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Dear Friends and Partners,

In the past few weeks I had the privilege of traveling to 5 different countries, visiting 18 Charlie's Lunch Feeding Centers, preaching in 8 different churches and sharing what God is doing through Charlie's Lunch Ministries around the world. I have been deeply impacted by the faces of hungry, desperate children, some hoping for Charlie's Lunch and some grateful for the daily nourishment and impact that Charlie's Lunch brings. I was also impacted by the enthusiasm and passion of the pastors and volunteers within the Charlie's Lunch network who are working to see the lives of these children changed.


As we approach the "holiday season" I want to tell you how thankful we are that God is meeting needs among the poor and hungry through Charlie's Lunch. Currently we are feeding 2,600 children in 7 nations and in 35 Charlie's Lunch feeding centers.  Over the next few months,

2 new lunchrooms will open in Jalapa, Guatemala and in Visakhapatnam, India feeding 150 more children! As God opens doors, we are aggressively moving towards our current goal of 10 nations,

50 feeding centers and 5,000 children.  10/50/5,000!  May God grant us the dream to feed the world!


You see, with every child fed there is a strong potential of a new disciple in Christ, as well as entire families added to the church. There is a transformational change of a community. What was once dark is now beaming with the light of Jesus Christ. Charlie's Lunch is "missional!"  It is helping to expand the Kingdom of God on 4 continents of the world.


Jalapa, Mexico
"We Are the Lost You Came to Find!" 

Jalapa, Guatemala is a remote village high up on the southwestern mountaintop, a place where crops fail for lack of rain. It is considered part of the "dry belt" that runs through the country with a steady heat. There sits a community of about 300 people. We drove to the end of the road where there were 75 children waiting for us; hungry, poor and dirty as could be but with excitement and anticipation for our visit. I can't get the desperate look and anticipation on the little kids' faces, hoping and praying that we would come with permanent Children in Need help to their village. It was as if they were saying "we are the lost you came to find!" I'm happy now to report that before the end of the year there will be a new Charlie's Lunch Feeding Center in Jalapa to feed all 75 kids a nutritious and delicious lunch that will change their health and minister to their soul and spirit.


Special Thanks to First Assembly in Fritch, TX and Pastor Justin for making this possible!


Charlie's Christmas Is Just Around the Corner!
We need your help to bless a 
needy child, their family, our volunteers and pastors within the Charlie's Lunch network.
That's over 3000!

$20 will provide 
a Christmas toy, candy, and a special meal, or a basket of food for the family and a true Christ-centered Christmas celebration!


***You can make larger donations to Charlie''s Christmas by clicking here***


Epic 7 Day Journey Thru the Philippines:
Just last week I took a quick tour to see our work in the Philippines. Pastor Dale Walker, who is Janey's brother, has been involved in long-term outreaches in Asia, specifically in the Philippines. I was able to go with him and Pastor Junar Lasala, a pastor of Heart for the World Church in El Paso, TX. What a privilege to spend time with the children and leaders on the big island of Davao on the southeastern corner of the Philippines. Over the 7 day trip, we visited all 5 Charlie's Lunch Feeding centers. In one particular program, the ministry is reaching over 80 in a muslim community right on the waters edge! Families live in stilt huts crammed over the edge of the bay (pictured above). Talk about typhoons and flooding and heavy rains and how that affects the poor in the Philippines! Thankfully lives are being reached and transformed for Jesus Christ and new churches are being established with the aid of Charlie's Lunch. The young people in the pictures to the left are actually volunteers at Charlie's Lunch who were once just kids that grew up in the program! Now they serve the next generation. If you want to see more pictures from my trip check out the Philippines page on our website.

A Personal Note from Sam & Janey

In 6 weeks, Janey and I will be headed to Guatemala with a small Charlie's Christmas team. In the month of December through Charlie's Lunch Ministries, the glory of Christ's birth will be celebrated in 7 nations in the most humble places, just like the humble manger where Christ was born. As the end of 2014 approaches we are overwhelmed once again at how God has used a little boy's lunch, our Charlie's lunch, to feed the hungry and bring hope into hopeless situations. We are so grateful and humbled by your partnership. The monthly totals of lunches served is 33,800!! This year we will have distributed over 405,600 Charlie's lunches to the glory of God! Thank you for sharing lunch... Charlie's Lunch.


Sam & Janey Stewart

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Charlie's Lunch
P.O. Box 847 
Claremont, CA 91711
Charlie's Lunch 
P.O. Box 954104 
Lake Mary, FL 35795