Week 14 Winter Share

Pizza Pack, Ramps, and more

April 23, 2013   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



This week returns one of my favorite seasonal products - ramps.  Ramps are a wild onion that is native to this area.  One of our farmers forages for it to get you these tasty treats.  Use them to make a pesto, toss them in pasta, roast them (or grill them) and serve on burgers or steak, and you can even just make a traditional "mess of ramps."  Check the web and our blog for more recipes.


In addition, this week is the return of a customer favorite - pizza dough balls.  These balls are made with local honey and fresh ground spelt flour to add nutrients and flavor.  I think you will really enjoy them.  We are pairing them with a jar of Clark Pope Heirloom Tomato Sauce, some Italian sausage, Monterrey jack cheese, and some fresh braising/salad greens. 


Also, another new product this week - Sunflower Oil.  This is a new product out of Wayne County that is an oil pressed from the seeds of locally grown sunflowers.  This is a great all purpose oil for cooking and can be substituted equally for olive oil or canola oil.  Also, in dressings, this oil adds a very nice flavor and can also be substituted for olive oil.  


OH, and a couple of important announcements this week: 


New Fermented Foods - Kimchee and Jalapeno Carrots 


We have been waiting on our friend Molly at Wake Robin Foods to have her first product available for sale.  Well it is hear and Fresh Fork will be the first promoting this product in Cleveland.  


Wake Robin Foods is a startup in Ohio City.  Their product line - all living foods.  They are using the age-old technique of lacto-fermentation to preserve fresh vegetables and lock in the flavor.  We have selected to carry two of their products:  a kimchee (spicy asian sauerkraut) and a jalapeno carrot preserve that is excellent as a side dish or just a snack.  


Both products come in a 16 oz jar and must be kept refrigerated.  They are each $5 and supplies are limited this first week.   



Frozen, Raw Dogfood - available back of truck 

Out of sight, out of mind, right?  Last summer I did an experiment on frozen dogfood and completely forgot about it.  We moved it into a remote corner of our shared freezer and guess what showed up.


Anyhow, I want to move it all.  It is in 2# rolls (like a big package of ground beef) and will be $4 each or 2 for $7.  


The dogfood contains the same food you eat.  This batch was a mixture of smoked ham hocks, chicken backs and wing tips, and scraps from our pork, beef, and lamb kills.  As with all of our meats, the animals were pasture raised, non-gmo, and hormone/antibiotic free. 


This product can be served either raw or cooked to dogs.  I don't have any pets, but anyone who I have given a sample to says the dogs love it.  My butcher feeds it to his dogs raw regularly. 


If your dog has not had a raw diet, you may want to research some first.  I've heard it will give them runny bowls until they adjust.  Dry food should also be mixed in to help the dogs teeth as well.  



Farm Fair on Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM 

If you and your friends haven't registered yet for Farm Fair, it isn't too late.  Checkout the agenda and fun activities at the link below:  http://freshforkmarket.com/2013/03/27/farm-fair-2013/ 


Direct link to registration:  https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?llr=6bx9cgdab&oeidk=a07e78dthdq61875bfa



If you are free Friday night, you have got to go to:  

Namaste Fundraiser - 30% off for Fresh Fork Market customers  

One of our favorite events each year is the Namaste Fundraiser hosted by IPM(International Partners in Mission).  This group has projects around the world, ranging from literacy programs for children, support services for female entrepreneurs in third world countries, and even a Cleveland based project called Esparanzo Threads, which helps immigrant women earn a livable wage producing clothing.  


IPM usually donates to other causes that have the infrastructure on the ground to make a difference.   


Of equal importance, however, is their ability to throw a good party.  IPM hosts an annual fundraiser called Namaste on FRIDAY, APRIL 26 at Ariel International Center on East 40th and Lakeside in Cleveland.  At this event, expect to sample world cuisine representing the various countries that have IPM projects.  Countries represented include Ethiopia, El Salvador, and many more. Food for this event is being donated by Fresh Fork Market.  Oh, and there is almost always awesome music.  Last year the band was a reggae band.  


Because you are a Fresh Fork Market customer, IPM is offering 30% off of their event.  Please register at the link below.  Under the area titled Promotional Code, enter FreshFork.  


Link:  http://www.ipmconnect.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=87&Itemid=8 





Don't forget to signup for Summer 2013.  The summer season registration has begun.   .  Please don't hesitate - registration only takes seconds.  You can do this at this link:  



Winter Week 14: 

Pizza Dough Balls - 2

Heirloom Tomato Sauce 

1 lb Italian sausage

8 oz Monterrey Jack cheese

1 bag mixed greens

1/3 lb ramps

1 lb ground beef

1 quarter peck Fuji Apples

1 bottle Sunflower Oil

1 dz Eggs

Trevor Clatterbuck