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TopNAA Record                            November/December 2012



Robert J. Stevens to Receive 

Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy 

  Stevens    The recipient of the 2012 Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy will be Robert J. Stevens, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Lockheed Martin Corporation.

   Stevens has a long career of military service and civilian leadership in the aerospace industry that has contributed significantly to the security of the United States and helped advance technology in civil aviation, air traffic control systems, satellite communications, and interplanetary exploration.

  Stevens has led Lockheed Martin since 2004. Prior to that, he held positions of increasing responsibility within the company to include President and Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and head of Strategic Planning. Under his direction, Lockheed Martin's impact on the United States' aerospace industry has been wide-ranging and unparalleled to include the introduction or continued development of military aircraft such as the F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, C-130J, and C-5M along with civilian programs like the En Route Automation Modernization program (ERAM) and Flight Services for the 21st Century (FS21).

   NAA Chairman Walter Boyne, a member of the Selection Committee, praised the choice. "The impact that Lockheed Martin has made in our nation's aerospace industry under Mr. Stevens' leadership has been remarkable," Boyne said. "His leadership both within his company as well as our nation's defense community makes him a most worthy recipient of this award."

   "For 64 years, the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy has been bestowed upon some of the most historic aviation leaders in the world," said NAA President and CEO Jonathan Gaffney, who chaired the Selection Committee. "Mr. Stevens follows in the footsteps of some amazing people - from Charles Lindbergh and Lieutenant General James Doolittle to Herb Kelleher and Neil Armstrong - who have received this most cherished award."

   NAA established this award in 1948 to honor the memory of Orville and Wilbur Wright. The trophy is awarded annually to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States.

   Stevens will receive the award at the Wright Memorial Dinner hosted by the Aero Club of Washington on December 14, 2012, at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Click here for more information on the award. For more information on the Wright Memorial Dinner, email  

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Nominations for the 2012 Collier Trophy

Open and Due by January 31, 2013

   The Robert J. Collier Trophy is awarded annually "for the greatest achievement in aeronautics or astronautics in America, with respect to improving the performance, efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, the value of which has been thoroughly demonstrated by actual use during the preceCollierding year." Nominations are now being accepted and are due by January 31, 2013. Click here for details on the nominations requirements.

    The trophy was commissioned in 1910 by Robert J. Collier while he was President of the Aero Club of America, National Chapter (now the National Aeronautic Association). His intent was to encourage the American aviation community to strive for excellence and achievement in aeronautic development. The 525 pound trophy was commissioned of Baltimore sculptor Ernest Wise Keyser. Originally called the Aero Club Trophy, it was officially renamed the Robert J. Collier Trophy in 1944 and put on permanent display at the National Air & Space Museum in 1951.

   In recognizing the worth and future of aviation, Mr. Collier proclaimed the ideal that, "the flying machine should be unselfishly and rapidly developed to its ultimate potential for economic advancement in America."

The Collier Trophy served as the centerpiece of the celebration of the presentation of the 2011 trophy to the winner, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.


NAA Luncheon Dates and Speakers 


The 2012-2013 Luncheon Series continues in 2013 with a strong line up of speakers and topics. The calendar below lists upcoming Luncheons all of which start with a reception at 11:30am, lunch at Noon and Program at 12:45pm. Click on the date below to register for the luncheon(s) you wish to attend.  







Richard Aboulafia
Vice President
Teal Group

Aviation Outlook For 2013:
Still Stronger Than The Rest of the Economy



Carl O. Johnson
VP, Northrop Grumman

Aerospace Systems

Unmanned Air Systems:
Past, Present and Future



NAA Annual

Spring Awards Program

2012 Most Memorable Aviation Records
Announcement: 2012 Collier Trophy   Winner



LtGen Jon M. Davis, USMC
Deputy Commander
United States Cyber Command

Cyber Security

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Navy Secretary Ray Mabus Speaks

About Energy-Saving Initiatives

   Declaring that "NAA and the U.S. Navy share the same passion for flight," U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus gave an inspiring speech about current U.S. Navy initiatives at the October 2012 Luncheon.

   "The Navy is constantly looking to expand our platforms and technology to remain the greatest power the world has ever known," Mabus said. "We execute a staggering array of missions. We take Marines to the fight. We provide medical assistance to people in need in Haiti and Afghanistan. Some in the Navy, such as John Glenn, have flown into space. We continue to stretch the bounds of the possible."

Secretary Mabus sports his new NAA leather jacket with lunch Host Steve Callaghan.

   He spoke about the increased use of unmanned vehicles today, noting that the Navy is "moving aggressively to more integration because our unmanned systems have been so effective. If we can increase our operational reach by building more unmanned systems, we can increase our combat capability and reduce the risk to our personnel and save energy."

   Mabus went on to explain more about how the Navy plans to save energy, noting, "In 2012 the Navy received an unexpected $500 million bill because the price of oil has gone up. There is no extra money today. There are only two places to get this money, cutting operations (fewer missions, less training, etc.) or cutting platforms. I don't think we should do either."

   Instead, the Navy is changing the amount and type of energy it uses. One initiative is using electric and gas turbine drives for some warships. Electric drives can be used at speeds less than 12 knots, which is the typical speed. Mabus indicated that this can save up to $250 million in fuel costs over the lifetime of a ship. In place of diesel fuel used by ships, the Navy has also used cooking fuel and algae. He noted that Maersk powered one of its ships on 100 percent algae biofuel.

Bob Blouin, Hawker Beechcraft's VP Industry Affairs with his table guests and Secretary Mabus.

   The Navy has also

flown Hornets with a mix of 50 percent biofuel and 50 percent aviation gas "and the plane didn't notice the difference," according to Mabus. "We didn't have to change a single thing. No engines, not a setting on an engine, nothing. Biofuel may burn cleaner and have less wear on the engine and give you more power. This is the future of naval aviation."

   He spoke about a "Great Green Fleet" where "every single aircraft flies on a 50-50 blend" and noted that the Navy has committed $510 million to the biofuel industry through the Defense Industry Biofuels Act. "We've seen a significant reduction in the price of this fuel," Mabus added. "The price has been cut in half since the navy first started buying it.

   "The Navy is not the only organization interested in biofuels. There is evidence that these efforts can make us more energy secure. Some question why the Navy is doing this. Look at history and our track record of implementing new technologies. We converted to coal at the beginning of 20th century. We pioneered the use of nuclear transportation in the middle of the 20th century. Every time we do it there are plenty of naysayers. Frankly those naysayers were wrong every time and they will be wrong this time as well.

   "Look at things that started in the military and migrated to the civilian sector. The U.S. Navy will continue to lead on future aviation innovations and biofuels and other energy alternatives. This is the Navy's DNA and this is what we do. We will come out on the other side victorious. I am committed that we will always have the edge and have warfighting capability."

Fall Awards Banquet Includes

Many of NAA's Prestigious Awards

   On Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 250 people Boynegathered at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia to recognize the numerous recipients of NAA awards. Below are some of the highlights and photos; all photos of the event can be viewed at  

   On the day after Veteran's Day, it was appropriate that NAA Chairman Walter Boyne opened the evening with a champagne toast to all our veterans whether present, in harm's way, or in our hearts.                


The awards presentations kicked off with an emphasis on aviation education achievement with the NCAE Stickler award for Aerospace Education Award going to the  Federal Aviation Administration's Aviation and Space Education (STEM-AVSED) Team and NAA's Frank G. Brewer Trophy for Aviation Education presented to John and Martha King shown here with the Brewer Trophy.  




Ed Bolen
Rod Skaar
F�d�ration A�ronautique
Internationale (FAI) Diplomas were next. The Paul Tissandier Diploma was awarded to Rod Skaar for his 20 years' service to the NAA Contest and Records Board and the Lindbergh Diploma was presented to Ed Bolen for 15 years' service to the General Aviation Industry and Community.

  The University of Maryland Gamera Team was on hand to accept the Record Certificate for its latest Human Powered Rotorcraft Duration record. On June 21, 2012 the amazing machine Gamera II was staged for liftoff in the Reckord Armory  on the College Park campus. It was pedaled by pilot Kyle Gluesenkamp and remained aloft for 49.9 seconds, bettering the team's previous record by 38.5 seconds.

Gamera II team gathers before the presentation.

   The recipients of the 2012 Wesley L. McDonald Distinguished Statesman of StatesmenAviation Award accepted recognition and trophies for their significant contributions to aeronautics for 25 years or more and their patriotism, integrity and morale courage worth emulating.  This year's recipients were Dick Koenig, Keith Ferris, Irving Statler and Henry Ogrodzinski, pictured in that order in the photo to the right where they are flanked on the left by Walter Boyne and the right by Jonathan Gaffney.

   The Katharine Wright award, presented annually to a woEastonman for personal contributions to aviation was presented to U.S. Air Force Captain Laura B. Easton for her years of service flying and instructing those who will fly C130 aircraft.


   The evening concluded with the presentation of the Mackay Trophy, awarded for the United States Air Force "most meritorious flight" of 2011.

(L-R)Casey Varnadore, Rudy Camacho and Heath Culbertson look on while Phillip Bryant speaks to former VP Cheney who was on hand to meet the Pedro 13 Crews.

It was an emotional recognition of 20 members of the Crews and Pararescuemen of Pedro 83 Flight which, on April 23, 2011, executed a daring rescue of two U. S. Army pilots downed in enemy-controlled territory east of Bagram, Afghanistan.

   Rescued Army pilot CW2 Rudy Camacho and Mrs. Casey Varnadore (the widow of deceased Army pilot CW2 Terry Varnadore) also attended to honor the heroic crews and Air Force Chief of Staff, General Mark Welsh made the presentation. Former Vice President Dick Cheney stopped by to visit with and thank the crews and their families for their service.
Front Row L-R: TSgt Heath Culbertson, MSgt James Davis, Capt. Louis Nolting, Major Phillip Bryant, Major Joshua Hallada, Capt. Elliott Milliken, Sr Airman Michael Price, SSgt Justin Tite.
Back Row L-R: SSgt Zachary Kline, SSgt Nathan Greene, SSgt Jason Ruiz, TSgt Shane Hargis, Gen. Welsh, Major Jesse Peterson, Capt. Aaron Hunter, SSgt Christopher Uriarte, Walter Boyne.

Brian Utley Offers Inside Account of

Felix Baumgartner's New Speed Record

   When Felix Baumgartner set a parachuting world record for maximum vertical speed (breaking the sound barrier in the process) on October 14, 2012 from an altitude of 128,100 feet, he had behind him a team that was essential to this dramatic mission.

   For example, Retired Air Force Colonel Joe Kittinger, who made a jump in 1960 from 102,800 feet, was his adviser and radio link in the mission control center at Roswell Airport.

   Project leader Art Thompson organized a bevy of highly qualified organizations and individuals that built and tested equipment such as the balloon, capsule and spacesuit designed to withstand the rigors of an altitude that no human had ever experienced. Meteorologists monitored and predicted the weather, the flight path and landing zone.     

   Experts from the Air Force conducted the balloon launch, and a medical team was on hand to provide medical care and collect data that will benefit future space exploration.

Felix Baumgarter and Brian Utley hold the chest pack data recorder after Baumgartner's record-setting jump.

   Another critical person operating behind the scenes was Brian Utley, a member of the NAA Contest and Records Board, who served as the official observer of Baumgartner's skydive on behalf of both NAA and the F�d�ration A�ronautique Internationale (FAI), which certifies the world record.

   Utley is an experienced observer who has overseen dozens of national and world aeronautic records.

   His role in planning the measurement and certification of this record began three years ago, which was two years before the flights began.

   "Early in the game Felix said he wanted to be the person to break the sound barrier," he recalled, and his team worked tirelessly toward that goal.

   There were five separate launches - the first two were unmanned to test the balloon, capsule, and operational readiness and to ensure the safety of the launches.

   "We learned something from each of these," Utley said. "It allowed me to become much more proficient in evaluating the data and systems as we went along."

   These were followed by two record-setting jumps earlier this year in March and July before the final jump in October.

   "We accumulated enough data on his body drag from the first two jumps to be able to simulate what velocity he would attain on his free fall," he explained.

    The preliminary data from the record-setting skydive indicates that Baumgartner broke the speed of sound at 672 mph at 111,000 ft.  He reached his maximum speed of 834 mph at 92,550 which is 1.24 times the speed of sound. Utley pointed out that the speed of sound varies by temperature; at sea level it is approximately 760 mph, but as you rise through the atmosphere and the temperature gets much colder, the speed of sound decreases. For example at -70 degrees centigrade, the speed of sound is 645 mph - a difference of more than 100 mph.

   Utley combined two measurements to calculate the data. The first is measurements made by a helium weather balloon that rose to 130,000 feet and radioed the temperature and wind speed as it climbed through the atmosphere, giving him a picture of the temperature all the way up plus being able to predict the drift and landing zone.

   Second, Baumgartner carried a chest pack with a GPS instrument that gave Utley his precise altitude and direction. It also calibrated time according to Greenwich Mean Time, allowing Utley to create a picture in three dimensions against the time clock and measure the fall as he accelerated second by second.

   "There were three times in this flight that I consider the most dramatic," Utley said. "The first was when the balloon was released and began to float up into the sky. The second is when Felix was standing on the step of the capsule getting ready to jump. It is so high he could see the curvature of the earth and know that there is nothing other than the atmosphere to slow him down as he fell. The third dramatic moment was seeing his parachute open; when we realized it was the main chute with the red side bars and not the plain white emergency chute, we knew Felix had deployed the parachute himself and was safe."  

   Utley added, however, that "there are always some problems as you go along - nothing is ever perfect. We had the benefit of having more than one GPS recording device, which allowed me to fill in some gaps in the recording. For example, when he tumbles, the GPS receiver attached to the back of his helmet loses contact with the satellite."

   At one point during the jump, Baumgartner entered into a dangerous flat spin at a Utleyrate of one rotation per second.  He did 16 rotations before recovering.

   "One thing the designers did was mount the chest pack as high on his chest as possible," Utley noted. "This moved the center of gravity closer to his head so that it reduced the g-forces on his head which, fortunately, were not high enough for him to black out."

   Utley was in the retrieve helicopter in order to insure the integrity of the flight data and was among the first to greet Baumgartner when he landed. He witnessed Baumgartner raise his arms in thanks for a successful jump and reports that Baumgartner, when asked if he would do it again, said he "would be happy to go back to just being an ordinary helicopter pilot."

    NAA recognized Brian's remarkable contributions recently at the Fall Awards Banquet when Contest and Records Director, Art Greenfield, presented him with NAA's Certificate of Honor.   


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President's Message
My Visit To the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    I love aviation and aerospace as much as anybody (I call it "the business"), but the focus of my job for the past almost six years has been to work with the board, staff, and partners of NAA to rebuild the "Aero Club of the United States" into the sustainable, vibrant, and relevant organization that was intended by our founders 107 years ago.

   Occasionally, however, I get to really "cut loose" (sort of) and really dig into the essence of our industry. Going to AirVenture, the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, an FAI World Championship, and just about any factory/manufacturing tour really excites me as it gets me away from the administrative/policy issues and gives me the opportunity to see things in action.

Jonathon Gaffney and his new
 BFF - the Mars Curiosity Rover.

   My visit to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology in November was one of those opportunities.

   I am very much a "child of Apollo" in that it dominated my interests and imagination in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Therefore, any opportunity to fill in the blanks of space exploration knowledge is a thrill for me.  

   While on the hunt for Collier Nominations, our great colleagues at JPL showed me everything I could have hoped for and answered a million stupid questions about Explorer, Mariner, Ranger, Viking, Surveyor, Voyager (my favorite), Cassini, and, of course, Curiosity. And, if all the space stuff wasn't stimulating enough, I had the honor of meeting a former Collier Recipient over lunch - Bryan Allen, who pedaled Dr. MacCready's "Gossamer Albatross" across the English Channel in 1979.

   In sum: Wonderful people doing remarkable work. The visit was one of the highlights of my time here at NAA.


Jonathan Gaffney

  NAA President and CEO

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Air Sport Organization News

National Model Aviation Museum

Joins FAI Recommended Museums

   At the recent 106th FAI General Conference in Antalya, Turkey, the application of the National Model Aviation Museum to be part of the FAI Recommended Museums Program was approved by the delegates.

   A plaque displaying both the names of the F�d�ration A�ronautique Internationale (FAI) and of the museum was handed over by FAI President John Grubbstr�m and the President of the FAI Aviation and Space Education Commission Michiel Kasteleijn to Art Greenfield, Head of the USA Delegation, who will forward it to the museum.

   The National Model Aviation Museum is located in Muncie, Indiana. It tells the story of model aviation and of the people involved from the 18th century onwards, and displays archives, library material and a collection of objects.


Fourth-Generation Pilot Flies Aircraft Owned

By Her Great-Grandfather 70 Years Ago

   The Experimental Aviation Association (EAA) reported on its website about Tanya Brown, a fourth-generation pilot who flew solo on Thanksgiving Day 2012 in her great-grandfather's airplane. The 27-year-old flew the 1936 Taylor J-2 Cub owned more than 70 years ago by her late great-grandfather. Read the full story.


USPA Asks FAA to Withdraw Proposed

Standard for Parachute Landing Areas

   In comments filed August 27, 2012 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the United States Parachute Association (USPA) urged the agency to withdraw its proposed standard for parachute landing areas (PLAs) for airports that have received federal grants.

   With 20 pages of comments supported by 32 pages of attachments, USPA showed that the FAA proposal is not supported by any history of incidents or accidents; that the proposal will not allow new PLAs to be established safely and efficiently, as the agency claims; and that the retroactive application of the PLA standard to current skydiving businesses will be economically harmful and may even decrease the current level of safety at some airports.

    "There is no safety justification for the FAA's proposed standard," said Ed Scott, USPA's Executive Director, "and it's clear that the FAA has not fully considered the economic harm that will occur to skydiving businesses. Nor have they considered the unintended safety consequences of their proposal."

   USPA is urging the FAA to start over and pledges to work with agency officials on a PLA standard that both skydiving businesses and airport managers can live with.

Aero Club News

Julie Clark Receives Crystal Eagle Award;

Jonathan Gaffney Honors Frost and Sweeney

   Air show star Julie Clark is the 30th recipient

Julie Clark (left) receives Crystal Eagle from ACNC President
Sandra Clifford.

of the prestigious Crystal Eagle Award, presented annually by the Aero Club of Northern California (ACNC) to honor people whose achievements are among the highest in aviation and aerospace endeavors.

   ACNC presented the award at its annual awards dinner on November 9, 2012 at the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California.

  Clark has been flying in air shows since 1980 when she formed American Aerobatics. At the controls of her Beechcraft T-34A Mentor, a much-modified Air Force trainer from the 1950s, she takes the plane to its operational limits in a rugged yet elegant routine in the sky.

    A pilot for more than 40 years, she is a retired Northwest Airlines captain who is rated in 66 types of aircraft. In 33 years of solo aerobatic air show flying, as well as at the controls of an airliner, she has logged more than 31,000 hours accident-free. In the mid-1970s, she was among the first women pilots hired by the major airlines.

   At the dinner, NAA President Jonathan Gaffney presented NAA Certificates of Merit to aircraft maintenance businessman Steve Frost and to aviation community activist Sharon Sweeney. Frost is CEO and president of Corporate Air Technology in San Jose. Sweeney was honored for her advocacy for preservation of general aviation airports.

   The Aero Club also presented $2,000 scholarships to Lisa Mathis, Stephen Meder and Thomas Ondrasek, all San Jose State University aviation students.


Several People Honored at ACSC Meeting;

Reisman Speaks on SpaceX Flight Plans

   At the November dinner meeting of the Aero Club of Southern California 

(ACSC) at the Flight Path Museum at Los Angeles International Airport on November 28, 2012, NAA President Jonathan Gaffney presented 2012 Aviation Record Certificates to west coast pilots Will Whiteside, Eric Hendrickson, Trond Einemo and Jeff Freeny.

   ACSC Scholarship Chair John Durant also presented grants to four outstanding high school and college students in pursuit of careers in aviation or aerospace, and former NASA Astronaut Dr. Garrett Reisman, now an executive with SpaceX, discussed the company's plans for cargo and manned flights to the International Space Station.


Atlanta Aero Club Luncheons Feature

Scott Ernest and Lewis Jordan

    The Atlanta Aero Club held two luncheons recently that featured top executives from an aircraft company and an airline.

   In August, Scott Ernest, President and CEO of Cessna Aircraft Company, was the guest speaker. Ernest joined Cessna in 2011 and previously served in several general manager roles at GE Aviation, ranging from overseeing its sourcing organization to responsibility for its North American operations and large aviation services businesses located in Singapore and Strother, Kansas.

Lewis Jordan

  The November luncheon featured Lewis Jordan, co-founder of ValueJet and AirTran Airways. Jordan'scommercial aviation career began at Sourthern Airways and continuted as President and COO of Flying Tigers, the world's largest international Cargo 

and Military transport Airline (now part of Federal Express). He later served as President and COO at Continental Airlines prior to launching ValueJet. In 1997, ValueJet acquired Orlando-based AirTran Airways and the combined company has become one of the most successful low-fare carriers in aviation history.

   Both luncheons were held at the Capital City Club in downtown Atlanta.


Patty Wagstaff Kicks Off ACONE Reese

Dill Aviation Safety Lectureship Series

   The Aero Club of New England (ACONE) held the First Annual Reese Dill Aviation Lectureship on November 14, 2012 at the historic USS Constitution Museum in

L-R: , Dr. Gary Keaney, Chet Curtis, Patty Wagstaff, C harles Bures, President, ACONE.

Charlestown, Massachusetts. More than 150 people attended to hear a talk by aerobatic champion Patty Wagstaff.

   This was the first in a series of lectures based on air safety in commemoration of the late Reese Dill, a local, nationally recognized pilot for his aerobatic and charitable endeavors.

   Wagstaff, a six-time member of the U.S. Aerobatic Team and a gold, silver and bronze medalist, was the first woman to win the title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion. She has trained with the Russian Aerobatic Team and has flown in competitions throughout the world.

   She is also a six-time recipient of "The First Lady of Aerobatics" Betty Skelton Award. In 2004, she was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame.

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In This Issue
2012 Wright Brothers Trophy Recipient
Collier Nominations Open
NAA Luncheon Schedule
Navy Secretary Mabus on Energy Saving Initiatives
Air Force CoS Gen. Mark Welsh Awards Mackay Trophy at Fall Awards Banquet
Brian Utley Takes You Inside the Baumgartner Speed Record
NAA President's Message
Air Sport News
Aero Club News
Upcoming Events
Call for Nominations
Featured Member Orgs
Records Claimed
Air Sports Link
NAA Credit Card

Upcoming Events
January Luncheon


January 17, 2013


Richard Aboulafia

VP, Teal Group

Topic: 2013 Aviation Outlook

Click here to register


February Luncheon


February 19, 2013


Carl O. Johnson

VP, Northrop Grumman

Topic: Unmanned Air Systems

Click here to register


Spring Awards Ceremony and

Collier Winner Announcement

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

NAA's annual event to recognize the Most Memorable Aviation Records of the previous year and announce the winner of the Collier Trophy.

Click here for details and registration


Call for Nominations

2012 Collier Trophy

Nominations Close 1/31/13

Awarded for the greatest achievement in aviation in the previous year.

Click here for details and nomination guidelines


NAA member

Hawker Beechcraft    




Records Claimed
September 1 - October 31, 2012     

FAI Smaller   



Aeroplane Efficiency: 33 Km/Kg

Arnold E. Ebneter

Class C-1.a, Group I (Internal Combustion)


1 Jabiru 2200

Snohomish, WA



Speed Over a Commercial Airline Route:


Honolulu, HI to Tokyo, Japan: 540 mph

Donald Hill &

Trond H. Einemo

Class C-1

United Airlines Boeing 747-400

4 Pratt & Whitney PW4056



Denver, CO to Philadelphia, PA: 565 mph

Douglas L. Rice

Class C-1

US Airways Airbus A320



Speed Over a Recognized Course:


Luxor, Egypt to Nairobi, Kenya: 276.03 mph*

Zachary R. Griggs & Jeremy Schneider

Class C-1.f, Group II (Turboprop)

Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350ER

2 Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A



Savannah, GA to Bridgetown, Barbados: 521 mph

Nicholas A. Rose & Stephanie M. Ruyle

Class C-1.g, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G150

2 Honeywell TFE731



Bridgetown, Barbados to Sal, Cape Verde: 521 mph

Nicholas A. Rose & Stephanie M. Ruyle

Class C-1.g, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G150

2 Honeywell TFE731



Sal, Cape Verde to Libreville, Gabon: 493 mph

Nicholas A. Rose & Stephanie M. Ruyle

Class C-1.g, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G150

2 Honeywell TFE731



Libreville, Gabon to Cape Town, South Africa: 506 mph

Nicholas A. Rose & Stephanie M. Ruyle

Class C-1.g, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G150

2 Honeywell TFE731



Los Angeles, CA to Auckland, New Zealand: 495.30 mph*

Stephen R. Taylor,

Rene N. Gonzalez & Matthew J. Coleman

Class C-1.n, Group III (Jet)

Boeing BBJ 737-700




Anchorage, AK to Miami, FL: 556 mph

Alvin L. Larson &

Charles Feaga

Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)

Cessna 750 Citation X

2 Rolls-Royce Allison AE 3007C



San Diego, CA to Orlando, FL: 323 mph

Jeremy Schneider & Daniel S. Miele

Class C-1.f, Group II (Turboprop)

Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350ER

2 Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A





Distance Goal and Return #158: 35 mi

Dean Gradwell

John Ellias

Simultaneous records in Class F3B, Radio Controlled Glider

California Valley, CA



Except where noted by an asterisk (*), information is preliminary and subject to approval.


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NAA Credit Card

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