Welcome to Fresno/Madera Youth for Christ


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Main Idea: Celebrating 70 Years of YFC!
Well, we did it!

It took a few years to gather input, refine our vision, identify a location, navigate the city's permit process, and close the deal.  But we did it!  YFC has purchased a house on 2.5 acres on Chestnut near Teague!  But it's much more than just a house - there's space for a game room.  There's a big, beautiful swimming pool.  The back yard is like a park, inviting barbecues and other gatherings.  There's room for soccer, softball, and sand volleyball. There's a separate apartment for staff and the main house will be remodeled into a youth center.  This beautiful property will become our new Campus Life Center!

Artist's rendering of Campus Life Center
If you read our special December newsletter (click the image on the right to read it), you got the preview of this center and you learned the what, where, and why.  God has led us on an amazing journey that started with the realization that we must expand our territory in sharing the Gospel with youth.   I invite you to visit our website at yfcnow.org to check out that newsletter and the other information about our north Fresno site.  The Campus Life Center is one part of our Life*Leadership*Legacy Capital Campaign:
Life. Youth for Christ has a long history of reaching every kind of kid in every kind of situation with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  We need to spread more Life through the expansion of our current programs.
Leadership.  How many of today's community leaders were influenced by YFC?  How many of tomorrow's leaders will be?  The Campus Life Center will be a crossroads connecting caring adults to our ministry and engaging more youth from more schools with the Good News.
Legacy.  We've been at this for 70 years; but now we need to take new ground for the future.  We're asking our community to stand with YFC.  Our goal is to establish a YFC Endowment fund that will generate revenue to support new and more expansive programs today - and tomorrow.
The campaign goal is $1.5 million.  This is a lofty dream.  But with almost 20% of that goal already raised in start-up gifts from board, staff, and a small group of faithful friends, we believe we can get there.  But we need the help of many more - like you.  
In January you'll receive an invitation to one of the most important events in our history.  On March 3rd we'll hold our 70th Anniversary Banquet and Life*Leadership*Legacy Campaign kick-off.  You won't want to miss our keynote speaker, Ruth Graham, daughter of Billy Graham - the first full-time evangelist to work for YFC nationally.  I hope you'll purchase a ticket, reserve a table, and/or sponsor this event - all of which can be done online today at yfcnow.org.  At the banquet we'll ask you to give a gift and make a multi-year pledge - the most significant sacrificial gift you've ever given to help kids through YFC.  We need your help and involvement. 
For Life, Leadership, and Legacy. To win more youth for Jesus Christ.
Thanks for your prayerful consideration, and may God bless you,
Ed Kaczmarek
Executive Director 

In this
December Issue

Main Idea
Calendar of Events

There's still time to make your 2014 year-end donation to YFC!  It's for our kids. Click the "Donate" button to give a special gift or set up a recurring donation.


Every month our chapter sends out a paper newsletter with completely different articles, YFC news updates and shares stories of lives changed through the involvement of our ministry leaders and their sharing of Christ's love. 

FOOD for thought... 

Acts 20:24

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.


When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to YFC. Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-1691498, select Fresno/Madera Youth for Christ and support us every time you shop.