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2014 Collier Trophy Dinner Honors
Northrop Grumman, the U.S. Navy, and
the X-47B Industry Team


From left to right: Captain Beau Duarte of the US Navy, NAA Chairman, Walter Boyne, and Carl Johnson of Northrop Grumman during Collier Trophy presentation   

On May 29th the aviation community gathered at Reagan Washington National Airport's historic Hangar 7 to celebrate the 103rdpresentation of the "greatest award in aviation and aerospace." The Robert J. Collier Trophy for 2013 was awarded to Northrop Grumman, the U.S. Navy, and the X-47B Industry Team "for developing and demonstrating the first unmanned, autonomous air system operating from an aircraft carrier." 


Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Navy shared this honor with the
X-47B Industry Team: Dell, Eaton, GE Aviation, GKN Aerospace, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, MOOG, Parker Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, Rockwell Collins, UTC Aerospace Systems, and Wind River.


2014 Collier Dinner Speakers
Dinner Speakers left - right: 
Steve Callaghan (NAA), Janis Pamiljans (NG),
Tom Vice (NG), RADM Mat Winter, CAPT Beau Duarte, and Jonathan Gaffney (NAA) 
"X-47B UCAS is a breakthrough technology that will impact naval aviation for years to come. It's a unique opportunity to be part of something that changes history and I can proudly say this team has done that," stated Rear Admiral Mat Winter, Program Executive Officer of Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons for the U.S. Navy.
Recipients of the Robert J. Collier Trophy for 2013
in front of an X-47B UCAS full-scale model.

Clifford W. Henderson Trophy 
Awarded to Dr. John Langford 


NAA Vice Chairman, Skip Ringo (left)
and John Langford

Presented at the NAA June Luncheon, the Henderson Trophy was awarded to Dr. John Langford, Chairman and CEO of Aurora Flight 

Sciences which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The Henderson Trophy is awarded to "a living individual, group of individuals, or an organization whose vision, leadership or skill made a significant and lasting contribution to the promotion and advancement of aviation and aerospace in the United States." Our press release can be found here.


Major General Clifton F. von Kann Passes at 98
General von Kann served as NAA President from 1981 to 1989 and Chairman 
of the Board in 1990. 
General Clifton von Kann died on January 15th, 2014 in Washington, DC, at the age of 98. He held high positions in the US military and civilian aviation, was President of NAA for ten years, and was President of the F�d�ration A�ronautique Internationale (FAI) for two years.

Born in Boston on October 14th, 1915, Von Kann enrolled in the US Army after graduating from Harvard College in 1937 and served in combat during World War II in the artillery. In 1958, he became a senior paratrooper and soon after a helicopter and fixed winged pilot.

After retiring from the Army in 1965, he served in the Air Transport Association of America (ATA). In 1981 he became the President of NAA. Viewing NAA as the leading neutral organization on issues that divided other aviation groups, he sought to make NAA the spokesman and policy advocate for the US air and space communities. He organized and convened three national symposiums, entitled Aerospace I, II, and II, at which nationally recognized experts from all disciplines of aviation assembled to address current aviation issues and formulate proposals for national aerospace policy.


As NAA President, von Kann headed the US Delegation at the FAI General Conferences where he built close relationships with his counterparts from both sides of the Iron Curtain. In 1998, he was elected as President of the F�d�ration A�ronautique Internationale at the 81th FAI General Conference in Sydney, Australia, and completed a two-year term. 


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President's Message

With Gratitude to Our Chairman,
Walter Boyne


The end of the month of June will see the 8-year NAA Chairmanship of Walter Boyne come to a close, and it is with great gratitude that I write this piece. 


With every passing Treasurer's Report of our Board Meetings comes a reminder of how difficult things were when he came on board in 2006. I receive too much credit for getting NAA re-set 7 years ago, but it was Walter who sacrificed his prestige and credibility to make sure that the oldest national aviation

Boyne (left) with Gaffney at the 2014 Collier Dinner

organization in the United States (and one of the oldest in the world) didn't disappear from the map. 


As we revel in the important and timeless work that we do when we host a magnificent Collier Dinner, select a remarkable American for a Wright Trophy, or certify some of the most amazing aviation and aerospace records in the history of the planet (...and we do), we tend to forget that we almost dissolved just a few years ago. Knowing when to step in and when to step out, Walter directed our progress with a gentle but very firm hand and we all benefited from the result. 


As one of the worlds' great educators and ambassadors of our industry, he obviously knows aviation and aerospace from the "..deepest of weeds." (Writing countless books and articles will give you that knowledge). But he also understood the importance of NAA's mission and the irreplaceable responsibilities that we have assumed for more than a century. He would often remind our industry (and me) that "...if we disappeared tomorrow you would meet the next day to figure out how to re-create us..." And he was right. 


So thank you, Walter, from the multitudes of people, organizations, and companies that have benefited from the work of NAA these past few years and the multitudes for decades to come.


Jonathan Gaffney

  NAA President and CEO

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NAA Luncheon Series


Major General Charles Bolden,
USMC (Ret.), 
Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, spoke to a capacity audience at the Annual Henderson Trophy Luncheon - the annual luncheon which marks the end of the NAA Luncheon Season.  


  In his remarks, he pointed to some of the challenges and priorities facing NASA - particularly the continuing quest to extend human presence into deep space and on to Mars; the continued utilization of the International Space Station (ISS); working with American industry for crew and cargo delivery to low Earth orbit (LEO), and further development of the Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion crew vehicle. 


He expressed great enthusiasm into the planned mission of redirecting a small asteroid into orbit around the Moon, and then to send U.S. astronauts to rendezvous with it and then explore it. According to the Administrator, this Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) will enable NASA to test powerful Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) and integrated human/robotic vehicle operations in deep-space trajectories. Ultimately, this mission will provide NASA with critical knowledge, experience and technologies for future human exploration missions deeper into space.

NAA gratefully acknowledges the support
of our 2013-2014 Season Table Holders:

Aerojet Rocketdyne ~ Beechcraft ~ Boeing
GE Aviation ~ Lockheed Martin ~ Northrop Grumman
Rolls-Royce North America ~ UTC/Pratt & Whitney
Aurora Flight Sciences ~ The Ringo Group  

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Air Sport Organization News


U.S. Parachute Team is Selected


The Canopy Piloting World Championships are coming  to the U.S. this November.

The U.S. Parachute Association selected its new U.S. Canopy Piloting Team that will compete at the 2014 FAI World Championships, coming to the United States for the first time ever November 1-8 at Skydive City Zephyrhills in Florida. The eight-person U.S. Team consists of the top finishers at the USPA National Championships of Canopy Piloting, held May 21-23 at Skydive City. The National Championships was one of the largest ever, with 76 competitors from across the country and around the world. In addition to U.S. competitors, the event drew some of the top international canopy pilots, who competed as guests to warm up for the World Championships.


The 2014 U.S. Canopy Piloting Team. Photo by Randy Swallows.

The new U.S. Team includes first-time National Champion Tom Dellibac, current world champion Curt Bartholomew, previous national champion and multiple world record holder Nick Batsch, Greg Windmiller, Jay Sanders, Gage Galle, Ryan Brownlow and Justin Thornton. Following an exciting race for the top spots at Nationals to earn the chance to represent the United States in November, the U.S. Team must now prepare for what's sure to be an even more dramatic competition at the World Championships in November.


Check out this visually stunning video of the USPA Canopy Piloting Nationals.


Aero Club News

Aero Club of Northern California: Spring Luncheon & New Officers


Dr. Morton Grosser speaks
at Spring Luncheon.
Dr. Morton Grosser, a venture capitalist, author, and Bay Area aviator who is a frequent speaker at EAA Air Venture, presented an illustrated account of the human-powered Gossamer Airplane Project at the Aero Club of Northern California's Spring Luncheon. 


The Albatross was powered using pedals to drive a large two-bladed propeller. On June 12, 1979, piloted by amateur cyclist Bryan Allen, it completed the 22.2-mile crossing in 2 hours and 49 minutes, achieving a top speed of 18 mph and an average altitude of 5 feet.

In those projects, Dr. Grosser explained, three teams designed, built, and flew six 100-foot-wingspan airplanes for two new flight regimes in five years. Dr. Grosser co-designed and built components for the aircraft, including the Gossamer Albatross, which won the Kremer Cross-Channel Prize for flying across the English Channel solely under human power. He was a pilot of the Gossamer Albatross II.

The Gossamer teams invented many of the carbon-fiber construction techniques used today, wrote widely-cited technical papers, published three successful books, and made three movies which won, respectively, an Oscar, an Emmy, and the Golden Eagle at the National Film Festival." Dr. Grosser currently is president of MG Consulting in Menlo Park, specializing in venture capital and management and technology consulting.  


In other news, Max Trescott, aviation author, lecturer and former FAA flight instructor of the year, has been elected president of the Aero Club of Northern California, succeeding commercial pilot Sandra Clifford. Glynn Falcon, a San Jose State University aviation professor and attorney, was elected vice president by the Aero Club Board of directors. He succeeds Trescott, who had been vice president. 



Wichita Aero Club Awards 2014 Edward W. Stimpson Scholarship

The Wichita Aero Club awarded its Edward W. Stimpson scholarship to a Kansas State University-Salina student, Elias Peterson of Lindsborg, Kansas, during a ceremony following its annual Wichita Aero Club Golf Classic at Crestview Country Club on Sunday, June 15. The tournament raises funds for the Aero Club's education initiatives.


Mr. Peterson was presented with a giant facsimile of a check for $2,000.  He is a junior, working towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Professional Pilot at Kansas State-Salina. A licensed pilot, he holds an Instrument rating and is working on his Commercial Pilot's license. He's also an Eagle Scout and former senior class president at Smoky Valley High School.

"I can't express how much this scholarship means to me," he said.  "Ever since I stepped into my grandfather's airplane at the age of four I have wanted to fly. This scholarship will help me realize that dream and relieve the pressure of student debt, too.  It will also permit me to spend more time working towards my eventual degree and pilot ratings so that someday I can fly for Federal Express, instead of just working as a package handler for them.


The scholarship honors the memory of Ed Stimpson, the late President of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association and ICAO Ambassador.  It is currently awarded annually to a student "who seeks to make a significant contribution to the aviation industry upon completion of his or her education."


Air Sport

NAA Staff Directory
Jonathan Gaffney

President & CEO

Art Greenfield
Director, Contest & Records
Melodie Feather
Director, Awards & Events
Newsletter Editor and Webmaster
Michelle Garvin
Director, Administration & Membership



May/June 2014


In This Issue
Collier Trophy Dinner
Henderson Trophy Recipient
Passing of General von Kann
President's Message
NAA June Luncheon
Air Sport News
Aero Club News
Air Sports Link
NAA Staff
Upcoming Events
Call for Nominations
Meet our Members
Records Claimed

Upcoming Events 

NAA Fall Awards

Wed, November 5, 2014 



Call for Nominations

Public Benefit Flying Awards

Deadline: July 31st

Created to honor volunteer pilots, other volunteers and their organizations engaged in flying to help others. 

Click here for details.


Brewer Trophy

Deadline: August 31st

Awarded annually to an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization for significant contributions of enduring value to aerospace education in the United States. 

Click here for details.


McDonald Distinguished Statesman of Aviation Awards

Deadline: August 31st

Honors outstanding Americans who, by their efforts over an extended period of years, have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics, and have reflected credit upon America and themselves.

Click here for details.


Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy

Deadline: August 31st

Awarded annually to a living American for "significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States."

Click here for details.


Harmon Aeronaut Trophy

Deadline: Sept. 30th

Awarded for the most outstanding international achievement in the art and/or science of aeronautics (ballooning) for the calendar period of July 1 - June 30 of the previous year. 

Click here for details.


NAA member

Records Claimed
March 1, 2014 to
May 31, 2014

FAI Smaller   




Distance in a Straight Line (#200):  18.6 mi

John A. McNeil

Class F5, Radio Controlled, Electric Motor, Helicopter

California Valley, CA




Speed Over a 3 km Course:  376 mph

Speed Over a 15 km Course:  378 mph

Time to Climb to 3,000 Meters:  2 min

Wesley E. (Lee) Behel

Class C-1.b, Group I (Internal Combustion)

homebuilt GP-5

1 Chevrolet V-8

Mojave, CA



Speed Over a 1,000 km Closed Course:  319 mph

Speed Over a 2,000 km Closed Course:  319 mph

Michael J. Patey

Class C-1.c, Group I (Internal Combustion)

Lancair Legacy

1 Lycoming IO-720

Mojave, CA



Speed Over a 5,000 km Closed Course:  211 mph

Zachary C. Reeder

Class C-1.c, Group I (Internal Combustion)

Rutan Catbird

1  Lycoming TIO-360

Mojave, CA



Speed Over a Commercial Airline Route:


Dubai, UAE to Atlanta, GA:  525 mph

Brian A. Hood & Joseph P. Faulkner

Class C-1

Delta Air Lines Boeing 777-200LR



Barcelona, Spain to Philadelphia, PA:  506 mph

Larry D. McCarroll, Gerald K. Capps & Wayne E. Siemer

Class C-1

US Airways Airbus A330




Speed Over a Recognized Course:


Luanda, Angola to Lisbon, Portugal:  472.99 mph*

Lisbon, Portugal to Lajes, Azores:  461.08 mph*

Brian D. Erickson & Warren Snider

Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G280

2 Honeywell HTF7250G



Los Angeles, CA to Melbourne, Australia:  528.67 mph*

Gregory S. Sheldon, Craig H. Wilkerson & Jacob M. Howard

Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G650

2 Rolls-Royce BR725



Lajes, Azores to Savannah, GA:  447.45 mph*

Brian D. Erickson & Warren Snider

Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G280

2 Honeywell HTF7250G



Melbourne, Australia to Hong Kong, China: 
553.05 mph*

Gregory S. Sheldon, Craig H. Wilkerson & Jacob M. Howard

Class C-1.l, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G650

2 Rolls-Royce BR725



Hong Kong, China to Teterboro, NJ:  569.96 mph*

Gregory S. Sheldon, Craig H. Wilkerson & Jacob M. Howard

Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G650

2 Rolls-Royce BR725



New York, NY to Mumbai, India:  561.85 mph*

Eric S. Parker, Scott W. Curtis & Benjamin G. Wyatt

Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G650

2 Rolls-Royce BR725



St. Louis, MO to Chattanooga, TN:
175.98 mph*

Morry S. Cole

Class C-1.c, Group I (Internal Combustion)

Beechcraft Bonanza A36

1 Continental IO-520



Van Horn, TX to Junction, TX:  554.22 mph*

James E. Schwertner

Class C-1.e, Group III (Jet)

Cessna 525A Citation CJ2

2 Williams FJ44



Friedrichshafen, Germany to Dubai, UAE:  503 mph

Brett C. Rundle & Bruce A. Egart

Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G280

2 Honeywell HTF7250G



Dubai, UAE to Hong Kong, China:  515 mph

Hong Kong, China to Shanghai, China:  410 mph

Bruce A. Egart & Brett C. Rundle

Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G280

2 Honeywell HTF7250G



Oakland, CA to Mojave, CA:  183.99 mph*

Tanner L. Yaberg

Class C-1.b, Group I (Internal Combustion)

Van's RV-7A

1 Lycoming IO-360



Beijing, China to Singapore:  425 mph

Joseph F. Zingaro & James H. Blase

Class C-1.g, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G150

2 Honeywell TFE731



London, UK to Buffalo, NY:  518 mph

Brian D. Erickson & Timothy  Riddell

Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G280

2 Honeywell HTF7250G






Speed Over a Triangular Course of 300 km:  83 mph

Speed Over a Triangular Course of 500 km:  83 mph

James M. Payne & Dennis A. Tito

Class DM, Motorglider, Multiplace, General

Glaser-Dirks DG-1001M

Rosamond, CA



Three Turnpoint Distance:  937 mi

Brian D. Collins

Class D15, 15 meter class, General

Eiri-Avion PIK-20

Julian, PA



Speed Over an Out and Return Course of 300 km:  120 mph

Alan M. Polinsky

Class DM, Motorglider, Single Place, General

Schleicher ASH 31 Mi

Minden, NV






Speed:  2.034 seconds

Nicholas J. Batsch

Class G-2, Performance, General

Zephyrhills, FL



Speed:  2.274 seconds

Nicholas J. Batsch

Class G-1, Competition, General

Zephyrhills, FL




Except where noted by an asterisk (*), information is preliminary and subject to approval.

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