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Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod V-Mail
November 2010 Update

In This Issue
From the Executive Director
Volunteer Needs
Volunteer Coordinator Contacts
Build Updates
Volunteer News & Events
We're Moving!
Cheers & Kudos & Tidbits
Join Our List
Join Our Mailing List
From the Executive Director, Vicki Goldsmith
Greetings! It has been a blazingly busy fall. And while most volunteers and staff have been focused on the hugely successful kayak raffle, the six homes currently in construction and renovation of our new offices, those of us responsible for Land Acquisition, Project Permitting and grant writing have been turning out land proposals & grant applications towards our 2011 and 2012 build schedule.  
I hope I will see you at one of our fall home dedications. If there is one moment-of-the-heart for our organization, it is when we dedicate a home that has been built by the unique Habitat for Humanity partnership of community and future homeowner. Bring a friend, bring your family; share in the joy of what your gifts have made possible.

In Partnership,

            Vicki Goldsmith

Volunteer Needs
If you can help with any of the below items, please contact Hilary Greene

Registration Coordinator for Fox Hill Road Mashpee site! We need someone to coordinate the registration crew for each build day (Tuesdays and Saturdays)- and we also need registration crew members at all 3 Mashpee sites.

Women Build experienced construction volunteers!
 We need 3-4  experienced women construction volunteers to help lead our volunteers at our Women Build project on Timberlane Drive in Mashpee.

Volunteer Coordinator Contacts
Volunteer Coordinator for Dennis & Wellfleet Builds:
Joanne Broderick
Saturdays for the Dennis sites:
Margie Cummings 603-631-5155 mbc18@comcast.net

Volunteer Coordinator for Mashpee Builds:
Susan Lauber
508-681-8494  slauber12@comcast.net

For a full list of lead volunteers for our 2010 builds, please visit Volunteer Coordination Team for 2010
Build updates
 Be sure to check out our Volunteer Up calendar- we do need volunteers at our sites! Please sign up! ALL sites are closed November 22-27 in honor of Thanksgiving.
Dennis Port
: started April 3, Tuesdays & Saturdays build days. Just a few more work days and then it is done! Dedication of this home is on November 20.
Wellfleet: started May 8, Thursdays & Saturday build days. 
The site is closed until November 18 and then just a few more work days and it is finished too! Dedication of this home is scheduled for December 12.
South Dennis:  started June 5, Tuesdays & Thursdays build days.
The site is open a few days over the next month and the dedication for this home is scheduled for December 16.
Mashpee, Fox Hill: started July 17, Tuesdays & Saturdays build days. The site is open November 6 & 9 and then closed until December 4 when we will be doing interior painting. 
Mashpee, Women Build, Timberlane Drive:  started on August 21, Thursdays  & Saturdays build days. The site is open November 18 and then closed until December 2 when we will be starting the drywall.
Mashpee, Lakewood Drive: started on September 18, Tuesdays & Saturdays build days. Build days in November will be for shingling the back and sides with cedar shingles and the front with Hardy board.
Habitat merchandise for sale!
Want to look official next time you're at a Habitat site or event? Get some HHCC gear: hats, short & long-sleeved tees, sweatshirts, polo shirts, denim shirts...just download the order form and let us know what you want!
Quick Links
Upcoming Events

HHCC web site

 As we enter the season of thanks, we want to thank all of you who make our Habitat homes happen. Whether you swing a hammer or chair a committee or help us in the office, we give many thanks for you and your efforts with us. As one of our homeowners said, "I wish there was a bigger word than thank you to describe how grateful we are..."
All six Habitat build sites are up and running...and during November and December will dedicate three of these homes and bless and release them from our build schedule as they are completed.  Information on the dedication events is below. But we still need volunteers! As one home is being completed, another site may be closed for contractor work and other sites may need lots of volunteers at once.  All the information is on our on-line calendar on Volunteer Up. You can also call the Volunteer Coordinator for the build you are interested in to check on the specific needs. If you are a new volunteer, just go to our web site, www.habitatcapecod.org
and click on the Volunteer Up button (like the one below) and sign up! 

V-Up button 

Thank you for all you do for us- we couldn't do it without you!
Volunteer News & Events
  • Note: No Volunteer Orientation in November or December. The next orientation is in January 2011 in our new office!
  • Dedication November 20, 12 Noon, Cross Street, Dennis Port: Come celebrate the dedication of Kelley Moriarty's home

        kelley and son

           Kelley & her son

  • Upper Cape Chapter Meeting, Mashpee Senior Center, Route 151, Mashpee, Monday, December 6, 7 PM.
  • Falmouth Christmas Parade December 5,             12 Noon: This year's theme is "A Seafaring Holiday" and Habitat's Upper Cape Chapter will be creating a "whale" of a good float! Want to help decorate the float and/or walk in the parade with us? Contact Hilary Greene in the Habitat office. 
  • Volunteer Appreciation Party December 7, 5 PM: Nelson Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, Old Main Street, South Yarmouth. Let Habitat staff and partner families fete you with food, fun, the 2nd Annual "Voly" awards and more. Please RSVP to Hilary Greene in the Habitat office.
  • Dedication December 12, time TBA, Atwood Avenue, Wellfleet: Come celebrate the dedication of Melissa Brown's home.

             Melissa Brown

           Melissa & her daughter

  • Dedication December 16, 4 PM, Hemlock Lane, South Dennis. Come celebrate the dedication of Ken Fletcher's home. 

               Ken Fletcher



More details on these events

We're moving!


As of November 23, our new address is:

411 Main Street, Suite 6

Yarmouthport, MA 02675

The office will be closed Tuesday November 23 only. Our email and web address will stay the same. We will post our new phone number on November 23. Please forgive any brief interruption in service.

And be sure to come visit us in our new digs! (Once we get all those boxes unpacked...)

Cheers & Kudos & tidbits


To Sam Turner Road homeowner Emma Hebert on running her first Falmouth in the Fall 7 mile road race on Sunday November 7. Not only is she running 7 miles but she has raised almost $700 (so far!) for Habitat. You can still sponsor her run (even after the fact!), click here for a sponsor sheet. 

Emma and her daughter

Emma & her daughter


Zowee is all we can say!:

Congratulations and a HUGE thank you to everyone who was involved in our most successful kayak raffle year ever! Pat Taylor and Bill Witmer not only built the beautiful cedar strip kayak but also worked at every single event the kayak appeared- sometimes 2 in one weekend! In addition Nancy Erskine did a fantastic job scheduling volunteers to help sell tickets at over 30 events and Dot Hannon did a great job organizing the volunteers in the Upper Cape. And of course thank you to everyone who bought a ticket or two...there were lots of you! 

And here's what you REALLY want to know: the winner was Jean Hetherington, who owns a home in East Dennis. The total amount raised (gross) was  over $33,000!

Falmouth Kayak Raffle


Many thanks to the team from Cape Air who helped us out at all three Mashpee sites on September 21 and also raised over $8000 through their "Dough-Raiser" at Uno's in Hyannis.

cape air group



And thanks to another one of our great financial supporters, National Grid who sent a team to our Lakewood site on October 28 to help us shingle and prep for insulation.

National Grid group

For more information on Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, please visit our web site, come to one of our monthly volunteer orientations or if you live in the Upper Cape area, come to a chapter meeting on the first Monday night of every month at the Mashpee Senior Center at 7 PM. 
If you would like to support Habitat's work in our community by making a donation, you can do so on-line Donate to HHCC or you can contact Vicki Goldsmith, Executive Director at 508-775-3559 ext. 15 or vg@habitatcapecod.org 

Hilary V. Greene
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod Coordinator of Volunteer Programs
508-775-3559 ext. 16 hilary@habitatcapecod.org