
Women Build Dedication
scheduled for this Sunday, 2/8
19 Bevan Way DOES have a certificate of occupancy and Kelly will be closing on the home next week, with plans to move in shortly thereafter. We will dedicate her home in the spring, along with 10 and 16 Bevan Way.


Friday, February 6, 2-7pm

Saturday, February 7, 10am - 6pm

Sunday, February 8, 10am - 4pm

2015 Habitat Kayak

at the 9th Annual

Boatbuilders' Show

Resort and Conference Center

35 Scudder Ave, Hyannis

Admission: $5.00

More info here



Wednesday, February 11

Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals

Habitat will present a proposal for two homes on Old Stage Road


Town Hall Hearing Room

 367 Main Street, Barnstable



Wednesday, February 11

Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals

Habitat will present a proposal for two homes: one on Orchard Road, & the other on Quinaquisset Ave.


Ockway Meeting Room

Town Hall

16 Great Neck Road North, Mashpee


 Wednesday, February 18

Wellfleet Planning Board

Habitat will present an updated site plan for a property on Old King's Highway where we propose to build three homes.


Wellfleet Senior Center

715 Old King's Highway, Wellfleet


Saturday, March 21

Sunday, March 22 

2015 Habitat Kayak at the Annual Hyannis

Rotary Club Home & Garden Show

10:00am - 6:00pm

Barnstable High School

744 W. Main St, Barnstable

Sunday, March 29

We Are The Men

Male Voice Choir Concert to Benefit Habitat for Humanity

Wine, Cheese, Raw Bar to follow

 3:00 p.m.

Church of the Holy Spirit,

204 Monument Road, Orleans

Free Will Donation



Save the Date

Friday, April 10
Roll the Rock
Put together a team and bowl for Habitat! Contact Wendy Cullinan at
for more info.

Monday, May 11

St. John's Episcopal Church Golf Tournament

to benefit Habitat for Humanity. Calling all Foursomes! There will be some great prizes!

 Contact Wendy Cullinan at
for more info or visit the website.

News In Brief


In Memory


We are sad to note the passing of Lyman Mix, a long-time Habitat volunteer who was very active on the Upper Cape. More than one colleague remembered Lyman as "both a gentle man and a gentleman." House Leader Bob Leary told us, "Lyman was one of the earliest Cape Cod Habitat volunteers who not only swung a hammer but did most of the electrical work on most of our earlier homes. He was one of the kindest human beings you'd ever want to meet. I will miss him."  HHCC Executive Director Vicki Goldsmith said "I associate Lyman Mix with the very best of Habitat's spirit and traditions. He was part of the early core group that laid such a sturdy foundation for all we continue to do today in partnership with local families. He volunteered tirelessly to build so many homes - where ever and however he was most needed. I was so glad to have a chance to chat with him at our 25th anniversary gala in 2013 - happy he could participate in celebrating the work to which he had so generously contributed."

You can read Lyman's obituary here 


V-Up button
cars for homes

If you are placing an order through Amazon, remember to use Amazon Smile and specify Habitat Cape Cod - Habitat will receive a .5% of the purchase price. Here's a link to help:

Amazon Smile



Got snow? Seems like we are getting a season's worth all at once, doesn't it? If cabin fever is getting to you, you can join our construction volunteers in Orleans on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. And if construction isn't your cup of tea, we can also use volunteers at our ReStore, or in our office. Contact to learn more. (And if you prefer to wait out winter at home, we'll understand - there will be plenty of volunteer opportunities waiting for you this spring).
Wanted: Volunteer Receptionists

We are currently seeking applicants for a NON-construction volunteer job.


At our Habitat office, we are looking for people to greet and welcome guests and provide some occasional light clerical assistance to our staff. We have several 3-1/2-hour shifts available.  This is a no-stress job that will include free time on some days, and will keep you busy on other days.


If you are enjoy interacting with terrific people, can maintain confidentiality, and don't mind learning a few office systems (phone, postage meter, etc.), we think you'll enjoy this volunteer job. And we know you'll be making a big difference to the whole staff. We hope you - or someone you know - will consider joining the Habitat office crew.


Interested? Please contact Dawn Walnut at


Welcome to Mary Ann Mills-Lassiter,
Family Programs Manager

"If we are not doing right by our families,

then we are not doing Habitat."

~ Habitat Colleague


It was with these wise words in mind that we recently decided to add a new staff position here at Habitat Cape Cod: Family Programs Manager. We are pleased to introduce Mary Ann Mills-Lassiter in this new role. Mary Ann will provide support and leadership for both of our family programs: Family Selection and Family Partnership. 


Mary Ann grew up in Buffalo, New York, and studied both psychology and Canadian Studies at SUNY Plattsburgh. She moved to Massachusetts in 1980 for a social work job, and has been a social worker ever since. Mary Ann, who lives in Sandwich, raised her two children here on Cape Cod. Her daughter, Katie, now lives in Olympia, Washington where she is a policy analyst with the Aquatics Division at the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Her son, Andrew, is in his first year of graduate school at Columbia University, studying Urban Planning and Design.


Mary Ann has held many different social work jobs over the course of her career. Her first job, a specialized foster parent in a group home for teenagers who had been removed from the foster care system, required her to "learn a  lot very quickly." In another job, working with children with developmental delays and their families, she helped those families obtain a wide variety of needed services: getting housing, dealing with evictions, health insurance, and individualized education plans. Recently she's noticed a greater need than ever before. "Because of the economy, issues for families have multiplied ten times. There was a time when a family could get by on one income if they had to. Now, if you lose your job or one of your jobs, you're sunk."

Mary Ann liked the idea of working at Habitat for Humanity because she's seen the way Habitat transforms lives, both as a professional whose clients have benefited from a Habitat home, and as a volunteer at our Danvers Way construction site, where she and a team from Head Start helped out with sidewall shingling. She says that in the past her job was to help people get housing in an indirect way, "I helped them get on a list, but it's not nearly as satisfying as helping them get an actual house." She also looks forward to working with Habitat's volunteers. "The volunteer component is wonderful. It will be great to build long-term relationships with volunteers and it is meaningful for families to develop those relationships with volunteers."

HHCC is currently at a new stage of growth. Looking ahead, we see that we will be building more homes and serving more families. We added this new staff position anticipating this growth, realizing that we're about to reach a tipping point in the quantity of work that can continue without dedicated staff support. 

Vicki Goldsmith, HHCC Executive Director, says, "In my opinion, Family Selection and Family Partnership have been two exemplary volunteer-run programs of our local Habitat affiliate. It is important that we maintain and expand that strength as we build more homes, create more homeowner associations, run more pre-purchase education programs, step up our volume of home applications processed each year, and make our partnership support available - quite soon - to 100 Habitat homeowner families, a number that will continue to grow each year. We will continue to rely upon volunteer leaders, specialized volunteers, and volunteer teams in this area of work, as we do in faith relations, construction, resource development, and other areas where we have added staff support."

We are certain that Mary Ann will be a huge asset to our organization. Working alongside the volunteers in family services, we will now be able to better realize our mission of building homes, hope, lives, and community on Cape Cod - for even more families.



Coming This Fall: The Blitz!
Blitz Build 2015!! Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod is partnering again with Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod to build One Home for One Family in One Week. Habitat has the foundation ready for wall-raising on September 21st, 2015. Follow the Blitz Blog, keep up with the latest news, and learn how a Blitz build works at Make sure to follow us on Twitter too!!! #buildersblitzcapecod.
This is the foundation that will be transformed into a complete home
during the week of September 21st.
Many thanks to these intrepid Sandwich High Campus Chapter members who came in a blizzard to work in Orleans
Donate!                 Shop!                 Volunteer!

The net income from the Habitat ReStore funds the building of more homes on Cape Cod.
ReStore horizontal
Recycle ■ Reuse ■ ReStore

28 Whites Path, South Yarmouth
Wednesdays - Saturdays 9-5 
ReStore Direct Line: 508-394-6400