AUG 2014


Here's what's new:


We wanted to make it easier for you to stay in touch, so we have launched a whole new Internet presence! It starts with the new website, and includes fresh and exciting stuff on Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn!    

There are links to all our Internet properties in the "Quick Links" section to the right, so have a party! Click around and see what we're doing on all of our Social Media platforms. And please leave comments! Like us, Follow us, Share, Retweet and +1 us. Let us know you were there and what you like or dislike about it. We'll use your input to make these sites ever more fun, interesting and useful to you, our animal-loving friends and clients.


The most important component of all our Internet efforts, is the brand new website! 


The new website has tons of additional information and integrates much better with  all of our Social Media platforms. The blog is new and improved, and we're using YouTube, and Pinterest more now than ever before.   


Please do me the honor of looking it over, and leaving a comment on the blog or on one of our Social sites. We want - actually, we need - your input and interaction!  

Here's the link:
There's always something fun and exciting going on at Bewaggle, and we're excited to share our news and information with you. Read on and share in the excitement!


At your service,


Marianne Carlson, Co-Founder
Bewaggle, LLC



Click to visit our new website!
Article01It Only Hurts When I Laugh!
The dog insisted I wear the Cone of Shame after my surgery.
A few days ago, I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. I had been putting it off, but it finally came to the point where I knew it was time for it to go. The surgery was a success, and my digestive problems have all but completely disappeared. I posted this photo on Facebook, and it got a lot of comments, so I wanted to share it with you so you could enjoy the laugh as well.  
Article2aDo Thunder Shirts Really Work?
One of our favorite clients, weathering the storm in her Thunder Shirt. 
Central Florida gets a LOT of thunder storms, and many of our furry friends are very nervous about them. So we often get asked about the Thunder Shirt, and whether or not they actually work to calm a pet's anxiety.  We've done some research and here's what we've learned about the Thunder Shirt:

  1. Many pet owners report that the Thunder Shirts really do help their pets. On sites like Amazon, where customers can review the products, it generally gets 4 out of 5 stars, or a comparable rating, indicating that most people have been very satisfied with the results.
  2. The product can be used to alleviate animal's fear of thunder, as well as other anxieties, including separation anxiety, barking problems, car and travel phobias, crate problems, fearfulness, excitability, and more.
  3. Most pets feel better right away, but sometimes it takes two or three tries before the full results are shown.  So if you try it on your dog, and it doesn't work, try again later.
  4. They sell for about $40 and are available online and at Pet Retailers everywhere.
  5. Getting the right fit is key.  It needs to be snug, but not painfully so.  
  6. They offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so there's really no reason not to try it.  If, after a few attempts, your dog or cat doesn't seem more relaxed, you can return it for a full refund.  
For more information, visit their website at
Article3Our Latest Video Creation
With our new focus on Internet Marketing, comes a new commitment to YouTube videos.  We thought you might like to see the latest one.  
Click the image to view the video.

 Visit our partners on the web, and tell 'em Bewaggle sent you!

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In this Issue

Oh For Barking Out Loud!
Professional Pet Sitter
Oh for Barking Out Loud! 
is the Bewaggle blog, where we post articles relating to the care and enjoyment of your pets. Here's a sample from our recent posts:

Exercising Pets on Hot Days

5 Tips for keeping pets safe and healthy throughout the dog days of summer.

Quick Links


Facebook: @bewaggle   


Twitter: @bewaggleUSA    


Google+: Bewaggle


YouTube: bewaggleUSA 


Pinterest: Bewaggle


LinkedIn:  bewaggle-pet-services



Our Partners
Bewaggle is very proud to partner with the following businesses, and we are pleased to recommend them to our friends and clients!

Pet Sitting Dog Training

