Firepower International


    Latest Health News:  

Surgery on Paralyzed Vocal Chord This Monday
Jeff Beacham
I hope all is well with you and your family.

Early last Monday morning, we went to Philadelphia to have a temporary treatment on my paralyzed vocal chord that restores the voice.

However, the surgeon said we could actually bypass the temporary and go straight for the permanent treatment of inserting a thyroplasty. 

This is a small spacer that pushes out the paralyzed vocal chord towards the middle so that the working chord can vibrate against it and produce sound and restore the voice.

So, I'm having this surgery on Monday!

To do this the surgeon will make a 3 to 4 inch incision at my Adam's apple and then drill a small hole to get access to the voice box. This will be done mainly with local anesthetic so I can make certain sounds that will determine the right size and placement of the spacer.

I WAS BORN TO PREACH, so please pray this Monday for a successful procedure, no complications and a quick recovery!

Please seriously consider making a contribution below to help us get through this trying time. All believers have an assurance that God will meet our every need and I trust Him for mine implicitly.

Let Him speak to your heart about this opportunity to stand with us for restoration to my voice so I can declare His word again!


Each dollar you give transfers life to me and will enable me to have a better chance of completing everything that the Lord wants me to do on His behalf....  
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* Or you can use Donate for multiples of $50.              
*  Or you can mail a check or money order to: 
            Firepower Ministries International
            PO Box 1184, 
            Toms River, NJ 08754 USA     

Thank you for standing with us! We will keep you updated as we work through this latest challenge.


God bless you and thanks. 
Trusting God, no matter what!
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Jeff Beacham  
Founder and Director 
Firepower Ministries International
Phone and fax: +1-732-917-0859