Open Gym privileges, the Green Band also provides access to our upcoming Green Band Classes, featuring bigger moves, more complicated techniques, and general super saiyan-level badassery. Ready to begin powering up to Red Band, quadroob?  Details and schedule to come...
Summer approaches...
Come get your camp on!

Urban Evolution - Kids' Parkour Summer Daycamp!
No one can see ninjas camping

 Summer Camp slots are going, going, almost gone!  

Go to www.urbanevo.com/daycamp  to reserve a 

place for your lil' traceur!

The Fearless Families of Urban Evolution!
The Fearless Families of Urban Evolution!



"Who ya gonna call?  Copyright infringement!"
We have a new number: 1-855-NINJAS1.  Give us a call for any UE-related inquiries, such as "How do I register my child for summer camp?" or "What's the best way to get blood stains off the ceiling?"  We have the answer!  (Club soda and a step ladder)


Help Wanted!!!

Ninja job fairs are always packed

 We are looking for skilled Assistant Instructors for our Summer Camps.  Do you or someone you know like working with kids?  Do they possess mad parkour skillz?  Send us a resume via carrier falcon and/or email 
UE BALTIMORE.  That is all.

We're coming for you...

UE Baltimore is happening.  Our good pal and longtime parkour aficionado Adam McConnell has a place and a plan.  Charm City will be ours soon...so very soon...click!
Schedule Alert: 
Daytime Homeschool classes 
begin earlier during Summer Camp

The ways of the ninja are temporarily altered, 
as like Spider Man in that black alien suit thingy 
that turned into Venom or whatever...
Homeschool classes in Manassas will be on Monday and Wednesday at 11am from June 16th thru August 25th.
We're also adding NanoPK class (ages 6-8) on Thursdays at 11am
starting on May 16th.

Homeschool classes in Alexandria will be on Tuesday 11am from
June 16th thru August 25th.
Featured Athlete: Marvin and Ren 
(a Father/Son parkour bond)

This month we had the honor of presenting a Green Wristband to our first ever 401pk class member. We loving seeing Marvin and his son Ren bond over laches, rail balancing and parkour rolls and we think it's about time you meet them too! You can read about them here
In This Issue

Find us on Facebook 

Urban Evolution | 5402 Eisenhower Ave | Alexandria | VA | 22304