May 2015
Grazing News  Equine Science
Iowa State University 
Equine Science Newsletter
In This Issue
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Asl an Expert

Video of the Month
National Horse Safety on the Road Public Service Announcement (PSA)
National Horse Safety on the Road Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Join Our Mailing List
Below is new and updated information from Iowa State University Equine Science. If you have questions or comments about this message or the content listed herein, please contact me.   

Peggy Miller Auwerda

Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Horse Specialist


Phone: 515-294-5260

Iowa Horse News
4-H News
Hippology  Tack ID 4-H & Youth Extravaganza Results
Thank You Iowa Horse Council and Key Coop for your sponsorships.

Iowa State Fair 4-H Horse August 10th-13th
Horse Schedule

Iowa Horse Judges Directory
The  2015 Iowa Horse Judges Directory is available. 
2015 ISU Animal Industry Report

The 2015 annual report describes research activities that impact animal agriculture industries in Iowa is available. This report combines research reports from faculty associated with various departments on campus. Included in the report are updates on teaching and extension activities in the equine program. 

ANS415 Equine Systems Management

Students in ANS415 were required to choose a current research article and create an infographic on the topic. Listed below are some of the topics.

National Horse News & Articles
Interactive Horse Disease Map
Are you interested in learning about what equine diseases are present in your area? Sign up for the outbreak alerts sponsored by Merial

E-Learning Master Equine Manager Certificate

New and Improved Format

Receive the Master Equine Manager E-Learning Certificate by completing the comprehensive online program.  

The hands-on evaluation is not required now but optional workshops will be available for anyone who is in the program.The E-Learning Program provides horse owners and enthusiasts with a comprehensive educational program that teaches the science of horse management. Topics covered include:

 Try a lesson on

Feeding a Horse 


Modules and Lessons
Adult (19 & Over)
High School Students
(Juniors & Seniors)
Welfare of Horses
  • Understanding Horse Behavior
  • Equine Quality Assurance
  • Facilities and Equipment

Horse Nutrition
  • Forages for Horses
  • Feeds and Feeding

Horse Health
  • Equine Emergency Treatment
  • Hoof Care
  • Diseases and Parasites

Selection of Horses
  • Conformation and Evaluation
  • Unsoundness's & Blemishes

Purchase All Four
Optional Workshop

New Master Equine Manager's - Included after completion of 2 modules

Current Master Equine Manager's

Approved by Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) and Certified Horsemanship Association - Certified Riding Instructors for CE credit for re-certification     


More Information and Registration   

Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1)
by Dr. Peggy Auwerda

DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship today announced that a horse stable in Warren County has had several confirmed cases of Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM). EHM is the neurological disease associated with Equine Herpesvirus (EHV). There is no human health threat from the disease.

All horses at the facility are being monitored for the disease and are not permitted to leave the site.

EHV is spread by direct horse-to-horse contact or through contact with objects contaminated with the virus. This can include tack, grooming equipment and feed and water buckets. Signs of the disease include fever, decreased coordination, and failure to maintain balance, lethargy and inability to rise.

EHV is a reportable disease in Iowa. If a horse owner has questions about the disease they are encouraged to contact their local veterinarian. More information about the disease is available here from the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) .

- Iowa Department of Agriculture


Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1) is a contagious equine virus that is most commonly known to cause abortion and can also cause respiratory disease, as well as neurologic disease. The neurological form also known as Equine Herpes Virus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) involves the brain stem and results in nervous system dysfunction such as acute paralytic syndrome where horses are weak and incoordinated, stumbles, dribbles, and can't stand. The disease can progress to full recumbency where horses are often humanely euthanized.

The virus is spread through contact with facial secretions that contain the virus such as snot and saliva. This includes being near a horse that is coughing or sneezing, direct horse-to-horse contact, contact with contaminated feed, equipment, tack, and people's hands and clothing. Once a horse is infected it can become a carrier of the virus. During times of stress, the virus can emerge and the horse may begin shedding the virus.
The incubation period is variable ranging from 24 hours to 2 weeks. The first symptom seen is a fever with other signs ensuing in the following days including abortion, respiratory disease, or neurological signs. Shedding by the respiratory route typically lasts for 7-10 days and veterinarians recommend quarantine for a period of 14 to 28 days after resolution of clinical signs to be sure.

If a horse contracts the neurologic form, treatment is directed at supportive care. Horses will be managed according to their individual signs. It is recommended that horses who will be coming in contact with other horses during the year receive at least one dose of EHV-1 and EHV-4 vaccine two weeks prior to travel.

Owners should practice biosecurity measures including not sharing tack; cleaning and disinfecting your horse trailer after transporting horses other than your own with a 1:10 bleach:water solution; provide appropriate food, water and shelter to minimize stress on your horses; quarantine and monitor temperature of new horses for at least 14 days before introducing them to your existing herd, and if your horse exhibits any neurologic signs, contact your veterinarian immediately. A good site to calculate the biosecurity on your farm is 


Additional Resources


USDA To Launch Equine Health Study
NAHMS Equine 2015 Study
In May 2015, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) will launch its third national equine study. Equine 2015 will take an in-depth look at U.S. equine operations and provide the industry with new and valuable information regarding trends in the equine industry from 1998 to 2015

 Continue Reading 

Planning and Zoning Webinar Available!
ELCR and  My Horse University hosted a webinar on March 24, 2015 to discuss the basics of planning and zoning, and cover the tools of zoning codes and the comprehensive plan. Click here to view the webinar.
Time to Ride Challenge Returns in 2015 with $100,000 Cash and Prizes
Incentives offered to introduce newcomers to horses and grow the industry.

Washington, D.C., February 17, 2015 - The Time to Ride Challenge returns in 2015 as a grassroots campaign to grow the horse industry by introducing new enthusiasts to horse activities. The Challenge, taking place May 30 to September 30, 2015, offers a unique opportunity for horse professionals to grow their business while competing for $100,000 in cash and prizes. In 2014, its inaugural year, the Challenge provided more than 25,000 people with first-time horse experiences through 702 beginner-friendly Time to Ride Hosts in 49 states. Continue Reading 


National Forest Trail Bill Introduced In Senate

On April 28, 2015, Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY) and  Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced the Senate version of the National Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act of 2015 (S.1110).  The bill would direct the Forest Service to take several actions to help address the current trail maintenance backlog that is adversely impacting all trail users on many national forests, including equestrians. Earlier this year, Congresswomen Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Tim Walz (D-MN) introduced the House version of the bill (H.R.845). Continue Reading 

Training of Horses Is Agriculture
The plaintiff worked for an equestrian center as its barn manager.  The equestrian center operated on 200 acres and provided riding lessons, horse training and riding facilities with riding lessons being the center's predominant activity.  The plaintiff performed general maintenance work and other necessary daily tasks to prepare horses for riding privately and for camps.  While training a race horse, the plaintiff fell from a horse and was injured.  The center did not carry workers' compensation insurance, having been advised it was exempt from coverage based on the statutory exemption for "[a]ny person employed in agriculture" contained in Ky. Rev. Stat. Sec. 342.650(5). Continue Reading


AAEP Ask the Vet
What causes a failed "tail-pull" sway test?

I almost bought a horse several months ago. I had ridden her for many hours, and she never showed any kind of lameness whatsoever. But before I bought her I had her taken to the vet. She failed the "tail-pull" sway test. Since she is from Missouri, they suspected EPM, but she's been tested since and is negative for that. She also has a big lump on either side of her neck above her withers that the vet said is not normal. Could that be the cause of failing the tail pull test? And what might cause that? Is it fixable? View Answer

eXtension's HorseQuest Online Resources


Calendar of Horse Events 


Kids for Kids 4-H Horse Show
National Junior High Finals Rodeo
Spookproofing Clinic
Clinician: Larry Bradley
Cedar County Fairgrounds, Tipton, IA
Iowa State Fair 4-H Horse Show

Do you have an event to post in the Calendar of Horse Events? Complete the Form