Week 10 Summer Share

BLT WEEK!   Bacon, lettuce, tomato, apples, and berries

Aug 6, 2013   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



I am continually asked if local foods are healthier than other options.  There are a lot of factors that matter in answering that question.  It depends how soon one consumes the food after it is harvested, how it was grown, and how it was handled post-harvest.


In short though, I have a better answer.  I eat a very local diet.  I never go to the grocery store and I cook most meals at home.  This means that in my simple way of thinking, eating local must be healthier because I only get to enjoy BLTs about 2 to 3 months per year (and I could eat them everyday!).  


So this week's theme is BLT.  We will feature this week our nitrate free, hickory smoked Berkshire bacon.  For those of you who have had our bacon before, you recognize that it is so good it  is practically addicting.  


In addition to the BLT, we have yukon gold potatoes, beans, and the season's first good eating apples, the Ginger Gold.  Rich at Eshlemans was out picking these late into yesterday evening and he thinks you'll really enjoy this apple.  He does suggest sitting them out on the counter to continue to ripen some since they are fresh picked.  He says they will sweeten more with a couple of days at room temperature.  I'm planning on slicing my apples thinly and putting them on my BLT and maybe adding some thinly sliced havarti or brie.  Yum.  


For the vegetarians this week, you'll get to enjoy some of the Charloe cheese from Canal Junction Creamery.  We do have extra of this so if anyone wants some of this award winning cheese, please ask for it at the back of the truck.  $6 per piece.   To pair nicely with your cheese we have sourced some tasty plums.  


For the larges, last week was an exceptionally heavy week so we had to trim back some this week.  You do get a delicious cantaloupe, some red cabbage, and a package of our delicious chicken bratwursts.  


Corn Plates

Last year we partnered with local potter Gina DeSantis to create a French Butter Crock.  That creation has been very popular and now hundreds of customers can enjoy their delicious Hartzler butter at a soft, spreadable room temperature. 


Well this year we were looking for other unique pieces to make.  We came up with two -  a honey pot and corn plates. 


The corn plates are exceptionally timely right now as sweet corn is coming in season.  These plates are hand carved and painted to look like an ear of corn.  Each box contains two (2) corn plates.  For full details, please visit this link: http://freshforkmarket.com/ceramics/ 


The corn plates, honey pots, and butter crocks are all available via the shop feature at http://csalogin.freshforkmarket.com.  


Extra Eggplant

We had some leftover eggplant from last week.  If you want any, just ask at the back of the truck.  $1 each or 3 for $2.  We hate to see food go to waste! 


New Lemon Ginger Yogurt

This sold like crazy last week.  We ordered in a bunch more.  Be sure to try it this week!  We also have fresh Vanilla yogurt, Ginger Cinnamon, and Plain Greek Style all being made for us this week.    


So here is this week's entire list: 


Summer Week 10: 

Small Share

1 lb nitrate free bacon

Approx 1.5 lbs tomatoes

1 head lettuce

1 bunch leeks or candy onion

1 pint blackberries or blueberries

1 bunch green onions

3# bag yukon gold potatoes

1 bag beans (either green or purple filet)

Quarter-peck ginger gold apples 


Large Share

Small package plus:

1 head red cabbage

1 cantaloupe

1 package chicken bratwursts 


 Vegetarian Substitutions (in place of bacon)

1 bunch dill

1 piece charloe cheese

1 quart plums


Vegan Substitutions (same as Vegetarian except take out dill, insert:)

Small except bacon,

vegetarian additions without dill, add




Trevor Clatterbuck
owner, Fresh Fork Market
