
Slow Food O'ahu News

Number 2013-14
Mailed November 11, 2013

Table of Contents
Foodiology@Fresh Cafe - November 13
'tis the season, so spice it up: A holiday spice class - November 23 (Slow Food O'ahu event)
Limoncello, Orangecello, and Liliko'i Maragarita Class - November 24 (Slow Food O'ahu event)
Terra Madre Dinner at Town Restaurant - December 10 (Slow Food O'ahu event - mark your calendar)
Food Sustainability Courses at West O'ahu College - Spring 2014
A little bit of this and that ...
Happy Thanksgiving,

As we approach the holiday of abundance food, we hope that you will remember that your food choices make a difference - choose good, clean, and fair sources of local food to grace your Thanksgiving table.

Please take note of Slow Food USA's Harvest Celebrations Across the USA that traces the origins of Thanksgiving and celebrates the diversity of food cultures and harvest traditions that are rooted in the land and people across the United States.  When you view the map of the US, click on Hawai'i, as we are prominently featured on the website.

We also hope that you will mark our calendar for Terra Madre Day on December 10, 2013.  Slow Food O'ahu will be hosting a special dinner at Town Restaurant (see the article in this newsletter).

Happy eating and happy holidays,

Your Executive Committee

Foodiology@Fresh Cafe - November 13, 2013
Fresh Cafe, 7:00 p.m.

Foodiology @Fresh Cafe this month features 'The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil' - a film + forum presented by The Asia-Pacific Center for Regenerative Design.  This documentary share how Cubans transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens.

It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call "The Special Period." The film opens with a short history of Peak Oil, a term for the time in our history when world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis - the massive reduction of fossil fuels - is an example of options and hope.

After the film, learn more about Permaculture in Hawaii, the upcoming International Permaculture Convergence in Cuba, and the small delegation from Oahu that is going over to learn in person from the Cubans

(This is not a Slow Food O'ahu event but may be of interest to our members)

'tis the season, so spice it up - November 23, 2013

Private home in East Honolulu 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 


Have you always wanted to make your own curry powder?  Nepali guest chef Sanjeev will teach you how. Join Slow Food O`ahu at a private home in East Honolulu on Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., and learn how to prepare your very own curry mix; how to make a sauce using the curry spices; and how to make a universal dry spice rub for grilling meat, chicken, fish or tofu. After tasting a sample, you will take home recipes and small samples of sauce and spice mixtures.  


The cost of the event is $25 for members and $30 for non-members and includes samplings, recipes, and spice mixtures to take home.  To reserve a spot please email Michelle at   Please include in your RSVP your name, member status, phone or email and the name of any nonmember or member guests you would like to bring.  RSVPs will be accepted until November 16 (or until full) and payment must be received by November 18.

Please note:  Due to the nature of this event and the necessity of arranging details beforehand beforehand, if cancellations are required after the RSVP date and we are unable to fill your spot, you will be responsible for payment.   Payment information will be sent to you following your RSVP and the meeting location will be sent to all confirmed guests a few days prior to the event.
Limoncello, Orangecello, and Liliko'i Margarita Class - November 24
Private Home in Kailua (Maunawili)  1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

If you've ever been to Italy you know the taste of limoncello.  Limoncello is an Italian lemon liqueur mainly produced in Southern Italy, especially in the region around the Gulf of Naples, the Sorrentine Peninsula and the coast of Amalfi and islands of Procida, Ischia and Capri.  Do you want to know how to make it yourself?  Just in time for holiday gifts, Slow Food O'ahu will be teaching a workshop on how to make the liquers of limoncello, orangecello and liliko'i margaritas. There will be recipes and tastings, as well as a presentation on the best way to process liliko'i for both syrup and for fresh juice.  


We will also provide liliko'i seeds for those who would like to start a plant.


The cost will be $20 for members and $25 for non-members.  Maximum number of participants is 10 people. The cost of the event includes samplings, recipes, and liliko'i seeds to take home.  To reserve a spot please email Michelle at Limit 10 participants.  Please include in your RSVP your name, member status, phone or email and the name of any nonmember or member guests you would like to bring.  RSVPs will be accepted until November 20 (or until full) and payment must be received by November 22.

Please note:  Due to the nature of this event and the necessity of arranging details beforehand beforehand, if cancellations are required after the RSVP date and we are unable to fill your spot, you will be responsible for payment.   Payment information will be sent to you following your RSVP and the meeting location will be sent to all confirmed guests a few days prior to the event.

Terra Madre Dinner at Town Restaurant - December 10, 2013

Town Restaurant in Kaimuki


RESERVE THE DATE.  Slow Food O'ahu will be holding a special kalo dinner to celebrate Slow Food's Terra Madre Day on December 10th.  Terra Madre Day is the anniversary of the founding of the Slow Food movement. Kalo is one of Hawaii's special foods which has been put on the Slow Food Ark of Taste. Only three Hawaii products are on the Ark now, the other two being Hanapepe red salt and kiawe honey. 


This year Slow Food in Hawai'i is looking to add a number of endangered and/or underutilized but tasty and culturally important foods to the Ark. Possible new additions include opihi, limu, Hawaiian varieties of kalo, breadfruit, banana, and sugar cane. You can find out more about the Ark at


This kalo  dinner will be a benefit for Slow Food O'ahu, which will  raise money to transport our Oahu farmer delegates to Italy in October 2014 for Slow Food's international gathering in Turin, Italy.

Announcing Food Sustainability Courses at West O'ahu College
Spring 2014

Are you interested in food sustainability?  Take these  this spring.  The following courses are made possible by a grant from Kamehameha Schools' '!ina-Based Education Division under the Na Mamo Mahi'ai Growing Farmers Initiative.

For more information, contact Dr. Monique Mironesco at

POLS 335 Politics of Food (3 credit service learning course) - First and last Friday, 6 - 9 p.m. of the first part of term and five consecutive Saturdays, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. to attend service learning field trips and online (hybrid class).  Become a critical food consumer and learn ow to make informed politica choices about the kinds of food ou buy and eat.  Learn about the processes of food production and how government and corporate involvement have changed the way we eat today.

SSCI 496G An Introduction to Agroecology (3 credits)  Tuesday, 3:30 - 6:10 p.m. Learn about the science of sustainable agriculture.  Explore the history and development of agriculture, traditional farming systems, and the ecological and social impacts of modern agriculture.  The course will also cover the principles of ecologically based soil fertility adn pest management, along with the role of biodiversity in designing the farming systems of the future.  Ecological indicators of sustainability will be reviewed along with the environmental performance of conventional and biologically diversified farming systems.  Social, economic, and political factors influencing the long-term sustainabilty of agriculture and food systems will be explored.

SSCI 496H The Theory and Practice of Sustainable Agriculture (3 credits)  Thursday, 3:30 - 6:10 p.m. Develop and manage UH West O'ahu's on-campus organic demonstration garden.  Explore the theory and practice of sustainable agriculture.  Lean the fundamentals of horticulture science and the application of agro-ecological principles to the design and management of small-scale certified organic horticultural systems for the tropics.  Hands-on laboratory activities focus on the development of practical horticultural skills, including sexual and asexual propagation, soil cultivation compost production and use, irrigation, crop planting, and soil fertility and pest management practices.

EDUC 496, SSCI 496 Sustainability Practicum.  Plan and implement a sustainability project that links the university and local community. Through project development, implementation, and course readings and assignments, students will enhance academic writing and oral communication while developing project management and leadership skills. Pre-req: Permission of Instructor. Email Dr. Melissa Saul at for more information.
A little bit of this and that ...

The Organic Consumers Association has an excellent action alert to keep you abreast of national news in food sustainability.  The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots non-profit 501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation's estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers.  We encourage you to SIGN UP at the website link about to receive your ACTION ALERT.

Slow Food Leadership


Slow Food O'ahu Officers: Mae Isonaga and Rike Weiss, Co-leaders;  David Bangert, Treasurer; Michelle Phillips, Events Coordinator; Francine Wai, Newsletter Editor; Nina Bermudez, Membership and E-mail correspondent.

Slow Food Regional Governor: Laurie Carlson

Facebook manager: Brilana Silva

Slow Food Membership

Membership to Slow Food USA (and our Slow Food O'ahu convivium) is only $25 with the base membership.  To join, go to the

Quick Links

Slow Food O'ahu Convivium website  

Slow Food Hawai'i Convivium website  

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