Summer Newsletter
Week 3

Welcome to Week 3!  Today brought on some warm weather that is really helping to bring on the summer crops.  We are actually seeing a lot of zucchinis this week and a small amount of tomatoes.  

I think last week the strawberries were a nice surprise for almost all of you.  Strawberries and small fruits are so difficult to predict so we often surprise you.  Last week we were fortunate to have dry mornings and warm days.  The berries came on nice and we were able to get quite a few.  Only a few stops didn't receive them - Avon, Akron, and Charles Schwab - so we will be making it up to you next week when the berries are waning off and there won't be enough to go around.


This week, fortunately, our farmers are projecting enough berries for everyone again, assuming no hard rains or surprises.  

Also, we are happy to welcome several new subscribers.  As you joined late, you may have missed some house-keeping notes.  Please feel free to ask your greeter at the back of the truck if you have any questions.  Also, if you have friends who still want in, we still have some room, particularly at our newer stops in Medina, Avon, and Akron.  
Trevor's Corner
Wow, I have lots to talk about this week.  I'll try to bold key points so you can scan through as you like.  

Pork Chops

This week highlights our amazing Berkshire pork via a thick cut pork loin chop. These boneless chops are cut about 1.5 inches thick, and each pack includes 2 chops ranging from 1 to 1.5 lbs per package. Extra chops should be available at the back of the truck for $6 per lb.


Why are these chops so amazing? Mostly because our farmers do it right. First, these hogs are a heritage breed known as a Berkshire. They are prized for their intramuscular marbling and darker meat color. These hogs live outside their entire lives, hence the term pasture raised (like the chickens). They dine on what they forage in the woods, as well as a nutrient rich, locally milled non-gmo grain mixture. Even the way we deworm the hogs is with an organic product known as diatomaceous earth. This ensures that you have the cleanest possible product.


A nice compliment to the pork this week is one bunch of collard greens and a large bulb of kohlrabi. The kohlrabi, which tends to surprise a lot of first time Fresh Forkers, is a delicious vegetable. Peel it deep with a pairing knife and shave it for a fresh salad (like coleslaw), or cube it and roast it to bring out the sugars. I think you will find it quite enjoyable.


Dairy Training

Mike and Pete Mitchell at Mitchell's Ice Cream have been kind enough to offer our staff a plant tour and ice cream social at their new Ohio City headquarters. This is in exchange for the help we have been lending them recently in sourcing local rhubarb, berries, and eggs.  We are very excited about this.


To kill two birds with one stone, I'm also using tomorrow afternoon to do dairy training with the staff- we will taste and discuss milk, yogurt, and cheeses.   This week, if you have any questions about our wonderful selection of cheeses, most all of the team members will be able to better assist you.  Here are some quick notes about our cheeses:


Soft, buttery, and mild - Try the camembert or Havarti from Mayfield Road Creamery.  For something with a bit more funk, try the Charloe from Canal Junction Creamery.  We will have this in the bag in mid-July. 


Firmer, stronger, and aged.  On the mild side of the spectrum, we have a wonderful gouda from Mayfield Road Creamery (and a chipotle gouda as well).  In the middle, we have a firm, sharp cheddar from Middlefield Original Cheese Coop and a Gruyere from Canal Junction Farmstead Creamery.  On the sharpest end of the spectrum, we have the Hulls Trace Aged Cheddar from Blue Jacket Creamery that is flaky, pungent, and has a full mouth feel.  Also on the strong side is the Burr Oak (parmesan style) and Flat Rock (abundance style) from Canal Junction Creamery. Those are two of my favorite cheeses based on their nutty, mushroomy type notes. 


One of the strongest cheeses we have is a goat gouda from Paint Valley Creamery.  Gouda isn't the best way to describe this cheese.  It is excellent for snacking, but also fantastic for cooking.  We've used it all winter long at various classes, including it being our preferred cheese for salads, to use in French onion soup on a crostini, and to add depth of flavor to mac and cheese, cheese sauces, and gratins. 


Unusual and Creative.  Try the Siberian Night Beer Cheese  or Smoked Gouda from Mayfield Road Creamery.  The smoked gouda is a cold smoked, softer version of her gouda. The smoke is very forward in it.  The Siberian night is a tomme style - young, firm, and nutty on the inside.  The rind has been hand washed with Thirsty Dog Siberian IPA (from Akron) daily for a month before finishing the cheese. This adds a malty, sweet component to the rind. 


For those looking for something goaty, try the flavored chevres from Mackenzie Creamery, including the Sweet Fire (raspberry habanera) and the Cognac Fig (winner of the American Cheese Society 1st place award). 


About the creameries.  It isn't fair for me to try to summarize the creameries in a few sentences, but I'll try:


Blue Jacket Dairy:  Angel is a fantastic cheese maker and Jim has dairy in his blood.  This couple makes fantastic cheeses in Bellefontaine OH by starting with great milk, adding experience and talent, and finishing with an attention to detail.  Angel has some of the best cheeses in Ohio, including her Hulls Trace Aged Cheddar and Ludlow (aged goat cheese).  She is also the lady who offers the fantastic cheese curds that you guys gobble up each week at the back of the truck.


Canal Junction Farmstead Cheeses:  This family farm in Defiance OH is pioneering European dairy genetics in Ohio.  Brian has introduced Normandy genetics to his Jersey and Guernsey cows.  This has helped them build hardiness and efficiency on grass while keeping a very rich, flavorful milk.  He has trained in Ireland and Vermont for cheese making.   His cheeses include the charloe, burr oak parm, Wabash gruyere, and flat rock abundance.


Mackenzie Creamery:  Jean is in love with her cheeses - as are the rest of us.  She takes pride in what she makes and I can certainly say she has one of the best palates for cheese.  This is obvious based on the number of awards she has won over the years, including recently the 1st place award for her cognac fig chevre at the American Cheese Society competition.   We also offer her sweet fire regularly and rotate other chevres through at times.


Mayfield Road Creamery:  Susan and Kevin Morris operate a 5th generation family farm in Orwell and are our original cheese makers.  Our customers have fallen in love with their buttery havarti, firm and nutty gouda, and fresh and creamy camembert.  I've learned most of my knowledge about cheese making from Susan and can certainly say that she knows her craft, has a very consistent product, and isn't willing to release a new product until it is absolutely perfect.  You'll truly appreciate the quality and variety she offers in her cheeses.   Her cheeses include havarti, gouda, flavored goudas, camembert, and beer cheese.


Paint Valley Creamery (Wholesome Valley Farm):  The newest creamery to Fresh Fork Market is Paint Valley Creamery from Wilmot OH.  These are the same guys who do the grass-grazed guernseys for the Guernsey whole milk.  They also have goats, from which they make their aged goat goada.  Their latest cheese is a mild mozzarella that melts great on your pizza and sandwiches. 


MILK (yes, that's me shouting in excitement)

Wow, I feel like I'm writing a lot today.  I'll be quick and redirect to some older posts.  But in short, we had a lot of milk left over last week and it will be on sale this week for $3 per half gallon or 2 for $5 to get everyone to try it (not available for preorder due to the short dates).  I recommend whole milk, but if you aren't there yet, maybe you'll change your mind after reading my blog posts from the past:


More about our milks: 


The summary:  Our milks are all from grass grazed, brown cattle.  We offer skim, 2%, and whole, and two different brands.


The basic milk nerd summary is that not all fat is created equal as the fat from grass grazed mammals is higher in conjugated linoleic acid, a healthy fatty acid found in ruminant mammals (like beef and goats and sheep).  This fat is about 500% more prevalent in grass fed animals compared to grain fed, and it has research suggesting that boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation.  It is also correlated with a healthy weight and muscle composition.


The other summarizing points are that homogenization and pasteurization have affected how our bodies digest milk.  Unfortunately, we have to pasteurize in Ohio, but homogenization is optional.  Our milks are non-homogonized.


Finally, the type of cattle and genetics are important, as demonstrated by the A2A2 beta casin found in our Golden Guernsey milk.  This makes it easier for some folks to digest milk. 

What's In The Bag?
Small Omnivore
1 pack pork chops (2 chops)
1 bunch Swiss chard
1 head kohlrabi 
1 bunch collard greens 
1 bunch radishes
1 bunch green onions
1 head lettuce 
2 each zucchini 
1 quart strawberries 

Small Vegetarian
no pork chops, add:
1 bunch spinach
1 lb tomatoes
1 lb seasonal linguine

Small Vegan
no pork chops, add:
1 head broccoli
1 lb tomatoes
1 bunch spinach
1 bunch onions

Large Omnivore
small omnivore plus: 
1 bunch spinach
1 half pint sorghum
1 bunch kale
1 pack chicken brats

Large Vegetarian
small vegetarian plus:
1 bunch spinach
1 half pint sorghum
2 bunch kale
1 bunch onions
1 bunch broccoli
Perfect Collard Greens

4 cups water

2 # greens

2 hocks                        

1 tbsp salt (Lawry's seasoning salt preferably)

Black Pepper, to taste

1 onion, diced

1 tbsp  garlic and onion Powder (mixed)

Cider vinegar



1) In a large pot add meat to water and allow to simmer for 45 minutes.  Skim the foam from top of the broth.

2) Prep the greens.  Cut away thick part of the stems and wash thoroughly in a large sink.

3) Add onion and greens to water.  Add seasonings to taste.

4) Cook until greens are tender.  Taste and add a pinch of sugar if there is any bitterness.

5) Serve with cider vinegar and cornbread.

Chicken and Chard Pie

This recipe comes from Super Healthy Kids and is awesome!

Prepare Swiss Chard by:

  • Saut�ing the chopped Chard stems in skillet with olive oil for 5 minutes.
  • Add garlic and continue to saut�
  • Add the leaves from the chard and saut� for another 3-4 minutes.
  • Sprinkle salt over the entire mixture.
  • Set aside.


Sprinkle and mix into swiss chard:

  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup cheddar cheese

Pour Swiss chard and cheese into prepared pie crust.  Then mix together separately:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk (mixed together)

Pour the eggs and milk over the greens.


I added chicken to the top of the greens. (optional)

Top with another pie crust.

DSC_0302Bake at 350 for 45-55 minutes, or until crust is cooked.

Pork Chops

Here is Parker's method for cooking chops.  His time is a starting point, as these chops can be very thick at times.


Season the pork chops well 10 minutes before cooking.  

Heat some oil in a saut� pan that can be moved to a 350 degree oven.

Brown the pork chops for 3-4 minutes on each side.  Transfer the saut� pan to the oven.  Oven time will be about 10 minutes.


Remove the saut� pan from the oven.  Place the chops on a plate and keep warm.  Add a tablespoon of butter to the saut� pan set over medium heat.  When the butter has melted, add a tablespoon of flour to the pan and stir to brown the flour.  When the butter and flour foam and color-lower heat if necessary-add � cup of Madeira or white wine.  Reduce this mixture to a paste.  Add 2 cups of stock or water.  Raise heat to high and reduce to about one cup of sauce. 

Zucchini Yogurt Salad


3 medium sized zucchini, coarsely grated (makes about 3 cups)

2/3 cup plain yogurt

1.5 tablespoon olive oil1

2 cloves minced garlic

0.5 cups crushed walnuts

1/8 cup fresh dill, finely chopped

1 teaspoon fresh mint, finely chopped

Salt and black pepper,

red pepper flakes (optional)


Grate zucchini in a bowl. Squeeze the grated zucchini by hand and drain excessive juice. Heat olive oil in a pan. Add zucchini and cook for 5 to 6 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Set aside to cool down.


Mix yogurt and minced garlic well in a bowl.

When zucchini cools down, add zucchini, walnuts, dill, mint, salt, and pepper to the garlicy yogurt and mix well. Serve cold

In This Issue
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Ingredient Spotlight
It may look like something that came from another planet, but kohlrabi is grown right here in NE Ohio. It has been popular forever in German cultures, but over the last few years it has begun to catch on here in our little corner of the world. It is closely related to both the turnip and the cabbage.  It is good cut into "fries" and roasted with a little olive oil. I mix mine with potatoes when frying to add a sweet component.  It also is great raw, sliced in salads or shredded for slaws.
Kohlrabi Recipes

Radishes are great straight from the fridge.  Most commonly you will find them sliced on salads. In France, they commonly served them with butter.  But radishes are also good roasted or baked. I have baked them with a little stock and they were delicious.  You can also shred them for a slaw, along with the kohlrabi.

This week the larges are getting a treat.  Sorghum.  This is a product that is very under appreciated in my book.  It comes from a grass, is high in protein, and is similar to molasses.  I love to pair it with strawberries.  I made a delicious strawberry and sorghum ice cream once.  We should have extra sorghum on the trucks for you to buy, so if you didn't get any in your bag, you can still try it.

Fresh Fork Market | 800-861-8582 | [email protected] |
PO Box 609612
Cleveland, OH 44109